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Blog Entries posted by Stephanie

  1. Stephanie
    I love Word Studies!
    And this word caught my attention. Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι It is a Greek word that is found in the Scriptures 39 times. These are all found in the New Testament of course since it is a Greek word.
    I came across this word as I was reading the parable of the Talents found in Matthew. I have been doing some contemplating in the last week or so about living a purposed life and making my moments count.
    In this parable, Jesus tells of three servants who were entrusted by their master with talents (gold,money,valuable assets, or abilities). Each of them reacted differently. The each were given a different amount, according to their ability. And then the master went away.
    Story of the Three Servants (Matthew 25)
    Seeing as I have been praying about how I could best put my time, resources, monies, talents to good use - I was interested to see what the three servants did and how it worked out for them.
    Now, two things I want to point out here. First, when translating from one language to another, sometimes there is not a literal word to be used, it may not exist in that second language. So, sometimes translators have to choose words or phrases to best convey the message of the original text.
    Secondly, because of this, you may find differences in translations. BUT, themessage should be unaltered. The Word of God is not like any other book, spiritual writings or historical accounts. It is unique, it is living, it is always applicable to our lives.
    Here is a usage list for Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι
    1) to work, labour, do work
    2) to trade, to make gains by trading, "do business"
    3) to do, work out
    a) exercise, perform, commit
    b ) to cause to exist, produce
    4) to work for, earn by working, to acquire
    Okay, I think that's enough for Part I, but believe me, I'll be back for more...I am captivated by this word.

  2. Stephanie
    This morning I feel a wee bit weary, it's been 'coming on' for several days. That feeling of drudgery for things that normally make me smile. It blossomed into full fruition this morning when I needed to make biscuits. I just didn't want to do it.
    I thought wistfully of the days when every weekend I opened a bag of those lovely little frozen biscuits and set them effortlessly on the cookie sheet. Then, I regretted the fact that I had thawed out a turkey to bake today. My idea of canning some of it doesn't even appeal to me in the least at the moment.
    Do you ever feel tempted to 'fall off the wagon' ? I do. Sometimes I just get tired.
    I know this is the best way to live, I know that we are saving money, avoiding preservatives, making wise decisions. But, last night, as I rolled out 3 dozen flour tortillas, I found myself thinking I'd have gladly paid 5 or 6 dollars for a few packs from the store.
    I'm sharing this for those of you who may get discouraged and think no one else ever somtimes remembers more 'convenient' times. So today, my sweet dh put the turkey in the oven after he scrambled some eggs for breakfast. I blew my nose and washed my face and will get the cornbread started.
    As preppers, we have not chosen the easiest or most convenient path. And now and then, we may wander off picking daisies. Perhaps once in a while we just need to give ourselves a break. But, in the end, we pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and continue toward the destination we have set our sights on.
    Happy journey friends!
  3. Stephanie
    One of the things that I've struggled with as I've tried to buy bulk foods like grain, dried beans, rice, etc... was that once it was packed away in the opaque white buckets, I couldn't easily 'see' it nor access it.
    When I bought the grains for grinding, I ordered the Gamma Lids. These are going to work well.
    However, all of these white buckets filled with assorted stuff would kind of run together. Even with my best efforts to keep the Steel Cut Oatmeal separate from the pinto beans and even though I clearly labeled with black markers...it was just an aggravation to go and find it.
    I found myself using the stuff I hadn't put away yet because I could see it, grab it and not search for it. Call me lazy but I will declare myself busy!
    Anyway, I think I've finally found my solution.
    They arrived today and I'm very pleased.
    They are clear, so I can easily see what they hold and how much.
    They are air tight which keeps it nice and fresh and any intruders out.
    They are on wheels, this is a real bonus and convenience.
    They are FDA approved, making them safe for food storage.
    They are on sale at Amazon (buy 3 get 4) plus they qualified for free super savers shipping.
    They hold a LOT! One of them held TWO 20lb bags of Jasmine Rice!
    I am a happy prepper girl, and I think this will encourage me to properly rotate. I can still use the buckets (and will do so for the grains) but, I can transfer what I'm ready to start using. Just thought I'd share my discovery so that it may help someone else.
  4. Stephanie
    Hi everyone. I've kind of dropped the 'blog ball' here lately. Actually, haven't been posting much even on the board. I feel a bit disconnected.
    I think this started with my 9 day trip to Arkansas. I was there with only one of my children and he is 13, so able to take care of himself for the most part. I ran the roads with my mom and sister, shopping, taking mom to therapy, visiting my grandmother. I was a free spirit. I had no time constraints to speak of, no one pulling on my skirt tail, vying for my attention and very little house work to do. I talked with grownup people about grown up things. I had the best of both worlds, my cake and eating it too, for those nine days.
    Then, I came home and was smothered with hugs and kisses of the best sort. Found myself laughing at the corny jokes and silly antics of my children. Rolled up my sleeves and tackled the results of a house left with a husband and 6 children for over a week, started cooking like a wild woman, and giving my best effort to bring order back into my world.
    I think I may be in some kind of culture shock. Two such different worlds and enjoying them both immensely has kind of thrown me off kilter. I don't think I'm adjusting so well.
    You know what I found out in Arkansas, so many things that are a BIG DEAL in my Alabama life aren't a big deal in my mom's life. She doesn't give much thought to food. Oh they have plenty and it is very tasty, but a dish of whatever will last several days. Me, I think about food constantly. With seven children, you just have to! Not just keeping them fed and tummies full, but nutrition and cost are big factors too.
    Housework is not a BIG DEAL with my mom either, she stays on top of it, never letting it get out of control. HERE, well let me just tell you it is a constant battle, CONTSTANT! I try to stay on top of things, but well, mostly it seems to stay on top of me. The kids helps and we all work together as a family, but it's just a LOT of dishes, laundry, bodies!!
    While I enjoyed seeing my family very much, before the visit was over I was longing for home, for my life of chaos. I found myself feeling out of sorts and anxious to get on the road and get back to my world.
    Now, a week has passed since I returned and I find that I am still adjusting. So, I'm just feeling a little quiet as I work it all out in my mind and heart. I keep thinking of tht old saying, you can never go back home. I also am trying to come to grips with the fact that my family lives perfectly wonderful lives completely separate from me. And of course, the same applies to me.
    Well, I'm rambling, but maybe someone knows what I mean. Being alone with my family lIke I was for those nine days was kind of bitter sweet. As I drove the hundreds of miles home, it dawned on me that for the first time in my life I think I understand what it means to leave and cleave. And, that's a good thing.
    I feel ready to settle in here to my life, this life that God has given to me. It is not the same life as all of those that I love in Arkansas, it belongs to me and mine. I feel a bit melancholy as I turn my face from what once was but it's given me the ability to embrace fully what now is.

