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I have 3 days off this week.

We have worked a lot of overtime for the last 2 weeks and I'm going to enjoy the days off.


This past weekend was stressful. My Son was put on a medication last month that has an incressed risk of side effects for teens and young adults.Saturday we had to put him in a hospital that is a hour away.As long as everyone is sure he is safe he might get out by Monday.DD2 has definitely broken her little toe and DD1 has a rash.


Cat told me where to find washing soda and now I have everything I need to make laundry soap so I might do that today.If it not to cold for her I'm going to take my Mom out for lunch. I have lived in this town 18 years and have never gone to the Soda Shop. A few years ago it was featured on a program that's on the cooking chanel.


What are you doing today?

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freezinsmile1.gif Shivering, for starters.


Hope the medications aren't messing your son up *too* bad. It sounds like you're watching him carefully, so hang in there and I'll still be praying for your family. :pray:


Yesterday DD was running late anyway, so I left the house right after lilDD got on the bus, and got to her house before she left for work. It was a help to her, since she didn't have to load up the little guy and take him out. He gave me a "big 'ol grin" when he saw me! :wub:


But then SIL had to work late, and so I didn't get to leave till 5 PM. Makes for a long day. And all I get paid for is reimbursement for my gasoline.


Be careful with that strong bar soap... if you read the comments, the fumes can get pretty intense when you shave it. I figured I'd try the liquid version and just soak it overnight.

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So sorry gofish about the struggles with your children......hoping all situations get better for you


What are you doing today?


#1. Watching the snow pile up even higher.

#2. I am hoping to finish my book........will the serial killer be caught? Of course he will but the chase is interesting.


If I am good, I will get off my bottom and get some things bucketed......I keep jars of beans and grains in the kitchen to cook from and need to refill my pinto bean and black bean jars (our two favorites) but I cannot because my buckets with gamma lids that I refill from are topped with some unbucketed beans and grains that I have been procrastinating on.






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Today is our anniversary ...and also hubby's birthday! We both have today off and will go out to dinner later this evening. Today, we are trying to take care of few last minute details before leaving for Philadelphia tomorrow. For hubby, that means getting a haircut and for me , it means perming (relaxing) my hair. Some quick shopping will be done this afternoon. For the most part, we'll be trying to stay warm...It must be pretty cold outside because I feel as though someone left a door open!


Hoping that you get to enjoy your minication, GoFish! :mornincoffee::bathbaby::cloud9:


As for the laundry detergent, I've heard of folks that microwave the Fels-Naptha soap before grating it. They claim that it makes it crumble more easily so you spend less time messing with it. I haven't tried it yet, but I thought that I'd pass that along...

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sorry about your son gofish


happy anniversery martianchic



i will spend the day inside because there is over 12 inches of snow outside :woohoo:(i am trying to stay positive :laughkick: ) I am going to finish up some more mittens for all the neices and nephews--then i will cut out about 20 more pairs to make tomorrow for the gift closet. I have about 2 hours left on an afgan for my dd1 for her christmas gift . i also will be canning up about 25 pints of kidney beans today.



Some positive things about dh being gone and being snowed in...


1. i will have all my dried beans canned soon :canning:

2. my gift closet is overflowing already this year :darlenequeen:

3. i am spending quality time with my dogs :girlneener:

4. i don't have to clean all the time cause i don't make messes :dusting:


5. i can spend time on the internet looking for more projects to use up the craft items i already have :pc_coffee:



there...hows that for staying positive ...

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just wanted to share some photos this morning---the first one is the view out of my kitchen window the night before this storm came in and the second is of some snow

post-5393-052485000 1297266744_thumb.jpg

post-5393-082895000 1297266881_thumb.jpg

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I hope your son is doing better, gofish.


My head is stuffed up, so today I'm sitting around and letting the vaporizer do its thing. Since it is so cold, hanging out on the couch or in front of the computer seems like a good idea anyway. Supper will simply be thawing out and heating up a container of chicken soup from the freezer.

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Sounds as if you well and truly deserve a good rest. Hope the children and you and DH get some rest and fun time besides all the problems.

Big hugs


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Gofish-hope everyone is better.

The martianchick--happy anniversary.

Deerslayer-sounds like you have accomplished much with the guys gone. Stay warm. We had 8 last night with wind chill of -15 but we dodged the bullet this time. We had some ice and only light snow flurries. Still very cold with high wind gusts.


I read on another forum to let the soap set out to dry out a couple of days. I found Zote soap and finally found the washing soda at HEB. I bought enough for two batches (5 gal. bucketful) I know the extra boxes will keep. I will try the dry kind. I keep talking about it, now I am finally going to do it. I think I will wait though until there is not so much moisture in air.


I do have one question. Can I put both borax and oxiclean? The recipe I have has borax, zote soap, and washing soda. Well, I guess two. Do you prefer dry or the liquid detergent?



Stay safe and wam.

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Gofish--How are your kids doing now? And Happy Anniversary Martian Chick! Today has been laundrey day for me and this afternoon I will give Lucee a haircut as DH is giving her a tubby now. Also have a roast going in the crockpot and am making an eclair cake for dessert. Yesterday we had to drive 20 miles to the vet for a months worth of Buddys meds for the Valley Fever. He is stabilized and seems to be feeling better! For a while I was really worried. He still has two lesions on his front legs that are healing very slowly.


Hope you all have a great day!!!!!! It's in the mid 60s here in the desert today! And sunny!

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Thanks, Miki & Deer! (BTW- That is a gorgeous view, Deer!)


AMarthaByHeart- I have used both the liquid and the dry. Originally, I thought that the liquid would be best because we have hard water and I only wash in cold water. In the winter our water is so cold that I thought that the powdered kind wouldn't dissolve. However, I ran out of the liquid and didn't have time to make more several months ago, so I just grabbed a bar of Fels Naptha, a grater, the box of borax and the washing soda and started grating. I didn't have time to boil water to dissolve anything. It worked out just fine at the end of summer when cold water is just cool..


When winter rolled around, I kept doing it that way and it still worked out fine. Now I skip boiling the water in a soup pot and just use the powedered version. One thing that I do that may make a difference is that I usually start a load of laundry, let it agitate and then turn off the washer for a couple of hours. It uses less electricity that way. I come back later and then finish the load and everything is extra clean. I rarely have to re-wash anything, regardless of what hubby has gotten himself into!

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What am I doing today?


Taking a mental health day off from work. Trust me...it was necessary. I've been puttering around the house and doing stuff in the yard since it's a balmy 62 degrees here. Sometimes you just gotta have a day where you don't have any required things to do.....


Happy Anniversary Martianchick and Happy Birthday to your dh!

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