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Could really use some prayers...


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I really need some prayers and positive thoughts ladies. Things are really getting me down and it's not looking like an end in sight anytime soon.


Many of you know I was gone for a while because I am pregnant and was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and was so miserably sick. I'm beginning to feel a bit better as long as I still take the Zofran they gave me for the sickness. Even with it though I'm no where near 100% and some days are still really awful.


At the same time my hubby lost his job so we had no money coming in for about two months. My hubby was driving a hot shot truck for my dad's trucking business and they were leased on to Acme. My dad got a better job offer and shut down the trucking business because he said it wasn't doing well. So that came as a surprise and really put us in a bad situation. My hubby was just able to get a new truck and my parents sold us the trailer we were using before so we would have the equipment to start driving again. This time we are our own company leasing on to Acme. The problem with this is that being a truck driver is not cheap. The leasing fees, licenses, and truck expenses (especially fuel) are ridiculous. I didn't want anything to do with getting back into trucking. I wanted him to find a job where he worked set hours and make a certain amount of money. With truck driving there is no guarantee he'll work and even then you don't really know how much the job is going to pay until you take it. Great huh? Not to mention all our fuel and maintenance are on us. It's like we're having to pay them to work. It's very easy to put out more money in a week than you actually make. Not to mention they don't take out taxes so we are responsible for that as well.


He said he couldn't find any other job and while I know the economy is bad right now I also know that he didn't try as hard as he could have. I know how often he went out and I know where he applied. He was being very particular instead of just taking something until something better came along. I am just afraid that this is going to sink us for good. With him being out of work and then the start up costs to get this truck up and running we have ran through every bit of money we had and then some. Every spare dollar we had went to the truck.


We have no money for groceries or to pay our bills and the repo people are about to come and take my truck away. I just feel like we're drowning. Luckily my mom has been giving us some money for groceries and I was able to get WIC through the hospital for me and our 2 year old. I have looked into food stamps and things but didn't apply soon enough (I truly didn't think it would take him this long to find work). Now we are technically employed and on paper make too much money to qualify. They don't factor in all the trucking expenses we have to pay.


I am looking for work right now but with my truck going to be gone soon it's pretty difficult. My sister in law has a car that I might be able to drive for a while but she isn't driving it because it has bad tires so they would have to be fixed first. Not to mention that most of the time I am still really sick. I was so sick yesterday I thought I was going to have to go back to the hospital again.


I feel like I'm just whining and I know things could be worse I just feel so helpless and lost. We don't have anything left to sell except my husbands hunting dogs and no one wants to buy them. I just don't know what to do and really just needed to get it all out. My hubby gets so frustrated and mad about everything that I can't talk to him at all right now. Which is not his normal self and is making it that much harder. Thankfully I get free healthcare through the Indian hospital (so does my 2 year old) so that is one thing I don't have to worry about.


Thanks so much for listening to me. I just needed to let it all out, it's making me crazy.

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I understand how the trucking business is since my son in law is a truck driver. He leased his own truck for a bit a few years ago. He is trying to drive for someone else, but there really is very little work.

My daughter is not pregnant, but in much of the same situation. She goes to church food banks and also Salvation Army, etc. She gets quite a bit of help this way. They even have clothes and some household things. She got shampoo, deodorant, hairspray, etc. yesterday at Salvation Army. You have to ask for them as they do not just set them out to be taken.

Have you considered this ? I know it takes time to do it, but perhaps you can utiilize some of those resources.

I do hope and pray that help comes your way soon. You do not need this stress along with being pregnant. I am sorry things are this way for you.



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I understand how the trucking business is since my son in law is a truck driver. He leased his own truck for a bit a few years ago. He is trying to drive for someone else, but there really is very little work.

My daughter is not pregnant, but in much of the same situation. She goes to church food banks and also Salvation Army, etc. She gets quite a bit of help this way. They even have clothes and some household things. She got shampoo, deodorant, hairspray, etc. yesterday at Salvation Army. You have to ask for them as they do not just set them out to be taken.

Have you considered this ? I know it takes time to do it, but perhaps you can utiilize some of those resources.

I do hope and pray that help comes your way soon. You do not need this stress along with being pregnant. I am sorry things are this way for you.





Thanks Violet. I will check in to some of the church food banks. Mostly there are small rural churches around here but Im sure in the neighboring towns someone does something. I'm not too worried about household goods or clothing. We're pretty set on things like this. Thankfully being a member of this site really helped because I did have a fairly good stockpile of things on hand. That's been a lifesaver.


Thank you so much for the prayers, it means more than you know.

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My heart goes out to you, I could feel your pain in your post. I will keep you in my prayers. Do they have a Food Bank where you live, that could help with groceries some. I know how hard it can be, don't let yourself get down, take care of yourself and that sweet little one. You'll be in my prayers.

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Thank you so much. It warms my heart to know that there are so many sweet caring people out there. I truly have tears in my eyes everytime someone responds to me. It's so easy to feel alone and depressed right now but I am doing my best to keep my chin up. My wonderful daughter is doing a good job of keeping me happy and distracted. 2 year olds have a way of doing that I suppose.


My husbands aunt is doing a craft show in 2 weeks and I am able to get a booth at no charge so I will be busy making crafts and things to sell. Thankfully I have a lot of craft supplies on hand and I will also be able to maked some baked goods that I think will sell well. Sort of like a bake sale I suppose. This should bring in a little bit and it looks like I'll be able to do some work in December at the local newspaper setting ads and articles because they are so busy during December. So that is something at least for now.


There really isn't a local food bank since we are rural, but I'm sure the "big city" nearby will have something. This is where I thank God for having some preps.

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:pray: I'm adding you to my prayer list. Hope you're having a better day toay!!
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