  5. Stephanie
    Aslan has arrived! After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Aslan has been safely delivered to our family!
    It was love at first sight of course, but the last couple of days have been filled with wonderful puppy love!
    He is a puppy with purpose! Yesterday we signed him up for the Puppy Training Classes at the pet store. They start the week that he turns 10 weeks. So, we've got about 3 more weeks to do the best we can with his very determined little self.
    His markings are gorgeous, white toes and a velvet black muzzle. There is a beautiful white blaze across his chest and his eyes are full of intelligence. I know that we have chosen his name correctly, as he does have a Heart of a Lion - Aslan!

  6. Stephanie
    For those of you who don't really believe that God likes to get all involved in the tiniest details of our lives, you may not want to bother to read on. But, for those of us who understand that God is a marvelous Orchestrator of the lives of those that allow Him to be...I think you'll be nodding your heads in agreement.
    I don't believe in coincindences, flat out, I just do not. If you do, well, naturally you must be mistaken.
    I do believe in Divine Intervention, Divine Purpose, and Divine Appointments. I have experienced too many of these for anyone to convince me other wise.
    IF I had not come upon MrsSurvival some years ago and IF I had not been brave enough to go to the Georgia Gathering and IF I had not gotten to know Westbrook and Darlene personally and IF I had not seen and touched Dani and Kayra and marveled at their calm and controlled presence, I would not likely never considered adopting one more time...this time Aslan Hïdaverdi.
    The name is Turkish and it means Lion-hearted Gift of God. We chose it because of our favorite character in the Narnia movies. I have no doubt that our Aslan will indeed be lion-hearted. But, what about this gift of God? Well, this is where serving the Lord is so sweet!! Let me explain.
    Anyone who knows me in the least knows that my passion is my Lord and my family which is made up of seven precious children that Henry and I have adopted. I take very seriously that the Lord has given me these particular children through a series of Divine Interventions.
    A few months ago, about the time of the Georgia Gathering, we were notified that a Convicted Sex Offender would be moving into our area. I was appalled! But, knowing we are so far back in the woods with no close neighbors, I didn't feel it touched us too closely. Upon further investigation we discovered that he lives on land that actually connects to ours! My mother's heart has been filled with anxious thoughts. I began to learn a bit about the fire arms we own in the house. I gave my children countless lectures. I changed our habits when outside avoiding certain areas. I felt a bit betrayed.
    Now, Aslan is on the way. Of course he's just one day old! But I truly believe that he is a Gift from God. He will become such an important part of our family. And even when I didn't know I would have need of such an animal, God did and had already set the wheels in motion to provide him.
    So, thank you Westie and Darlene for the part you have played. But, mostly thank you Lord for Aslan Hïdaverdi !

