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Judy Moist

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Everything posted by Judy Moist

  1. Have you ever seen a bundt pan, it is just like it, but the cone in the middle is thinner and a little longer. and no question is a stupid question.
  2. Poor innocent tomatoes, being abused in such a cruel, cruel way,
  3. Went to Walmart this morning and got my supplies for my ornaments. Just need to find some clear varnish. I could not find it in this walmart for nothing. Dh is going to go in the morning and see if he can find it, maybe I was looking in the wrong place. But will getting started Monday after everyone is in school and work......
  4. Man it got cold on you didn't it. It was rather humid here today, almost to much so for comfort. It was a really pretty day, until this evening we had a couple of rain showers, but then cleared off and sun came back out. Went to Walmart and stocked up on cat food (24 cans) and (20)lbs of dry. Made beef stroganoff with garlic french bread for dinner. That is about all that happened here today. Hope all had a good day, and a good rest of the weekend...
  5. I place all the free samples in a basket in my prep closet and use them as part of my emergency stock, especially for a bug out bag.....
  6. I just checked out Baby Lukes Pic. He is so precious, makes me want another one, WELL ALMOST... If you ever need a babysitter, just ship him to Tennessee I'll volunteer. He is just so sweet looking..... to you Baby Luke>>>
  7. Dear Sun: I am writing this slow because I know you can't read fast. We don't live where we did when you left. Your dad read in the paper that most car accidents happen within twenty miles of home, so we moved. I can't send you the address as the last red-neck family that lived here took the numbers with them for their next house so they wouldn't have to change their address. This place has a washing machine, but the first day I put four shirts in it, pulled the chain and haven't seem them since. It rained here only twice last week, three days the first time, and four the second. About the coat you wanted me to send you, Aunt Sue said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with them heavy buttons, so we ecut them off and put them in the pockets. We got a bill from the funeral home and it said that if we didn't make the last payment on grandma's funeral, up she'd come. About your sister, she had a baby this morning. I haven't found out whether it's a boy or a girl so I don't know if you're and aunt or an uncle. Your Uncle John fell in the whiskey vat, some men tried to pull him out but he fought them off and drowned. We cremated him and it took three days to put out the fire. Three of your friends went off the bridge in their pickup. One was driving and the other two were in the back. The driver got out, he rolled down the window and swam to safety. The other two drowned because they couldn't get the tail gate open. Aunt Mabel is knitting you some socks. She would have sent them by now but I told her that you had grown another foot since she last saw you so she had to knit another one. Not much more news this time, Nothing much has happened. Love, Mom P.s. I would have sent you $20, but the envevelope was already sealed.
  8. Got up this morning to 52* and foggy. It is supposed to be a beautiful day today, a high in the 70*s. I am in an aggravated mood today, with dh and his boss. Here, they missed a week and a half of work due to weather off of all those hurricanes. It is going to be a perfect working day, so instead of working to make up missed time, and to get in extra funds for upcoming winter months, they are going to take today off from work.They just do not think ahead. Here in a couple of weeks they will both be whining, because they are lacking in funds,Oh well, work when you can. After all that time off they should be raring to go. Then last night, trying to listen to the presidential debates, he freaking wants to analyze every move and action Kerry and Bush makes, talks during the whole darn thing. I finally went to the bedroom to listen too it. . I know come saturday and sunday, he will sleep those two days away...Not this weekend he won't I'm not putting up with it. There is too much work that needs to be done and he is going to get it caught up this weekend. His best friend and his family are coming up around the end of october, so he is going to help get ready for them. I want my yard and flower beds cleaned out. AM I A SLAVE DRIVER OR WHAT!!!!! Ok, through blowing my cool and telling you my life story.... Oh, I guess my message is getting across, I just heard the mower start up, he has cleaned up my green bean bed and cleaning it up, looks like he has been cleaning out the front flower bed. Oh well I guess a little b-------,(you fill in the blank)
  9. Can you believe September is already gone? Time is going fast. Foggy this morning, and a little chilly. I blasted the heater for a few minutes, to take the chill out of the house before ds woke up. Just got through making a doctors appointment for Monday, I have to go get a new prescription for blood pressure meds,mine has run out. I absolutely dread it.... Haven't done a tooten thing this morning in the way of house work. Have been having a lazy morning with the littlest ds. But he is now through with me and ready to play his games,so maybe I can get something done now... Well I guess I will go get started,everybody have a good and safe day. Any of you who may be in the way of Mt. St. Helens, please be safe and take care....thinking of you and for you.....
