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Buddy had a seizure last night!

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Scared us half to death! Woke up with him seizing and screaming, bit DH because we thought he wasn't breathing and his hand was too close to the teeth. Lasted less than a minute but we felt like it was a lot longer. I did a lot of research in the middle of the night and am calmer now. Yesterday evening, I told DH Buddy seemed off, panting and staying right by me. Now I know that is a precurser. After the seizure he was back to normal in half an hour. Now I know how to treat him if it happens again and what to remove from his diet and life. He seems fine this morning and I have already thrown out his treats. Anyway, here is a site I found with info about what is good and what is bad in dog foods in general.


http://www.dogfoodproject.com/index.php ... erproducts



This pup has had a rough life with the previous abuse, Valley Fever and now this! He is pure unconditional love!!!!!!:wub: in a 24 pound package!!!!!!

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So glad to hear he's doing ok. I can imagine how scary it was. I had taken my grandmother's dog after she went to the nursing home and living 300 miles away didn't know about the seizures and no one bothered to tell me. I found out afterwards he was supposed to be on meds, but she didn't give them to him. Hopefully the diet changes will help, but you might want to take him to the vet to get him checked anyway. He might not act on it this time, but he'll have it on record in case it happens again. :pray: that it won't.

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I read in a few different places that most dogs have ideopathic seizures--meaning they don't know the cause. We just don't have hundreds of dollars for tests. Probably wouldn't for me either. When or if it happens again, we will talk to the vet who is more like a country vet.

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((((Buddy)))) Bet it scared the Dickens out of you Miki. Your furbaby shaking and ill.

Good to hear you are tackling it where you can.

Give Buddy a careful snog from Nima and me please.

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((((((Miki))))))) We have dealt with dog seizures as well. One of our smaller dogs had them often because of a fall out of a moving car. Those we treated with Phenobarbital from the vet as they were brain damage induced. They didn't start though until long after the fall. The fever your dog had could be the cause. Our DD also has a dog on Pheno now because of storm or loud noise induced seizures and anxiety problems. He's on it full time to keep them under control. He didn't have them the first four or five years of his life either but got them after being returned from a less than ideal home.


But another dog we had was allergic. She not only had seizures but she had constant ear infection problems. We tried almost every dog food out there including the super expensive kinds and the ones specifically made for allergies. Nothing worked. We eventually ended up taking her off ALL dog food and treats and gave her a home made diet. We bought very inexpensive neck bones and fed them bones and all, RAW, along with any other inexpensive meat/bones we could find. We were careful to add raw organ meats when possible too and saved almost everything we could from our butchered deer. We were fortunate to have friends who would willingly give us the liver/heart/tongue/etc from any of their animals and we used them for both the dog and us. We had to experiment with vegetables and grains and found she could tolerate most of the veggies but only certain kinds and amounts of grains. Brown rice seemed okay but white rice wasn't. Whole rolled oats worked, quick oats didn't. No wheat or corn worked for her. Millet and millet flour was okay and so were a few of the other non gluten flours and grains, like buckwheat.


We cooked for her once a month or so, dividing the food into servings for her and froze them. A lot of her veggies were raw too and we added lots of fruit as well. Actually, fruits were her treats. Sounds more like a human diet but even the vet told us he had never seen a dog respond so well to a diet. She was on this for years and stayed well without any medicine and she'd had a very tough life as well. Including mammary cancer and surgery. She was my 'helper' dog and was extremely important to me, not to mention the most loving and even according to the vet the most intelligent dog. When she died several years ago we were all devastated and she hasn't been replaced. But I would not hesitate to personalize a diet for another dog if we had one. Her recovery had been so amazing it is why I'm looking into natural means to heal myself.


Good luck with Buddy..



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Miki, I'm sorry Buddy had a seizure! It's incredibly tough to see. Our dog was an epileptic.


This site has the best info that I've come across: http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/site_map.htm There's a wealth of information there. We did a lot of the things they recommended and saw some improvement.


I hope Buddy doesn't have any more!! One thing you might want to do is keep a "seizure journal" write down the date, what he did, what he ate that day, the weather, ect. We were able to identify some of my dog's triggers that way. We used Rescue Remedy anytime he seemed upset and after a seizure (he had the worst post-ictal; Rescue Remedy helped to stop the endless pacing). Some people use it before a seizure, too. There's info on that site on what to do before/during/after a seizure.


I hope this helps!

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Miki, I'm sorry Buddy had a seizure! It's incredibly tough to see. Our dog was an epileptic.


This site has the best info that I've come across: http://www.canine-ep...om/site_map.htm There's a wealth of information there. We did a lot of the things they recommended and saw some improvement.


I hope Buddy doesn't have any more!! One thing you might want to do is keep a "seizure journal" write down the date, what he did, what he ate that day, the weather, ect. We were able to identify some of my dog's triggers that way. We used Rescue Remedy anytime he seemed upset and after a seizure (he had the worst post-ictal; Rescue Remedy helped to stop the endless pacing). Some people use it before a seizure, too. There's info on that site on what to do before/during/after a seizure.


I hope this helps!


Thanks out of the ordinary and Mother!!!!!! I copied Mothers post and will check out the website for canines! It's just scary!!!

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aww, Miki, I hope Buddy will be ok. Looks like the ladies shared some good info on what to change regarding diet. I guess stress reduction would be the other thing. Could be the flooding and such probably has added to it a bit. Anything to comfort and relax Buddy and your other dogs and pets is probably helpful. A long with for you and your hubby!