  7. Stephanie
    I'm enjoying the Personal Blogs option of our new home. I've been doing some investigating, can't resist those shiny new buttons.. and thought I'd share a few tips with my Blogging Buddies.
    At the top of the page you will see two 'buttons' concerning 'blogs'. One says 'my blog' and takes you to your own created blog where you can make an entry to your own blog, create your own blog and set blog controls.
    The other button simply says 'blogs' and it will take you to a page where you will see a list of recent blog entries from others.
    On that page you will likely see at the very top a featured blog for the day. Below that you will see many others. If you will notice in the far right hand corner of each mini blog blurb you will see a heart. If you click on that heart you will be making that a 'favorite' blog and your favorites will show up right under the Featured Blog each time you visit that page.
    When you click on a blog that you are interested in reading, you can leave a comment. Unless, the blogger has chosen the option of 'no comments' in their personal blogging options.
    About personal blogging options... did you know that you can make your blog private so that no one can read your posts? Did you know that you can then invite people to read those private posts by creating a Private Club? Interesting way to share something very personal that you don't want all the membership to read about.
    You also can customize the way that your blog looks in your blog controls, for instance choosing a 'skin' (background).
    The last thing I want to mention is concerning personal responsibility. If you don't care for the subject matter of a personal blog, don't read it. When you are posting or commenting, be considerate of others. If you think that someone needs to moderate a blog, let Darlene know. My favorite blogs are the ones who are sharing personal experiences, projects, funny moments and basically a window into the lives of people I consider my friends.
    If you need any help, ask! We're all learning together with the new possibilities before us.
  8. Stephanie
    I'm constantly finding these good things and then losing them...so decided to list them here, y'all might find them interesting and maybe I'll do better at keeping up with them. I'll add more as I find them.
    Visit My Website
    Four thieves
    Positively Prepared
  9. Stephanie
    C.S.Lewis is one of my favorite authors. He died the same year I was born, the same day that Pres. Kennedy was assassinated. He was a brilliant man who continues to impact the world through his writings. He penned such works as the Chronicles of Narnia which have recently gone to the Big Screen. His words have impacted me greatly over the years of my life so I thought I would share some of his more famous quotes with you this morning. Enjoy! And tell me which one you liked the best!

    Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
    There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, "All right, then, have it your way."
    A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.
    Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.
    Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, "What! You too? I thought I was the only one!"
    God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
    I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
    If we really think that home is elsewhere and that this life is a "wandering to find home," why should we not look forward to the arrival?
    Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.
    The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.
    Thirty was so strange for me. I've really had to come to terms with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult.
    You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.
    C.S. Lewis Quotes

  10. Stephanie
    What have I gotten myself into? My boys talked me into entering a Chili Cook Off at our Church.
    I've never been in any kind of cooking contest, I'm just a momma cooking for a bunch of kiddos. Anyway, the same man has won for the four years that they've done this. This is our first year at the church so we're newcomers.
    I guess I must be more competitive than I realized because I kept thinking about what I could do to 'stand out'.
    And then I came up with a really cool idea! I'm going to make my White Chili!! I may not win, but it will be noticed.
    So Saturday I'll be stewing chicken breasts and cooking up some Navy beans, gathering the green chiles and sourcream.
    I'll be sure to let y'all know how it goes, but I'm still wondering what I got myself into!
  11. Stephanie
    I'm a busy mom, I get tired, overwhelmed and just outright pooped sometimes.
    In the past, on a day like that, I'd ask dh to stop by and pick up something convenient. After all, hungry kids, a frustrated mom, lack of time, a small crisis of some manner, and etc... were the recipe for disaster. And so I excused it. Now, while we still eat out (very occasionally), it is a planned event, not a matter of convenience.
    In my life, Convenience has been Redefined.
    It started rather simply. I needed a well stocked pantry. I needed to have things on hand. I needed to have an extra loaf of bread in the freezer or even a gallon of milk, I needed to have the basics available to me.
    Then, it went a step further. I had to increase my skills and be able to turn that flour into biscuits without a huge ordeal. I needed to be able to improvise, out of milk...no problem we have powdered. No bread, no problem, I can make a batch of flour tortillas fairly quickly.
    I also began to think ahead. No one wants to face seven hungry kids without some sort of plan. I began to experiment with foods that I wanted to incorporated into our menus. I learned to try to have a big pot of some kind of soup available at practically any given time. Vegetable soup, Lentil Soup, Split Pea Soup, Potato Soup, Cabbage Soup, I could go on.
    Then a huge step towards Redefining Convenience, I learned to home can. It was the meat canning that really changed my outlook. What a time saver! Going to make chicken enchiladas? Just open a can of cooked, seasoned, tender and flavorful chicken. You could eat it right out of the jar if you wanted to. Need a quick Spaghetti dinner, boil some noodles, open a can of your home canned ground beef, a jar of sauce...you're done!
    Finally (and I'm skipping over a lot) I arrived at this newest project of mine. Learning to use dehydrated foods. I'm now amazed at how convenient these foods can make your life. I ordered (some months ago) from Harmony House their Vegetable Pantry Stuffer http://www.harmonyhousefoods.com/Vegetable...t41_p_1845.html I also ordered some things from Honeyville grains (Powdered Buttermilk, Powdered Sour Cream, etc).
    The last week or so, I've finally begun to open up some of the sealed quarts and tried incorporating them. I took a day to cook only from preps. I am so TOTALLY won over. You can make a vegetable soup that is wonderful out of these dehydrated goods. I even tried the TVP beef bits in my soup which were wonderful in a soup form. I made a hominy casserole and added the powdered sour cream and the dehydrated assorted bellpeppers, wonderful. I made buttermilk biscuits with the powdered buttermilk, lovely!
    This is how Convenience has been Redefined in my life. Quicker than I can run through a drive thru, faster than a speeding pizza delivery, I can have a wonderful meal, without chopping, dicing, peeling, processing, etc...
    I haven't purchased a really nice dehydrator yet to do more of the dehydrating myself yet, but will one day. You do have to have a good source of water to rehydrate but that could be found in the liquid/broth/juice of your canned vegies. I can't imagine spending unplanned money on convenience food any more. Convenience (for me) has been Redefined!

