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Glad you had a great Christmas with your family Littlesister! Hope you have plenty of leftovers so you don't have to cook for awhile. For me, that's always the best part of cooking a big feast.


The sore fingers will come from holding down the strings on the neck from playing the chords I'm afraid. I got a smaller guitar, I think. So hopefully my hand will fit around the neck. I got one that is highly lacquered so I'm thinking my sweaty hands won't mar the finish. I wonder if those finger cots would work? I'm already downloading some examples of songs with chords. I'll only be strumming. No pickin' and grinnin'.

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We had a quiet day.  Our snow was predicted and it came down very politely at a Christmasy pace.  Kinda floating down.  Got a few more inches tho.  Supposed to move on ...east, I guess.  Tomorrow will be sunny but not very warm.  We've no where to go and nuthin' to do when we get there.  :shrug:  


I've gotten some pics and updates on Mom.  Bro took her to the cathedral for their service.  I know she loved it.  Last time this set of organ pipes will be played in a very long time.  They're due for refurbishing and that takes a while for specialists.  Amazing how many parts make up the huge organs!


We're snug and warm with pellet stove going.  DH's sweet potatoe pie is smelling almost done.  :yum3:  Tomorrow we'll have ham and things. 


Sounds like Christmas festivities are in motion for a lot of you already. 


MtRider  .... :pray:  for good times and safety for all of us as we remember Who was born (approximately) in this season.  :amen:  

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I'm having a good night. I ate half a large pizza while downloading a play list of Home Free. Music is awesome (thanks Midnightmom) but the videos are fun too. I downloaded 52 of them. :D   I haven't even started on a Christmas play list yet. Next will be Gentri. I love music. 


Then the best part was calling G-son and warning him that Santa has been spotted in Ohio so he had better get to bed...now! He's on his way.  :santa:  Yeah, I'm that grandma. :008Laughing: 


I have plenty to keep me busy tonight and tomorrow. Downloading music, might iron some curtains (probably not, but I could) and packing up the room of some things I'm not using. Then there is that other half of pizza. It's weighing heavy on my mind. And a$$ too. Love y'all!

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GD and her DH took a lot of food home as I always fix way more than enough so all the grandkids could take home food. Part of their Christmas and they love it. Though now that they are all grown up. Yep, GD still takes home food, and her DH is so funny. I like this can I take some home to. Yes, dummie, you are both living in the same house last time I checked so take all you want. And yep, still have enough for a couple of days. And enough turkey for navy bean soup and turkey soup to can. Guess what I will be doing on Tuesday? 

My DH and I have always fixed way more food than was really needed as it also helps the kids out at home. DD living in NC now didn't get to take any home. She forgot her cooler. 

GD's DH said he wanted diapers and Harris Teeter gift cards. So, the baby got the diapers, but we had fun and told him the store was out of depends. We were all laughing our heads off. He wanted the Harris Teeter gift cards because He and GD bought themselves a freezer and a dehydrator. They are now preparing for hard times. She said later she might want to start learning to can but right now the baby takes up too much of her time to start that. She will get there yet. 


Jeepers, sounds like you are having a nice, relaxed Christmas this year. 

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8 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

We had a quiet day.  Our snow was predicted and it came down very politely at a Christmasy pace.  Kinda floating down.  Got a few more inches tho.  Supposed to move on ...east, I guess.  Tomorrow will be sunny but not very warm.  We've no where to go and nuthin' to do when we get there.  :shrug:  


I've gotten some pics and updates on Mom.  Bro took her to the cathedral for their service.  I know she loved it.  Last time this set of organ pipes will be played in a very long time.  They're due for refurbishing and that takes a while for specialists.  Amazing how many parts make up the huge organs!


We're snug and warm with pellet stove going.  DH's sweet potatoe pie is smelling almost done.  :yum3:  Tomorrow we'll have ham and things. 


Sounds like Christmas festivities are in motion for a lot of you already. 


MtRider  .... :pray:  for good times and safety for all of us as we remember Who was born (approximately) in this season.  :amen:  

Amen, Mt rider!


Merry Christmas, you all!
Will walk first.
Walk dogs.
Already have laundry going.
Need to finish up some paperwork and visit a friend.
Quiet day!

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You are so right. Miki does do a lot. So, a nice quiet day is much more appreciated. It does feel good to just sit and relax a bit. 


Going to sit down and read a book in a little while. Then tonight for dinner GS and I are cooking steaks on the new Nija grill. He's outside playing on his skateboard now. His mom and dad got him that for Christmas. At least it will get him outside doing something besides playing games on his phone and Nintendo. He likes his back seat air mattress. Said it gives him more room back there. That's good. Now he can be part way homeless and be comfortable while sleeping in his car. Everyone noticed he is now starting to become more social able. So that is a good improvement. Last Christmas he stayed in his bedroom as well as the Christmas before that and also for Thanksgiving as well. So, in many ways he has improved but still has those moments that gets him in big trouble. But learning grandma is not going to tolerate it. 