I found out a

lot of animals are attracted to lavender. Even my cat loves my shampoo and conditioner I rub in my hair with the lavender. Of course lavender also attracts predators but inside my home I can use it and she loves it when I'm freshly out of the shower and wants to practically cozy right up to my head I have noticed if I am sitting down afterwards. Otherwise she doesn't, lol.


For anyone needing to hunt, off subject, lavender is great bait for bear and deer(?) evidently.

maybe other game.

I read that in an old trap and snare book btw . I need to re-read that book to be sure exactly what animals are listed.


After seeing my cat's reaction to the scent, I guess I can see why??? But it did seem like something that just overjoyed her and relaxed her too after a bit. Maybe a lavender packed dog bed might be soothing to Buddy and the others? or little hand made filled pillows in their bedding if they don't chew them up as toys? Of course you need to be ok with the scent as well. Different things are soothing to different people as well. Or the opposite in some cases depending on past experiences or sensitivities.


There may be other herbs that may work for that purpose too that are not poisonous to dogs, pets. Maybe somebody here knows more about that subject.

Edited by arby
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Good Morning! Last night, Bud started the panting and rough breathing thing again. I got on the computer and found a new treatment--probably not new. We held an ice pack on his lower back until he cooled down and stopped panting. The article said it will slow down or stop a seizure if they have already started. Or prevent it like I think we did. We went to bed shortly after and he slept all night. I didn't. Still too nervous about him and it was HOT!!! One note--Do not give them an antihistamine! It can cause more seizures! <BR minmax_bound="true"><BR minmax_bound="true">The cool front came through at 7 am and I went back to bed for an hour and a half. That was wonderful! <BR minmax_bound="true"><BR minmax_bound="true">Not much going on today and that is Fine with me!!!!!


Thanks for all the ideas and prayers! You are all appreciated!!!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Miki, so sorry to hear about Bud.


Sun morning our beagle rescu that we've had for a year had a seizure. Scared the heck out of us! It lasted about a minute and she came out of it okay. She took it really easy most of the day and by late afternoon/evening she was back to being her normal self. We let her take things ate her own pace that day and have been keeping a close eye on her since. Hoping she doesn't have any more but if she does we'll have her checked at the vet.


Was good to read some of the info posted here for you, I'll keep it in mind for Angel.

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I'm sorry Angel has had one too! They are scary! I really think the ice pack has kept Buddy from having another one. He had a higher temp for several days and now seems back to normal temps. We just kept icing him down on his back.


Did Angel have any preliminary signs like the ragged breathing or higher temp?



Here is the link for the ice pack therapy!



Edited by snapshotmiki
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  • 4 weeks later...

Buddy had a second seizure today. It did not get as far or bad as the first one. It happened right after his tubby. Must have started while I was straightening up in the bathroom. When I walked out he was sitting hunched over, staring straight ahead and peeing. He did jump up on the couch and I put the ice pack on him right away. He just sat there staring ahead. After cooling him a bit I took him outside (on leash) and he was walking a little stiffly and still looking straight ahead. He did his business and then seemed like he could see around him. Not sure if he was kinda blind for a bit or what. We came back in and I used the ice pack again for a little while and then he seemed fine.


After his tubby he gets excited and trying to dry off by sliding along the couch so I don't know if that triggered it or not. I am just so glad he did not stop breathing or start screaming!!! I didn't realize that I was even stressed until DH called and I broke down crying. I just did what I had to do to get him through it. If anyone has any advice or input, I would love to hear it. He is fine this evening and so am I!


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Miki, I'm sorry Buddy had another seizure! Hang in there! I sometimes think it's harder on us than on them.


My vet told us that stress--both good and bad can be a trigger. What about the shampoo you used? There's a list of possible triggers here http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/SeizureTriggers.htm


We used Rescue Remedy flower essences alot for our dog to help with stress. It's not very expensive, I think around $8 at GNC. It's in a dropper bottle and you just use a few drops at a time, so the bottle lasts awhile. http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/rescue_remedy.htm We also used it after a seizure, with a little ice cream to help bring his blood sugar level back up. http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/ice_cream.htm

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Poor little fella. It sounds like this one wasn't as bad as the last one. Easy for me to say. Hope if he has any more, they keep getting less and less strong. Sounds like the key is catching him early and keeping him calm and cooled down.


Flowers for Buddy :bouquet: and hugs for momma :hug3: .

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After doing more research on the Valley Fever I believe that he never really got rid of it even though he had no symptoms for a few months. We called the vet this morning and had him call in a refill of his meds. Monday we will take hime in to the vets and have a titer drawn to see where we are at and if that is the problem. He has been hot but hasn't had another seizure since Thursday.

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Poor puppy.








:yuk: Valley Fever :yuk:



They also say, there is no real cure because it is a virus and most of the natives, born & raised here, have it, but are kinda~sorta immune, from being exposed all our lives. Yeah, right.




:yuk: Valley Fever :yuk:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...
We lost our sweet Buddy today. He had not had a seizure in 9 months. Yesterday we saw county workers spraying for mosquitos and DH closed up the house right away but we think it got in the backyard also. He was in seizure this morning for an hour and a half. The medicine did not help but he had been off it for 8 months. He was still seizing when we got to the vets and he agreed that it was best to let him go. He said he might be able to stop it but for how long? Buddy was a schnauzer with the heart and personality of a Golden retriever. The sweetest boy we have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was pure love! We brought him home and buried him in the back yard but he will be in our hearts forever! Goodbye my little love!

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