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Wow, been a long time...


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Awww thank you (((((Dee)))))) it's good to see you again - anything new going on here?


We had a lot of storm damage from this last summer and have been going thru some major remodeling (roof, ceiling and wall repair). We're nearly done with it all... what a hassle. Thankful for good insurance tho.



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Wow, what a nice surprise! It's awesome to 'see' you again.


We've been busy around here, so take your time catching up. There's a ton of new people and we're having a blast and we're so glad that you remembered us.

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(Yes, I read the above... I just want you to know how much I've MISSED you!! happy02 )


So glad to see you posting again... catch us up on everything, ok???






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(((((Darlene, Cat, Lois))))) wow so GOOD to see you guys again!


We switched to a new internet (satelite) carrier which changed our email address and within 1 month, that company changed to another name, which changed our email address again. So Lois, that might be the problem. PM me for my email addie if you wish.


Things have changed here it looks like. While going thru my old posts, the first one I saw really boggled my mind - I thought "???I said that? Surely I didn't say that - I don't remember it at all.". But you know how it is - you think "...well maybe I temporarily lost my mind..." lol. But I started checking other posts under my name (MY name, MY sig block) and several posts were under my name/sig block that I haven't posted. Did you guys have some kind of problems here at this site like this? This is very weird.


One post talked about "what we did during WW2" (I wasn't alive yet!), another talked about a sewing class, a quilting class... neither of which I've ever been involved with. There was a post about how to make a laced cape that -- well it wasn't me! So what in the world is going on?


My email info was correct (from before), my password, etc.... all mine and working, but it appears someone else was posting under my name - or the threads got mixed up under other people's names. Has something like that happened here since I was gone? How strange! Nothing like coming back and stirring things up right away, huh? LOL


Catch you up? Well we bought another (adjoining) 80 acres bringing the total to 120 now. I've gotten older (sigh) and more wrinkles have mysteriously shown up! We have lost some of our older family members (pets) and gained some new ones (strays mostly).


It's late and my eyes are starting to cross so I'd better get ready for bed. So good to see you guys again! BIG hugs.




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Welcome back Shepherd.


There was a server problem and MrsS nearly imploded herself - just before I came along, I believe. You'll see many old posts attributed to incorrect user names, others attributed to "Anonymous" and quite a few to some guy named "Ricardo".


Nice to meet you!

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Oh yes, there was this little thing that happened when we changed things a while back. Logcabinmama is now on my posts back then too. I think it is Goosie that I took over. There is a post someplace that gives some of the name exchanges. smile


Sure is nice to see you here again. smile



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HSMom thank you for explaining - what a nightmare that must have been! Sounds like hackers to me. I know several websites have been attacked just within the last 2 days too. They've done considerable damage. They need to get a life.


Nice to meet you too - I used to know a "HSMom" from y2knewschatroom years ago!


(((((Snowmom))))) it's so good to see you again... all of you. It's like old home week for me.


So how do we find this post that gives the name exchange foul ups?



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Leah, thank you for the link!


(((((((CookieJar, Becca))))))))) I feel like I'm home again. Thanks for the warm greetings everyone.


Originally Posted By: Cat




(Yes, I read the above... I just want you to know how much I've MISSED you!! happy02 )


So glad to see you posting again... catch us up on everything, ok???


What have I been up to? Well let's see... I no longer work outside the home... a first in my lifetime and I'm thankful for it. I'd love to find a way to bring in some extra money from home however... just haven't figured out the right way yet.


In the past I could sell my eggs and crafts at the office, but I no longer have that outlet. I haven't sold anything on Ebay and don't really feel comfortable with that yet. (I'm one of those "show me how" type people, LOL.)


We had a new roof put on after 2 nasty storms hit us last August. Once that was done, we started the inside repair work and I had contractors here day in and day out. A strange way to live, I'll tell you. We had a bad ice storm and lost power for 4 days. We did ok as long as our generator was working but we had a few glitches with that. It was a cold, miserable time! Sure makes you appreciate so many things we take for granted. We faired better than most of our neighbors. Because of our preparedness, we were able to help our neighbors with extra firewood to heat with, a portable generator, and food, manual can openers, candles, etc.


Now the remodeling's nearly done and we've taken a month long break before the last phase. Our house looks lovely and we finally got our new tile floor for the kitchen, so we are really tickled about that. I'd say our spring cleaning was done a month ago, but I honestly don't think the place will ever be clean when you live in it! Sigh. Not ours anyway. wink


We had the best garden I've ever seen 2 years ago. I decided to mulch heavily with old hay we have around the property and boy that is the way to go. Keeps the weeds down, the moisture in, and keeps the topsoil from burning up in the heat. Hoping to have that luck this year too. I want to restock the canning this year since last year didn't produce too much for us.


What's new with the rest of you?


Well that's enough for now. Gotta get some things done around here! Good to see you all again.





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