  12. Stephanie
    This weekend we set out on a new adventure, in our own backyard nevertheless!
    A family with seven children and chickens and goats and dogs (plus a parrot) does not travel much, or at least ours doesn't.
    So, we decided to take advantage of a very low cost method of family vacationing and entertainment, camping. Under our particular circumstances we had to be a bit creative...therefore...CREATIVE CAMPING.
    Upon considering the choice of location for this camp out, we decided there was nothing better than our own backyard. After all, there would be no noisy neighbors, we could still see about the goats and chickens and it was free (free is good). Besides, I realized, minimal packing would have to occur and this was a VERY good thing. This left more time for fun and took a load of stress off my shoulders.
    The next step was the putting up of the tents. Our youngest four children had never slept in a tent before and were particularly excited.

    In this picture you see the youngest five all snuggled up in their pajamas and holding bears...well except for Jeremiah who opted for the family parrot (Jonah) on his shoulder instead.
    We were also celebrating Henry's (dh) birthday and he was glad for the opportunity to try his new Black Powder Gun (his birthday present). So target shooting was definitely on the agenda! Here you'll see the birthday boy and his seven kiddos, my oldest two preparing for their turn and me as well, trying out my new toy, a Mosin Nagant, made in 1939 (91/30).




    Of course the guns were totally unnecessary as we had our valiant family guardian there to protect us from invaders...that's him, Aslan, passed out on the grass while the goats investigate the tents.

    We also had a camp fire, which we sat around and sang Christmas Carols... ,hey, that's what they wanted to sing!
    We made smores, chili, hotdogs, and a huge breakfast cooked over an open fire.
    We played games around the picnic table using solar lanterns and today we're finishing up my attempting to make some moccasins (we bought a kit at Hobby Lobby. The rain has moved in and we took down the tents but continued the fun and activities inside. And that, is how you manage Creative Camping.
  13. Stephanie
    I am the proud owner of a CZ 75 B 9mm LUGAR. Can you believe it? I can hardly believe it myself!
    There are some of you saying Wow! and Kewl!
    There are some of you saying Huh? and What?
    As for me, I'm saying
    If you'd like to know what in the world I'm so excited about, Czech it out!!
    So, why in the world would I want such a thing, some of you may be asking?
    So, why in the world would you wait so long to get one others are asking?
    As for me, I'm saying
    MrsSurvival has a way of changing a person. You come in here looking for a canning recipe or how to store your dried beans and before you know it...you're investigating the best laying hens and trying to figure out the best goat milking methods...later still, you find yourself counting down the days until the weekend when you can strap on your new pistol and do a little target shooting.
    I'm just saying.
  14. Stephanie
    Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι Part II
    As I read the parable that Jesus told in Matthew 25 I was keenly interested in how each of them reacted and then the results of the actions that they individually took.
    Remember, I had been praying about what I should do next, what I should with what I had, what I should focus on.
    As I began to read the verses where Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι was used, I began to get a better understanding of what the word meant. Here are a few more of the verses. I will make the word bold that they translated from Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι.
    Mat 26:10 When Jesus understood [it], he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me.
    Jhn 6:27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
    Rom 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love [is] the fulfilling of the law.
    Gal 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all [men], especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
    Jam 2:9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. *note: other translations say committed sin instead of convicted.
    So, here we have five different translations of one Greek word Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι .
    Try reading our original Matthew 25:16 and substitute one of these five instead of traded.
    Immediately he went and '''wrought a good work"
    Immediately he went and "laboured"
    Immediately he went and "worketh"
    Immediately he went and "did good"
    Immediately he went and "committed (or acted with convicted)"
    Now we're starting to get a better grasp of what Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι means and as for me, I was really starting to understand what I was to do with whatever God has entrusted to me.
    To be continued....
  15. Stephanie
    God has entrusted each of us with much of value as well. And to whom much is given, much is required. (Luke 12:48)
    What has God placed in your hands, in your life, in your safe keeping and how will you Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι ?
    Remember the usage list for Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι
    1) to work, labour, do work
    2) to trade, to make gains by trading, "do business"
    3) to do, work out
    a) exercise, perform, commit
    b ) to cause to exist, produce
    4) to work for, earn by working, to acquire
    God has INVESTED in you and in turn expects you to INVEST wisely so that there is an INCREASE. This applies to every area of our lives. He calls us to accountability. He wants you to Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι .
    In summary I feel that the Lord has revealed to me that each step I take, each thought I think, each dollar I spend, each word I speak, each moment that I live...should be ON PURPOSE and with a PURPOSE. I am to labour, trade, commit, produce and acquire so that I can give Him a return from His investment in me.
    So, how does this apply to prepping? For me, I now believe that the Lord has directed me to be diverse in the way I invest my monies, times, energies, thoughts, talents. A wise investor is diversified. They don't put 'all of their eggs in one basket'. That way, if a basket is dropped, you haven't lost everything.
    I will invest in all the aspects of my life. My children and family. My physical, spiritual and mental well being. My homestead. My prepping skills, tools, stocks. My home and family protection. It's not all about anyone of these things. I can improve all areas by investing wisely and reaping the benefits of a productive life.
  16. Stephanie
    My husband and five sons are involved in a program that is similar to Boy Scouts that is called Royal Rangers. They have an extension group called FCF (Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship). If there is such a group in your area, I highly recommend it. This coming weekend my dh and two oldest sons will be attending the first part of their orientation into this program.
    I am busy collecting the required items that they must bring. I thought you might be interested in a portion of the list.

