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Outdoor ktchen

Guest Joyfilled

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Guest Joyfilled

Wondering if any of you have one? Any advice or tips? I don't want to heat the house up canning in the middle of summer. What kind of stove do you use? How big is it? How permanent is it? Questions, questions....:bounce:

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Ours isn't "put together" yet, but we pulled a sink, frig, gas stove/oven and other parts from an old RV we're salvaging parts from.  We plan to put it in a "kitchen nook" inside our machine/garage on the side where a car would park.  All these work on propane and we bought two 100# ones for just that purpose.  The other 2 bays are for storage and hubby's workshop.

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That would be awesome We2. I wish I had one. I have a seperate one car garage at the Indy house I'm planning to convert into a canning kitchen at one end. The problem is there is no water source out there. I'm not sure how easy that would be. It's on well water. No water out there wouldn't be a deal breaker though. I'd probably get one of those heavy duty propane camping stoves. I never thought about shopping RV places for appliances. Hummmm.  :scratchhead:

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Sometimes I use the stove out in the RV for extra space or temperature issues.  Its just a propane stove & oven, same as my regular kitchen for stovetop purposes.  I have also been known to plug the crockpot into the RV  or the back deck when I needed the counter space for a project or wanted it to not heat up the house.  


Pro (read crockpot addict) tip: those battery charger things that will jump off your car, etc. and have the plugs in them?  It will run your crockpot on high for about 2-4 hours depending on size.   Be sure to bungie down the lid first though if you are doing it in the vehicle.  

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Guest Joyfilled

Thank you ladies! I hadn't thought about having a fridge....not sure why. We have a space in the garage that I think would be perfect for it, but hubby doesn't want the rest of the garage getting heated and moisture. I'm trying to convince him. It's not a huge area, but bigger than an apartment kitchen, so plenty of space for big canners. I really think it would be ideal. I'll try again, see what he says. 

The things is....I feel like I'm starting way late on this....so much stuff disappearing....

 Thanks for the ideas and tips!!

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I have a propane stove that DH converted from an old gas stove. I need to get it out and clean it up to use this summer.  We used to use it for camping back in the day and now it just sits in the loft of the shed. Going to get SIL to come help me get it out after DH is home and settled in.  I will be looking to buy a bigger propane tank as well. I do have 3- 5 lb. tanks but want a bigger one for the camp stove. It has 2 burners so I can put 2 pressure canners on it at once. 

I will only be using that during the summer outside as you cannot use propane inside a building. So the garage is out of the question. But I can set it up outside the garage door and have what I need just inside the garage. That is what they keep saying anyway, put people have propane stoves and use them. But it might be that the tank is outside and not in the house and hooked up from a big tank.  Don't thank I explained that well but you get the idea. 

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I think you are correct about the propane tanks being outside. I know a lot of country folks use propane stoves In their kitchen. But the tanks are outside. Even some Amish use propane stoves, refrigerators and freezers in their homes. My MIL and an aunt had propane stoves in their home. Aunt had a huge tank that was also used to heat the house and MIL had two cylinder tanks about five foot tall outside.


I'd like to have a setup where I could dehydrate stinky things like onions and garlic in an outdoor canning kitchen too. 


It would be nice to keep canning equipment and extra jars out there. My regular kitchen is kind of small with crazy designed lower cabinets. 

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Two houses back the old farmhouse I rented had a summer kitchen.  It was basically an enclosed porch, with a water pipe run out there for running water, plus electric outlets for hot plates, dehydrators, etc.  I used it for dehydrating.  But I did consider cooking out there in the summer as the farmhouse had no air conditioning.  But the house was rented so I dared not re-create the operational summer kitchen.  


Instead I had a grill on the outside open porch I cooked on when we had no power for 6 weeks after a storm.  Fridge was a huge ice chest, and water was a 50-gal water drum on a stand courtesy of the landlord.  We were lucky to keep the big freezer cold with dry ice...that stuff can be hard to find at times.


