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The musical fruit...

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OK, someone on here has got to know this one.


Some beans are...let's just say, more musical than others. Those beans do not agree with me, but since the only beans I generally have are Bush (yummy baked beans), Ranch (yummy ranch-style beans), or mixed (13-bean soup, which I'm not making again), I have no clue which ones are actually musical. I do know enough that after I soaked the beans overnight, I rinsed them and used new water to cook them in.


So...which beans are not-so-very musical, in your experience? I'll probably be buying a big bag of dried ones to be cooked with rice for my "emergency rations" for when I'm broke.

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Beano is your best bet. That, and eating more beans so your body gets more used to them, but the culprit is the Oligosaccharides (sp?)which the human body digests poorly. IIRC we lack the enzyme necessary, which is supplied in Beano.

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I don't have that problem. Ever.


I mostly eat white beans, sold as "Navy Beans," "Great Northern Beans," or "Small White Beans."


I also eat refried beans from the can (the vegetarian ones) and from a Mexican restaurant.




Oh, and I eat commercial canned chili - several brands and no problem there either.

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Try getting a Mexican plant called episote, or the dried leaves from a herb/spice store, probably on-line. I was at a workshop in So. Cal. and we were told by the speaker that the Armstrong Nursery has them for sale. That plant grows wild in the Yucatan; is good for reducing a bit of the heat from chilis and for stopping flatulence from beans. It is put into the water while cooking the beans.

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