    New Testament Pencil Sharp Pocket Knife Matches Poncho Can w/lid for charring cloth Flint & Steel Notebook Candle Sleeping Bag 100% cotton patches Ground Cloth Warm clothes including camo pants and hiking boots Canteen Mess kit including utensils, cup, pan, bowl. 
    Later, if they make it through the initiation which for one thing requires no talking for 24 hours they will begin to gather "Period Correct" clothing, equipment, weapons, tools, etc... They will be learning how to make do with what a Frontiersman would have had. I am so excited that they are learning these skills and feel they will be better prepared to face whatever life throws at them.
  17. Stephanie
    Nope, that's not typo, I meant what I said.... FUNNEL VISION .
    I woke up this morning a little weary, feeling like I'd never get everything done that I needed to get done. Ya' know?
    Nothing was terribly wrong, I just felt like I had about 5,000 too many things to do and felt convinced that no matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn't be enough. My head was hurting, the children were wanting breakfast, my brain was frozen or muddled or overheated or something...and I just couldn't think straight. I was considering an outright pity party, wishing I could go back to bed and starting to feel very aggravated at everything and everyone around me. Being honest here.
    I pulled out a box of cereal that I keep stuck away for just such mornings. The big boys passed out the bowls and poured the milk while I tried to gather myself, my thoughts and my attitude! I started piddlin' in the kitchen, organizing this and that when I decided to put some things in storage containers that needed to be done. It was that kind of mindless activity that you can do when you really don't want to do anything at all.
    This is where the funnel came in. Pouring things from very large containers to smaller containers often calls for a funnel. I pulled out the appropriate one and went about my task. After a few minutes I found myself getting good and aggravated (once again). The funnel kept clogging up, for no good reason that I could tell. I was pouring granules, there was plenty of room for them to pass through and there wasn't a moisture problem. I grew quite frustrated (having already entered into this thing frustrated to begin with) and finally tossed the funnel into the sink, determined that I would just do it without it.
    This was a big mistake, oh the mess and the waste of the spilled granules. I cleaned up the work area, retrieved my funnel, took and deep breath and began again. This is when I got FUNNEL VISION!
    It seems to me that one of the sweetest parts of walking with the Lord is having Him speak to You, teach you a lesson, point out a truth...at a very common place moment, doing a very common place thing. And that is just what He did. With the FUNNEL VISION, I could now easily see the problem and the solution as well as an added bonus.
    Even though the funnel was ample sized and the granules could pass through undeterred...if I poured them too fast, got in a hurry, they just bottle necked and stopped the whole progress. So, that was the problem. If I slowed down JUST a BIT, the problem was instantly solved and a good steady progress was made. So, that was the solution. And the bonus? I discovered that if I angled the funnel every so slightly so that the granules hit the side of the funnel, they went down even more smoothly and quickly. So, that was the bonus.
    In the very instant that I had my FUNNEL VISION, I learned a life lesson, that helped me face my day.
    There is nothing that the Lord has given me to do, assigned to me, or made me responsible for that I am not equipped (by His Grace) to do. BUT, sometimes I need to step back, take a deep breath and start again. Having done that, I need to pace myself, pay attention to the timing and rhythm of the Holy Spirit in my days and as a bonus...just like the leaning funnel...I need to be flexible, take a different position and allow the Lord to deflect some of the impact of life's downpours before I have to funnel them into my own container of a 24 hour day.
    So, if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, incapable or 'weary in well doing'...ask the Lord for a little FUNNEL VISION and you'll soon be back on track.