SIL's parents did come over but would not eat anything nor drink anything. She couldn't remember who our GS was. And not sure she even remembered our GD. SIL's dad would talk about stuff but mainly just sat there. It was the first time seeing the baby for them. But GD would not let them hold her because it seems she had the sniffles, and we were not sure if she had a cold or not. Both of them have dementia. They looked rather rough. They do nothing all day but sit in front of a TV. That is not good for either of them. But it is all they want to do. Tried to get them to take food home for later yesterday but they refused. My SIL really does have his hands tied with the two of them. He can't get them to do much of anything, but it did surprise me they came over. They live in the next neighborhood over, so SIL just went over and got them to bring back here for the day. 


Hope everyone is having a wonderful time today. 

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DIL just sent some video's of G-son opening some of my presents. He was thrilled. I was thrilled. Darn hormones.  :yar:


I had put a note on the butterfly box that said "Open Me Last". He has waited two weeks to open that box. He took the wrapping paper off and said, "She got me a box. She got me a box for Christmas. And told me to open a box last." He started to put it down and someone said, "Well, open it!" I mean it was sort of heavy. It had a book in it. Sheesh kid. In his defense, all of his other presents were wrapped in the box they came in is so he figured it was just a box. When he opened it, he jumped back like they were real LOL. He was so surprised for a minute. When he caught on he wanted to play with them and make them fly. I figured he would. Thats why I said to open last. In other words...they are a huge hit if you want to consider them for next year.  

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We did presents on Friday before DD15 flew out.  DD3 was sick today, so we had a mostly quiet day trying to tempt her into drinking fluids and keeping anything down.   Prime rib, collards, garlic toast, and scalloped potatoes for dinner with raspberry pie for dessert.    There is an explosion of trains, dinosaurs, and number blocks around the house.  

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Merry Christmas everyone! I had a really lovely day and great food and laughs with my family just the ones who are here living with us but it was nice to spend some time all in the same room together as that is rare these days. I got a bunch of books I wanted, a breadmaker and a stick vacuum which I'm super excited about because it will now be so much easier to vacuum the stairs! Everyone was happy with their gifts and Ben was excited to learn about our new puppy.

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Sorry to hear little River was sick. Poor little girl. Of all days... We used to say our house looked like a Toys R Us exploded in our house on Christmas morning too. 


Becca_Anne, I'm going to be needing a new vacuum over here and I've thought about getting a stick one too. I agree it would be nice on the steps. Let us know how you like yours. Ben isn't the only one excited to hear about a new puppy! Can't wait to see pictures and learn a new name.  :wub:


I spent a lot of time on the phone and texting today and on the line watching canning videos. Amazon asked me to review some stuff I had bought quite a while ago so I spent a couple of hours doing that.  You know me...I'm long winded. 


I'll tell you what though, One thing I'm not going to miss about this hotel is housekeeping. I can't believe they came today. Christmas Day. They deserved the day off in my opinion. Maybe 1-2 people for an emergency clean up or something but the rooms could wait another day. I told them to just take my trash and forget about the bed and bathroom. It never really needs it anyway. Real issue was I was in here all sprawled out on the bed eating a sandwich and had to hurry and get some shorts on to answer the door before they walked in. I hate to have pants on in the bed bunching up under my knees. And I wasn't expecting anyone. 


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Wow Jeepers, I would have thought they would have given the maids off today. That is crazy. 


Sorry to hear about River being sick. Hope she is feeling better soon. Bad day for her to get sick. But hope she still had a good time with her gifts. 


I watched TV and read some of a book. Was texting back and forth with GD in Washington. Her DH did finally get a job. But needs a better one with more money. But at least that is a start. Then was texting some with GD that is still here before they headed over to her DH's parents' house. Then my DD started texting. So been a productive day in the keeping up with family. 


MidnightMom, I have suggested the ForJar's to both my GD's. Both of them are interested in learning to can. GD in Washington said she is going to try out the dough maker today or tomorrow. She has been trying to learn to make yeast starter and starting to bake her own bread now. She is also the one that took classes on forging. 

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2 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Amazon asked me to review some stuff I had bought quite a while ago so I spent a couple of hours doing that.  You know me...I'm long winded. 

I would be very interested in reading your review (of whatever is was that you bought). Maybe it will convince me to buy one too! (of whatever is was that you bought) :bow:


I went to the local "senior center" for Christmas dinner. :feedme:  Not that I didn't have anything here to eat but just for a change of pace. This is the first holiday dinner they have served since the whole "stay 6ft apart" situation ended. I knew there wouldn't be a lot there that I could eat so I packed a "goodie bag" for myself with a Caesar salad, some home-fermented giardinaria, some cranberry jello, and, of course, a Diet Coke! I got some of the turkey, a tiny bit of dressing, and some gravy, along with some ham and green beans. Got a "take home" container stuffed with ham and green beans, so the ham that is sitting in the fridge is going to find its way into the freezer - for now.  :thumbs:


Just been sitting here watching (free) movies on YT. I intended to watch a performance of Handel's Messiah on the new headphones my son sent mr for Christmas, but I think I will save that event for tomorrow. (Tehy arrived in a typical Amazon box, but they were "gift wrapped" in this linen bag. (Little does my son know he is getting the bag back on his birthday in January. (NO. I won't be empty!)


