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Amishway Homesteaders

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Everything posted by Amishway Homesteaders

  1. Had a great day (I think?) ........................... Woke up at 4:40am! Started at 5 am with a fire in our firepit / firplace (with coffee and Danishes) and watched the sunrise - nice! Then left to go on a nature hike I have dubbed "Happy Froggers Day" (think happy Father’s Day) Because it goes through a swamp (with boardwalks) and in the morning the frogs are so loud with all the crocking going on as they great the day! It is so cool! And also lots of birds (nothing new to add to our life list) and insects and butterflies and this time water snakes! Lori NO LIKE! But she kept walking along the boardwalk. Then back home to "camp" (tent set up in backyard) and a 12 noonish cookout of sausage (on buns), potato salad, baked beans, and peppers and onions all done outside on the grill. Then in the afternoon sat around and read some, watched the hummingbirds at the feeders (always fun!) and other birds coming to feeders in yard. Now in to make supper (????) then back out for fire (when it starts to get darker) and we are also walking to the ice cream shop for milk shakes and bringing them home for around the fireplace as we watch the fireflies that have just started to be in all the bushes. OK, So other than THAT . . . . Not much going on today I guess.
  2. Drumrunner is sorta back well then.............................. sorta WELCOME! nice list!
  3. cute! Now I 'tried' to fill out the Computer Problem Report Form- But now when I scroll down on the page to read the other jokes the answers I put in the blink line spaces with the magic marker STAY on the Screen? now what?
  4. Happy Birthday to YOU ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to YOU ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪•.¸♥¸♪♫•* Happy Birthday dear Carie ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪•.¸♥¸♪♫•* Happy Birthday to YOU ♪♫ •*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
  5. bet it makes you feel good - knowing you WON the battle! ..............................well this time anyway! Like the others I too like to get out there and weed (making sure I get the root too so they are harder to grow back), Like to get out there early in the morning to do it with the birds singing and a cool breeze blowing and the smell of the flowers all around. Sometimes I forget how long I was out there and before long I go to stand and OUCH! I better go in and sit a spell.
  6. #11 has to have something to do with "duck tape" But IF they bought the 'camo' duck tape I bet they can't find it!
  7. WOW! Lucky you - still have a ways to go before corn is ready. We are eatting lots of strawberries and some peas. <--- but not together! LOL
  8. also make sure you eat 3 meals a day! Skipping a meal with not help you lose weight.
  9. I have been planting that way for YEARS! I also use 'natural' fertilizers like (ground up)egg shells for calcium, dog biscuits for bone meal, matches for sulfur, etc. that I 'plant' along with each type of vegetable. You can also plant flowers in with vegetables to help - like marigolds and bee balm. Good luck with the garden this year - it is so much fun planting this way as you watch things grow.
  10. OK, I was beginnning to wonder WHO'S BUTT? It IS 1 am here , ya know.
  11. Harvest Report............................ For the wood chuck NOT ME! ALL my broccili, Most of the cerery and Most of the Brussels Sprouts!!!!!! All topped off and he even ate some of the leaves off the cabbage! #$%&%$#$ !!!!!! I seam to have this problem every year no matter what I do and it can't be the same one as after we "live trap' the woodchuck it goes for a LONG ride in the van miles away from here and into the woods! NOT HAPPY -->
  12. strawberries here too, and small onions, lettuce, radishes, Still have a ways to go before the big stuff starts here BUT we will be picking for Farmers Market at the Amish Farm soon and we always get to bring home the #2's if we want ( most of our canning is done that way for free). best part - the hail missed us from the storm the other day! Others in area not so lucky.
  13. no rain here in a bit and no rian on the outlook for next few days! Good for those that are making hay and need to cut it, but bad for those who put in corn and nothing yet? Here at the Homestead the rain barrrels are just about empty and I am having to still hand water each day to keep things in the ground growing. Having hot dry weather is not helping things grow this early in the vegetable gardens. WE need some rain BAD!
  14. WOW! it did it- but slow load on dial-up? next time I will make it small first.
  15. OK, here is one part of garden: the peas are up (on trellus) carrots are under burlap (soon to be up) and lettuce here and there.
  16. Here we are just starting to get things planted! Some things like radishes and lettuce we are eatting but still waiting for warm weather to kick in this year. The Greenhouse is overflowing with stuff I need to get in the ground.
  17. Having fun 'working' in my garden and when people stop by and see all the 'old tools' I am using they wonder why not just get new things? WHAT! I LOVE using hand tools for gardening work.
  18. One year we got around this bit by putting 1 seed ppotato in the bottom of the barrel. Then as it started to come up we would add compost or loose soil. When it got about 6 to 8 inches high we added another seed potato and as it came up filled in and when 6 to 8 inches added another seed potato. That way we got a lot of potatoes in 1 barrel.
  19. well on my 'dial-up' it said it would only be 3 hrs and 25 min to download? I can't wait THAT long! sad Mchael
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