  18. Stephanie
    I had a dream...and I don't dream much lately. It was so vivid that I can't stop thinking about it. When I woke up from it (or in the midst of it) I was distressed, trying to catch my breath and had to go and wash my face with some cold water before I could think clearly.
    Before I tell you about this oddity, I want to give a disclaimer - I am in no way trying to say this is a prophetic dream, a hidden message or anything to but me and me alone. But, it sure got my attention and I thought you might find it mighty interesting as well.
    In the dream, I was standing on my back deck, which is about three feet off the ground and we had obviously experienced some kind of flood. I would occasionally see things floating under the deck or just at the edge so that I could see enough of the object to know what it was. But, each time I would run to get Henry (dh) it would have disappeared before he could see it. Once it was a turkey, then a small tiger and lastly an alligator. All three of these animals appeared to be drowned.
    Finally, due to my insistance about the alligator, Henry agreed to come out and check. He told me he was going to get a gun just in case the alligator wasn't dead. When he came back, he went to the wrong side of the deck and declared he couldn't see a thing. Not only that, the firearm he brought was a Black Powder Primitive that he is in the process of repairing (doesn't work as of yet).
    So, I am telling him, "Over here, over here, you're looking in the wrong place, that's why you can't see the alligator." I'm also asking why in the world he brought that gun. He agrees to come to the other side and tells me to go and get a different gun, just in case.
    I run in the house and then wonder which gun I should get. So, I go back out on the deck and see that Henry is in the water with the dead alligator. He says not to worry about it, because the alligator is indeed dead. I turn and look across the yard, which is about hip deep in water and I see another alligator. This one is not dead and is swimming toward Henry.
    I start screaming for Henry to get out of the water, that there is an alligator. He tries to calm me down by once again explaining that the alligator is dead and there is nothing to worry about. All the while this other alligator is swimming towards him. I turn and decide to run and get a gun. I am thinking of the Mossin Nagant and its huge bayonet. I find the rifle, but the bayonet is not attached, I don't know where it is and every other rifle is either missing a part or the ammo. It's all there but not together.
    I run back to the deck, helpless to help my husband and screaming at the top of my lungs! "Alligator! Alligator!"
    Then I wake up.

    What this is saying to me - the message is loud and clear - Get it together!!
    I've been like a little magpie collecting all manner of things (including some firearms I've never shot) as I've been preparing. But what good is it going to do me if when the moment that I need it comes and I don't know where it is, how to use it, what to do with it? This is not the time to procrastinate.
    Also, just because one possible threat "fizzles out" (like that dead alligator) doesn't mean that there isn't another right around the corner. This is not the time to let our guards down.
    I can't remember the last times I had a dream in such vivid color and so life life. I'm paying attention. Starting this weekend, I'm focused on getting it together!! Organizing, using, practicing, unboxing, trying out, what I have gathered.

  19. Stephanie
    Next month will be two years since our family grew from four children to seven. It was quite the adjustment, let me tell you. Not only did have MORE children but now we had two girls, talk about a change in family dynamics! Oh my!
    Here they were , these three little children who had been in an environment that would make you and I shudder. They had a different set of values, morals, priorities, opinions, outlooks, lifestyle...I could go on but I think you've got the picture.
    It has not been easy, it has been hard, it still is sometimes. But, today, as I was checking out these pictures of the three of them in the garden this weekend I noticed the grins. We'd just gotten out of the pool, and their hair is a mess, wearing old clothes to work in the garden. But the light in their eyes demanded to be captured and recorded.
    When they first stepped out of the Social Workers vehicle, they had eyes full of apprehension, hearts gripped with grief, as their world was turned upside down. Everything that they knew that was familiar to them stripped away.
    The baby boy (3 at the time) had been in foster care from birth and all he wanted was his mommy (foster mommy). If you ever wondered to what depth a 3 yr old can grieve, let me tell you, it is heartbreaking to watch.
    The girls had to be un-taught before I could even begin re-teaching. This new way of living was not embraced readily. They had been allowed to do pretty much whatever they wanted, there is a lot of freedom in dysfunction, even if it wasn't safe or healthy.
    Anyway,I wanted to show you these pictures and let you see how the garden of their souls have flourished. God has wrought a good work in their lives. All He asked is for our willingness to be used. I have to throw this out there, don't be afraid to say YES to the Lord if he's asking you to love a child, just because of a difference in skin color or just because you already have a housefull or just because there will be tremendous challenges. It's all worth it, when you're Growing Grins!