IMG_20231220_144152.thumb.jpg.bf1e9db16a3feab6a425c6e39cef38d7.jpg  IMG_20231220_144245.thumb.jpg.79a3190a99a652da314c3b4bb5afec5c.jpg  IMG_20231224_141445.thumb.jpg.bb67614b4e9a35234235738fff7b738c.jpg


This is a bluegrass Christmas medley performed by the Navy Band. I was both surprised and pleased to be able to HEAR the Bass line in this song!

These headphones are great!


Edited by Midnightmom
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Nice to hear stories of gooood Christmas times this year......with the exception of the little one being sick.  :pray:   We've had a quiet day with simple ham, potatoes, etc.  And DH's sweet tater pie.  :yum3:  


Tonite we'll be below zero again, probably but in the sunny part of today, it was 40*.  Snow everywhere so yeah....Christmas.  Didn't get a single call today.  Mom still can't work the cell to call or answer.  Hope they can get her landline in sooooon.  I miss calling to discuss our days.  Esp with her way out East now. 


I'm LATE again in getting to bed.  Should I just give up and live the night life?  Hmph!  I suppose I could remember to use the Blue Blocker glasses...  But that won't help if I can't actually get INTO the bed!  {hopeless} 


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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Will walk in a few minutes.
Going to bank for help with setting up online account. I entered something wrong.
Calling audiologist for DH for earlier appt. if possible. My throat hurts from yelling even when standing in front of him.
Calling for copy of last week's lab work for me. I always keep a copy.
Local grocery for DH
Will pitch and/ or freeze unhealthy foods today. DH may want some of them for later. I don't need them.


I'm happy to hear of some good Christmas times, also!  Try to get some rest, you all!

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Was going to do canning today but didn't get everything out that I need and set things up. So today I will just get some things put away in kitchen and clean up. Then will Pull out canning jars and the pressure canners for tomorrow and have things ready to go in the morning. I am tired this morning for some reason. So, sitting here on Mrs. S drinking coffee trying to snap out of it. Being diabetic, I probably ate something I shouldn't have.  So back on my diet for sure. GS can eat the pies and things. He's already doing a great job of it. 

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Midnightmom. I don't think I reviewed many things of interest. I did review some reindeer stickers that probably won't make it. I gave them a one star. All of them are being held up for review right now but I'll let ya know. They are supposed to send an email if they are accepted or rejected. I remember I also did a set of mugs and lamp shades. I know there were 3-4 more but I can't remember right off.  Oh, the Rolling Stones new CD. Five stars baby! Gotta keep giving them encouragement to...live. Son keeps sending me Stones memes thinking it ticks me off.  :008Laughing:


Love the headphones!!!  Coosi is a name I recognize. I know I've bought that brand before.  I think it was the ear phones that just clip over the ears. I use those a lot when I'm in bed listening to the radio or Old Time Radio programs and I roll over on them when I fall asleep. Or if I want to lie on my side I can just slip one of the earphones off of my ear. Not the best quality for listening to real music like yours and the wire break from heavy use. But yours are for serious listening. Good Bass huh? Hummm. I can just imagine Charlies drums in Paint It Black in those!   Go ahead and do it.  Let me know.  :D

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Finished up some end of year stuff and paid off the charge cards. They are now locked up in safe. Going straight cash from now on. My shopping for the next few months is done. Just the things I can't get away with. Store for milk, eggs and gas for car. Letting my deposits build up now. Got my SS info on the big raise we got. Yep! That won't go far. 3.2% increase. And Medicare went up as well. Plus, it says we will get that raise in this month's payment. So should find that out in a couple of days.

Cleaned kitchen and got the canning jars out. the canners are right where I can grab them. So just need to run to store for carrots. Hopefully will get that going in the morning. 

Haven't done a whole lot today. just paced myself on things. Got a blanket washed, dried and put away. 


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42 minutes ago, Midnightmom said:

Unlike you, I am not a Stones' fan. But I will look it up and have a listen..............just for you! :P

That's what true friends are for.  :wub:


Hot Dang. I just love those guys!!!!

Did you see Keith? Did ya huh! Oh my beating heart.  Sigh.  I love that man. 


BTW, I learned how to belly dance to Paint It Black. So it brings back fond memories.

Nearly threw out my hip and nearly dislodged an ovary shaking it. I was aggressive. 



You bettcha Littlesister! That open Jeep Wrangler is looking better and better on me. 

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