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Never hand peel a potato again

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This is easy - I am surprised no one came up with it before.


I suppose since it works for peaches and tomatoes...



Thanks for the link. I have a bunch of potatoes I need to can and peeling them was holding me back.

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Unreal! Thanks Campy! I have never heard of this.


This could potentially help me more than you could imagine because peeling things is one thing I can hardly manage with the nerve damage in my arm. Somehow the way you have to hold a peeler just sends the arm screaming. I drop the potatoes, it takes forever, and I just have a really, really hard time with it. It is incredibly frustrating and I often just about wind up in tears.


I am so excited to try this. Hooray!


Bless You Campy! You made my day!




(Sere dances her way out of the room....) :)

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Somehow the way you have to hold a peeler just sends the arm screaming.


I was thinking about using my apple peeler for the potatoes, but I still have to turn the darn thing. Then I thought the boiling water might take nutrients out of the skins that I was going to use in stock. But then I thought I could use the water for stock!

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Very slick. I've never done this as I've always scrubbed them well and then peeled...I'll certainly remember it.

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this with us. This sure is an easier way than using that peeler. :) I know I would have to wash the potato first anyway, but, that is a bit easier than peeling them. :)





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I grow the thinner skinned potatoes like yukon gold.


I never peel them since the day we were served mashed potatoes at a family resturant that were called home-style. They left their peels on, so I declared to my family that I would no longer be wasting my time peeling ours.


They are healthier too!!

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For those with dial up...


What she does is score a potato completely around its "belly" by what looks like 1/8 to 1/4 inch. Drop it into boiling water for 15 minutes (cover). Prepare ice water. After 15 minutes, drop the potato into the ice water, turning it around to cool it quickly. Lift it out and pull back the skin... *voila*!


By doing this, you're losing that quarter-inch of potato and the nutrients there. But for those with hand problems, this is a great way to take the skin off for those special dishes.





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I mean, the kitchen. I tried this tonight with White potatoes and Russets. I only boiled the White ones for 10 min, as I was thinking thinner skins, shorter time. Didn't work that way, I should have done them 15 min, as the skin was coming off like wallpaper, in strips. I did the Russets for 15 min, and the first one peeled ok, a little like the Whites, but the next ones that had been cooling in the ice water longer, their skins came off near in one piece. I think with a little practice I'll be able to do it like Mary Ann. :)


By doing this, you're losing that quarter-inch of potato


You actually don't lose any of the potato "meat", just the skin comes off.

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Great info, Josephine! It sure looked to me in the video that it was more than that... great to know it wasn't!





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I mean the counters. :) Boiling the potatoes to get the skins off worked very well.




Cutting the potatoes to get them ready for canning was... how do I put this politely... not fun. A pain in the neck. Oy! The potatoes were slightly soft from cooking, when you cut into them they got sticky, the knife quickly got gummed up from the starch and required repeated cleanings. Didn't matter if it was White or Russet, both were sticky. When I can potatoes again I will peel them by hand or the apple peeler. The raw potatoes were much easier to cut.


If you need to peel a potato and then cook it before cutting it up though, this would be the way to go.


Great info, Josephine! It sure looked to me in the video that it was more than that... great to know it wasn't!




Peeling using a veg peeler actually takes off more of the "meat" then the boiling. :)

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Girl, if you lived up here, we'd enroll you in the latest classes with our extension service!


Sure you don't wanna spend the spring and summer in the Northwest???


Or maybe even just come for a visit? :)

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