  20. Stephanie
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Let me tell you about my night last night. The women at our church held a Banquet, for women only, called HeartSong. Having only joined the church last summer I had never attended it before. Being a bit of a hermitress these days, I can honestly say I wasn't really interested. But, my husband insisted, and really insisted, which is not his normal manner.
    The purpose of the banquet was two fold. First, all of the men of the church were the servers. The other was so that this Special Holiday of Love would not find a beautiful lady at home alone just because she was single.
    There were about 20 large round banquet tables and each table had an assigned hostess. That hostess was responsible for decorating in a theme of her choice. I had asked to be placed at the Rose Table which was to be hosted by my youngest son's church teacher. I still feel relatively new as I mostly am wrapped up in my children and don't spend much time socializing.
    As I began to dress my children began to oooh and ahhh, touching my lacy dress, smelling the cologne, bragging on my heart shape pendant that hung from a chain around my neck. Now, I know that they are partial, but soon I began to just feel so pretty and before I knew it I had grabbed a pair of earrings that used to be my favorites. The problem was, I hadn't worn them in so long (read years!) I had to do what many of us has done at such times...just push it on through. My children watched in amazement, they girls held each other tight and squealed, the boys cheered me on yelling out, "Man, that's GOTTA hurt!"
    Finally, I was as fancy as I could make myself and left for the banquet. When I arrived, I was amazed! Each and every table was uniquely decorated, like little islands unto themselves with eight women seated. And each of these women were as unique and beautiful as the tables before them. I was escorted by the Maitre' De (my pastor) to what I considered the most gorgeous table of all, The Rose Table.
    Everything was perfection! The center piece was an array of Roses of course, the real bone china was patterned the same. There was REAL silver ware and lovely crystal. A gift from the hostess waited to be claimed in my assigned seat. I knes it was mine because of the lovely Place Card there. I was warmly greeted. I met ladies that I had not known before. They asked me about my life, I learned a bit about theirs.
    I felt like a queen, and then after a lovely program and music and hugs, it was time to go home. My feet were a bit achy, been a while sinc I've worn heels. My ears were feeling a wee bit tender due to my determination to Push Through earlier. I thought it was the loveliest evening I had spent in a long while, but I didn't know the best was yet to come.
    While I was at the Banquet my dh and children had a project of their own. First, they straightened up the whole house. Not the usualy messiness I find when I return from an outing. When I opened the door I saw the shining faces of all seven children shouting "Happy Valentine's Day Mom!" They then began to extend their hands and hold out Homemade Valentine Cards. My dear husband had not only kept the children so I could go, but had collected construction paper and crayons and gave them opportunity to create something beautiful.
    Just like those tables at the banquet, just like the women at the tables, I saw each card as a unique expression of who my individual children. They are wonderful! The cards will warm my heart for many years to come! My husband put me ahead of himself and while he could not come to the church and server at the Banquet, was at home serving me all the same.
    Not one penny of money was spent and it was the best Valentine's Day of my life. I pray today that you will feel loved and that you will take the time to express the love you feel!

  21. Stephanie
    One of my favorite Christmas Presents this year was bought with my Christmas money from my Grandmother and Mother. A series of videos from Franklin Springs.
    Franklin Springs
    I have enjoyed these videos so much that I wanted to share them with my friends and give them my recommendation. They deal with candle making, soap making, canning, gardening, cooking, herbs, etc...
    I also have enjoyed visiting their web page as well. They really are a delightful family, a Mom and her three daughters living out a life that many of us dream of.
    Homestead Blessings
    One thing that I found particularly interesting was the Hand Milling of Soap. My husband wants to try the pickled eggs. One of my boys wants to try the 'easiest potato bed' they demonstrated. The girls really want to try the candle dipping. They've encouraged me to try again with my herb gardening next year. Really cool videos!
  22. Stephanie
    I noticed that our blogging efforts have really slowed down. Y'all must be as busy as I am. So much going on.
    Mom and Pop will be here next Friday so we are working like Trojans getting ready for their visit, it's been a great motivator!
    Dh and the boys are out in the garage cleaning and loading a trailer to go to the Thrift Store for donation. This is a very good thing!!
    Not only are they coming and I'm dusting things that haven't been dusted in far too long, I'm trying to prepare for our new school year as well.
    We start our new year officially the day after Labor Day, just like we use to do it 'back in the day', I like setting my own schedule.
    All seven are officially being educated this year....although I have not 'registered' the youngest two. In the state of Alabama that isn't required until age seven. And once in the system, then you're in the system.
    I've decided to simplify my preps, focusing on the VERY BASICS. I'll probably start a thread about my efforts later, when I have time to breathe!
    We're doing really good in the 'eating what you store' plan, and I'm loving those new storage bins that I wrote about in an earlier blog entry.
  23. Stephanie
    In Junior High School I was in a play that my French Class did for the younger grades.
    I was - La Petite Poule Rouge (The Little Red Hen)
    I had to go to all the other characters and ask for help only to hear them say over and over Pas Moi! Not Me!
    Now, here I sit, three decades later wondering if I've become a real life La Petite Poule Rouge.
    I'm answering myself with those same two little words - Pas Moi!! Surely not!
    And yet, I find in my possession a newly acquired Grain Mill and supply of grain (with etc...)
    Was this my destiny? Was it meant to be? Was being a 'do it myself' kind of girl instilled in me at a tender age?
    Here is my Grain Mill - The Wonder Junior Deluxe! Isn't it lovely!
    Here is where I bought my grain and other supplies. If you look to the left side bar you'll see a Getting Started button, that's what I clicked and used as a guide for my ordering.
    I do not know when I will actually use any of this, certainly not today. But, when I do, I'll be sure to share the experience! In the meantime, enjoy this online story of The Little Red Hen.
  24. Stephanie
    You hear that an awful lot when you live out in the country with a pond and creek and a few acres!
    Like today, my middle son brought me the cutest little turtle. Yesterday my oldest son brought me a humongous wood beetle. There have been collections of army ants, crickets, grasshoppers and frogs (even tadpoles). But Monday they really lucked up and found ....