  10. Beans and cabbage w/ tomatoes, (sliced or stewed), cabbage roll bean burrito? stuffed pepper or stuffed tomatoes with cheeses
  11. Well since the birth of my 3rd and last child, I do them whenever possible... otherwise all my old innards may just fall out in the floor, because all those muscles are so weak and abused
  12. Woke up this morning to a lot of fog. I have a load of going, and have got to start cleaning up last nights mess. I think I will put on a pot of homemade soup for dinner tonight, It is our BINGO night, and dh's aunt just had dental surgery and still has to eat soft foods, so figure that will do, Dh doesn't care for soups, so will fix him an egg roll. Dh has to have all cream based soups. I like good ole homemade vegetable..... Well have to go start breakfast, so everyone have a good day...
  13. Buttercup, if you don't get to doing them kegels, we will all be visiting you over in The Shop forum, under Plumbing Woes !!!!!!!
  14. Sounds like a good start to me... I'm just about where you are.
  15. It is overcast here today, with a few peaks of sunshine. I have been busy this morning getting some paperwork together for dh.Also getting some information together for a friend down in Florida,on his disability. Got to get this all out in the mail. Got to do some christmas shopping yesterday. I now need to get started on the housework, I've been playing with my littlest boy all morning. He's been burying me under pillows and then bomb diving on me.
  16. This time of year I always do a lot of baking,I am going to concentrate on getting ready for the holidays, and doing some more vital winter stocking. I hope to be able to get caught up on my reading, and want to do some cross stitching....
  17. Well trying to decide if I want to do anything or not today, I know I need too, but..... waiting around on the rain. They say that we can expect some rains and possible some gusty winds from you know who! Nothing drastic,like with Ivan. Thank Goodness. Has anyone heard from Darlene??? I hope she is ok. I have finally decided on what to make on the ornament exchange will get started on that tomorrow. I think I will just straighten up a little today, then I need to do some good cleaning over the next couple of days. Some family members are coming up from Florida, to stay for a few days, they are sick and tired of the weather and destruction where they are at, the mother wants to come here to see the fall change....So gotta get ready for company... Well, everyone have a good day, stay dry and safe, don't work too hard, I'M NOT!!!!
  18. It is a very nice day, today, just wish I was in a better mood to enjoy it. It's the weekend the kids are playing video games, and dh is doing his best AL Bundy(married with children) impersonation. In the recliner, with remote and cigarette in hand, a beer on the side watching dang television. It seems that over the past couple of months, if anything gets done around here it is because I am doing it. Dh and DS's wanted these dang cats and dogs, but I cannot get them to feed them for nothing, I have to trot out and feed them and carry them clean water. I told everyone that at 5:00pm today, all tv's in this house will be voluntarily shut off, or I will put the main switch at the fuse box. But everyone is to get dressed and go outside, and work better be done. They think I am kidding, they are in for a big surprise come 5 pm.... I just wears me out, dh works monday through friday, then come the weekend all he does is goes socializing with is buddies at dunkin donuts, then comes home and sleeps all weekend or watches races. I'm over it. I have to cook, clean,do laundry, help the kids with school, play nurse, doctor, secretary, run errands and take care of his family. I don't get to rest, but things are changing really really soon...... Ok, through with my fuss session. Hope everyone has a good day., stay safe, Gainesville Florida is getting hit really bad right now. Just had a phone calls from 2 family members one had already lost power and the others electricity was flickering ready to go out... Has anyone heard from Darlene? STay safe all.
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