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Busy days...


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I'm babysitting our Grandson 5 days a week now instead of 2, so if I'm slower to respond, please be patient with me. When I get home I have to get supper & by then LilDD needs the computer, too, for homework.



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He's a little over two, very sweet (of course!), and lots of fun to interact with. We're starting card-type learning games, and he loves books, but his *most favorite* game to play is (in his words) "Gramma run, say "where's Noah?".


Where Grandma noisily runs through the kitchen and stops at the corner, saying "Where's Noah?" until he catches up to me. Then I run again, etc., etc., etc. They have a clear "run around" between the kitchen and living room. Sometimes I go extra fast and crouch down behind the loveseat. I don't scare him, of course.


We've been doing it since they moved into the house over a year ago, so it's "our game". :24:


I don't do it as much as he likes, though. I'm getting kind of old... :huh:



For now, it's "permanent". BigDD says they might see if his other Grandma will watch him one day a week to give me a break. The new baby will be here mid-March. Then there will be two. :0327:

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Aw. That's the best reason to be absent! Have lots of fun with g-son while he is still little.


I may be absent a day or two. Somehow I got rid of Microsoft Office and can't get it re-activated. It keeps telling me I already activated it. Yeah, but I somehow deactivated it. Another visit to the Geek Squad tomorrow...where everyone knows my name. Sigh.

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