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MrsSurvival Discussion Forums

I never did introduce myself, sorry


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My husband was in the hospital in ICU and I've been quite busy since he came home and I've still been gardening and canning (not as much as usual but hopefully enough.

I'm a mother of three, a grandmother of five and have been married to my first husband for almost 39 years. And I'd do it again, kinda like having him around. Sometimes he's a blessing and other times he's a pain.

I garden, can, sew, knit, write and have learned to make do.

I was raised in the logging camps that dotted nw. pa. in the forties and fifties. We were poor but were too dumb to know it and were quite happy most of the time. Now, I have all the modern comforts and sometimes miss the adventures of running along the corduroy logging roads and carrying water from the springs hidden in the woods.

I have a bad heart and have to be careful not push myself too far but still live a full life. Father God Yahweh has been good to me.


Blessings to all, gimmeaminute

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I have MS which has slowed me down from 90mph to ....ah, quite a bit less than that. But we do what we can, huh? We need to start a thread about prepping when ya got some nasty limits physically. There are 'tricks to the trade' for that too, aren't there.



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Thank you for the welcome. I like coming here and lurked for quite awhile before joining. I've learned from some of you and enjoy the easy banter and attitudes.


The name fits me. Seems like I'm always telling someone to gimmeaminute. When everybody is here this house is a lively place to say the least


Snowmom: I followed your posts when Old Pine was ill and prayed for you and him. I'm happy for you that he came through so well. Husbands are special creatures. I have three stents in my heart, a weak valve, a pacemaker/defib, arrythemea and congestive heart failure. A year ago this past June, I had a massive heart atack caused by a blood clot. I was told that I probably survived because I had always been so active. I think Father God Yahweh intervened. We learned a lot while growing up in poverty, didn't we?


Mt_Rider: I admire the tenacity your posts show. You're right we should start a thread about prepping with physical limits. We could swap some of the tricks of the trade we've learned or been taught.


Husband is doing as well as can be expected. He went into congestive heart failure and ballooned almost 40 pounds. One side of his heart is enlarged. I watch him trying to cope and it hurts. When he wants to use the tractor or one of the lawn mowers, he straps his oxygen tank to the hood and away he goes. Thank God he hasn't given up.


Thanks again.


Blessings to all; gimmeaminute

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