Edited by kappydell
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Guest Joyfilled

See? I knew y'all had great ideas! We have a room off our garage that I think could work well...but hubby is concerned it will get the rest of the garage steamy and hot. It would be a permanent four solid walls set up, and I think it would be helpful to have a place to store all my canning supplies "indoors" but not my kitchen. I'll talk to him again and see if he's willing....the garage is kinda his space, so I'd be taking over some of it... :whistling::canning:

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Hmmmm. No outdoor kitchen here.  We do have a small refrigerator on the porch, but electricity to keep it cold, in our heat, is more than it is worth.  It could be used for drinks, when we have company.

 I dehydrate outside, using aluminum foil, on the bottom to reflect the sun.  Done in a couple of hours. We use the barbecue/smoker a lot in the summer, breads, Dutch oven and cast iron.  We don’t use propane, because DH doesn’t like the taste.:shrug: I learned to cook on a wood stove, so, keeping the temperature constant, comes naturally to me.  

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/3/2020 at 7:56 AM, Guest Joyfilled said:

See? I knew y'all had great ideas! We have a room off our garage that I think could work well...but hubby is concerned it will get the rest of the garage steamy and hot. It would be a permanent four solid walls set up, and I think it would be helpful to have a place to store all my canning supplies "indoors" but not my kitchen. I'll talk to him again and see if he's willing....the garage is kinda his space, so I'd be taking over some of it... :whistling::canning:

So....I thought I'd share an update. Hubby said no to his space from the garage, but yes to building me something. Keep in mind he's an engineer, not a carpenter, so I am thrilled with what he's made for me so far!! We hope to finish it soon. We benefited from others misfortune (restaurants closing😕}, and got a huge SS sink (two sinks and a counter, really), and a big commercial 6 burner stove. Let me see if I can add a picture of what it looks like so far....


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That looks wonderful!  Outdoor kitchens are all the rage nowdays and having a covered one, well, that looks terriffic.  Please put up a pic when it is set up for us all to ooooh and aaaah  (and drool) over!  What a sweet husband!  Wish mine was handy like that...Im still trying to figure out the gearing to convert a ceiling fan to turn with a chain and sash weight system, kinda like the old cuckoo clocks.  I got the picture in my head, just cant figure out how to DO it.....




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On 4/28/2020 at 8:37 AM, Littlesister said:

the tank is outside


A must...we have a "man door" on that side of the garage, but hubby will run a line through from the outside...and we'll hide the tank under a lean to...keeps the govment off ya!

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Joyfield you are one lucky person to have a full outdoor kitchen.  My set up is outside the garage door. And then I have to put it all away when it cools down. Just to drag it all out again when I want to use it again.  I would love to have something like that and I know just the place to build it if I can find someone to do that for me. Love it. Nice work.

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  • 2 months later...

So....the outdoor kitchen is almost done, but hubby had to put it aside and start the greenhouse before it freezes....here's hoping he gets it done in time! The kids have been helping, too!

Here's what it looks like now:



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Wow Joyfilled! That is so nice. It looks so...pleasant out there. And peaceful. I'd love to be out there canning when it's raining outside, all cozy and dry listening to the rain and hearing the jar lids go "ping". Of yeah! Don't forget to put a chair or stool out there. Maybe a fan. Heck, I'm ready to move in. Thanks for sharing your picture. 

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2 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Wow Joyfilled! That is so nice. It looks so...pleasant out there. And peaceful. I'd love to be out there canning when it's raining outside, all cozy and dry listening to the rain and hearing the jar lids go "ping". Of yeah! Don't forget to put a chair or stool out there. Maybe a fan. Heck, I'm ready to move in. Thanks for sharing your picture. 

Thanks, Jeepers.....it's one of my favorite spaces at our place. I'm hoping to add a picnic table outside for my Mom to be able to join me and help. 


Nothing is hooked up yet, and I'm afraid it won't be this season....but I'm so thankful that we can get it set up and ready for the next one! And, if stuff gets really bad, I have a place to cook and bake.....and of course, can! :):canning:

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22 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Joyfield, I am loving that outdoor kitchen. I know you will be so happy when it is fully finished. A picnic table would be great. You and your mom can sit out there and have lunch  together while you are canning.  

Oh, that would be lovely!! 🥰

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