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Is what they are feeding to the chickens affecting your eggs?

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I was watching a random YT vid and this point came up in the dialog. I am going just going to paste the dialog copied from the transcript for your consideration and for having a  discussion here. (Please note the transcription does not include punctuation, but I think you can figure it out. I will also include a link time-stamped to the part of the video that this is copied from.



hey speaking of eggs just really really
quick I wanted to point something out
for you guys that a lot of eggs
especially ones that say they are
vegetarian fed or anything like that
they have a lot of soy in them I don't
know if people are aware of that but I
saw this thing here and it says many
people experience allergic reactions to
eggs however it may not be the egg in
itself that is responsible it's the soy
within the yolk that comes from a hens
soy based diet soy has become a popular
ingredient in animal feed because they
because it is a cheap protein that
promotes quick growth and efficient egg
production and so I just want to point
that out for you guys like the ones that
I picked up at Whole Foods today it
doesn't say it contains soy but it does
say vegetarian feed right down here
vegetarian feed with no animal
byproducts so I have to assume that
there is probably soy in what these hens
are eating however it would be organic
soy so at least there is that small
Silver Lining because is non-organic soy
non-organic tofu honestly is awful for
you it has the highest levels of
pesticides besides like spinach and kale
I think are the other top two highest
level of pesticides and anything that is
grown so just keep that in mind




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That sounds a bit wacko to me.  If I eat soy, my uterus is not attached to my stomach and my body breaks down anything I put into it and restructures it or poops it out.  The soy doesn't ever leave my digestive tract.  So...while soy can effect my estrogen levels, it does not actually change the chemical composition of my eggs.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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Do to hypo Thyroid, I am not supposed to have soy. it messes with the medication. I never thought about eggs containing soy through diet. I will be watching out for that from now on.  I can't avoid soy 100% but try my best to keep in extremely low. 

As for this video it's hard to believe what she is saying about tiny houses on private property and then there is grandma. That is beyond wacko. I also agree about Sam's club but not a member of Costco anymore since they moved so far out in Hampton. Sam's is the best place for gift cards this time of year. I will be heading out that way maybe this Friday as I need to pick up 2 more cards for Christmas gifts. 

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13 minutes ago, Littlesister said:

Do to hypo Thyroid, I am not supposed to have soy. it messes with the medication. I never thought about eggs containing soy through diet. I will be watching out for that from now on.  I can't avoid soy 100% but try my best to keep in extremely low. 


I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis; so basically a slow (hypo) thyroid too. I also try to avoid soy as much as possible.  "We are what we eat," and I think that also applies to the critters we consume and what THEY eat. I have no idea whether any soy remains in an egg when layed, but it is something to think about and consider, so I posted it here. I forgot about the other stories, but, if they reveal something to you about the author of the content, then take that into consideration too. Like I said, this was a random video which appeared in my feed. I only clicked on it because of the egg question. YMMV

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Didn't Westie's daughter react to eggs fed with soy feed?  Or am I misremembering?

Anyway, when I have chickens, I have to work pretty hard to get them feed without soy because I have to limit my soy.  It's one of the things that can trigger my migraines and cause "sleeping sickness," (my name for what I get and sleep to get through, not what you'll find if you look the term up)  and it's EVERYWHERE.  I just snip it out of my diet wherever I can, like I do nitrites (sigh, so much for bacon or ham every morning) and yeast extract/MSG, and hope that's enough to keep below critical level. 

And yes, I can tell the difference when I eat eggs based on what the hens eat.  I can eat three or four eggs a day when they're mine or C's (I know what her hens eat), and not have problems, but no more than one or two a day without problems when they're cheap store eggs.

There's a question of whether it's the hormones in the soy (which is a potent phyto estrogen) or whether it's the Roundup in the soy, but that might be too political an issue to get into here.  

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Yes, I too have trouble with soy (and with MSG, nitrates, etc).  I have allergies and I also have migraines.  I can get by with a soy based egg or two but more than that and I am n trouble.  Even the Amish lady looked strangely at me when I asked about their chicken feed.  They do feed some commercial feed with soy in it but primarily feed their own home grown corn and oats.  So far, so good with those.  

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6 hours ago, Mother said:

Yes, I too have trouble with soy (and with MSG, nitrates, etc).  I have allergies and I also have migraines.  I can get by with a soy based egg or two but more than that and I am n trouble.  Even the Amish lady looked strangely at me when I asked about their chicken feed.  They do feed some commercial feed with soy in it but primarily feed their own home grown corn and oats.  So far, so good with those.  


I am surprised o hear that she (the Amish lady) doesn't allow her hens to forage for bugs! Or does she???  :wormie2:

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10 minutes ago, Midnightmom said:

I am surprised o hear that she (the Amish lady) doesn't allow her hens to forage for bugs! Or does she???  :wormie2:

 It was the first time for us buying eggs from her and I didn’t see any chickens running free but that doesn’t mean they aren’t at some points. As she sells to the public I’m assuming the yard would need to be kept clean, which it was,  but I could not see behind the large outbuildings.  The yolks were beautifully bright orange which usually does denote free range.  I was just glad to find such nice eggs cheaper than those in the stores. 

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