    Well, we don't have a cat or a kitten and they just thought this was a DANDY addition to the menagerie. This kitten was meticulously groomed, smelled like perfume, clean and brushed. Was sure that this was someones lost pet and told the kids so. But, that was over four days ago, we've called the Animal Shelter and the local vet, left numbers and watched for posted flyers. No luck.
    I haven't posted a sign anywhere because I'm not comfortable putting my # out in public (crazy folks are out there...ya' know?).
    I did my best to determine boy or girl. I'm 95% sure it's a boy and now the name debate has started.
    First, we thought of Puff, since we've been reading a lot of Dick and Jane lately. Then, I talked to my grandmother yesterday ( a real treat for me ) and she said, "If its a Tom Cat, you're suppose to call him Tom!" So, one son is all for Tom as he likes Tom and Jerry cartoons. The girls are still liking Puff.
    I then thought about Sylvester, but my youngest boys said they could NEVER remember a hard name like that!
    Plus....I'm soooo sure that this is a boy...but what if I'm wrong, I'm not exactly a cat expert. So I was trying to think of something more gender neutral. If I thought is was a girl, I would have named it Lydia...just looks like a Lydia to me.
    Finally the two big boys said, how about SAM, you like Sam from the Lord of the Rings, and if it happens to be a girl...that's just short for Samantha.
    I think they have a point! But...I'm still thinking. (Of course an owner could show up at any point. )
  25. Stephanie
    Today my Precious Grandma DeMoss is celebrating her 89th birthday!! I so wish that I was there to hold her in my arms and look her in the eyes and try to convey what words could never say...how much she means to me, how much I love her, how much I appreciate her.
    Grandma is an amazing person and a Godly woman. The influence that she has had on my life and the lives of so many others is without measure. She was the oldest girl of a very large family and was a Daddy's girl and a devoted daughter to a frail mother who suffered from epiletic seizures in a day when not much could be done.
    She was a teenage girl when the first terrible moment of her life occurred. She had stayed home from school to see about her mother who was pregnant and doing poorly while her siblings of school age went to school that fateful day in 1937. It was the day of the historic New London School Explosion. She still cries softly as she recalls the way her daddy wept as they dug through the rubble looking for the bodies of her brother and two sisters.
    She was a young married woman when she faced her next tragedy. Expecting her first child she was horrified when she realized the baby had stopped moving. There was nothing to do but wait and when the baby was delivered, beautiful an precious as she was, she was still born. He heart was broken. She named the baby, which was not the norm during that time and buried her in a small casket in a country church cemetary.
    She watched her husband go off to WWII and lived through the depression, raising her children up in the nurture and admontion of the Lord whom she loved so dearly. My own mother was born 6 months after my grandpa went to serve. The Red Cross delivered a telegram to him saying "You have a baby girl". He was in fox hole in Germany reading a French novel that an Army buddy had shared. He wired back "Name her Genevieve" (after the heroine in the story). And so grandma did to the protest of many family members.
    Many years later, having raised her children and enjoying the benefits of an empty nest that included fishing and hunting with grandpa, she faced the unthinkable. Her oldest son had been murdered, shot and killed. His Christmas present was under her bed, never to be given.
    A decade later she nursed my grandpa as his body was devastated by a terrible cancer. She mourned the loss of her best friend, lover and soul mate. She would never marry again, there could be no other.
    A decade passed again before she sat at the funeral of her youngest daughter, only 43 whose life had been shortened by a terrible cancer. Her mother's eyes still seep at the thought of the children that she has lost. She still misses grandpa and always will. She has stood faithful through all of this and more. She is amazing.
    She has 18 grandchildren, 45 great grands and many great greats as the family continues to grow and flourish. She is something special and I wanted to say so. She has planted seeds of love and has a giving spirit even now. She could shoot a squirrel in the eye and cook him up with rice and gravy for dinner. She has the most beautiful gray hair, her honor and glory. She was a fisherwoman that could catch anything anywhere and loved it. She refuses to wear 'men's clothes' even though her legs might get a little chilly in the winter. She knew how to go to a ditch and catch crawdads and take them home to fry them up for us a tasty lunch. She always stood up for those whom she loved and would defend you when you might not deserve defending.
    She is my GRANDMA DeMOSS and I hope this is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for her. And although she has grown old, her eyes are dimming and she seems to remember days gone by better than the present at times. She is a grand lady and I am so proud to have her in my life!! I love you Grandma!!!

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