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Monday Morning Blizzard


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Right now it's raining and will turn to ice and then snow, heavy snow and 20-30 mile an hour winds.....that's called a blizzard! frozen


So, my day will be spent inside, possibly getting some much needed stuff down around this poor neglected house.


I could start seeds....no, no, no I MUST wait a couple more weeks before I can do that.


What are you up to? Have a good one whatever you've got planned!!! bighug

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It's headed this way too, Dee. Foggy here this morning already. We are battening down all the hatches and filling a couple more water jugs just in case the electricity goes off, which it is prone to do lately. At least we now have our nice little airtight wood stove in the livingroom/bedroom area and will stay toasty warm while it's frozen outside.


Thanks for the reminder that I shouldn't be starting my seedlings inside yet. I ALWAYS want to get a big jump on spring. I'm going to start some of the cole crops next week though in hopes that spring comes EARLY this year. grin


Hope everyone stays safe and has a great day.



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Same here! Showers taken, water in the tub, a couple gallon of water for drinking and COFFEE. We seldom lose our power but we did once for 3 days so I don't take chances any longer.


Isn't it awful holding off on starting seeds? I've been forcing myself to ignore them for weeks now!!!



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Suppose to hit here this evening. Ft Wayne (about 40 miles south of here) is calling for 8-12". DBF's hauled in an extra 3 wheelbarrows full of wood. Gotta go load up the chickens with feed and water, so all I'll have to do is collect eggs and check on them.


I have today, tomarrow and Wednesday off work--so may get out today, but probably won't leave the house for the next two. grin


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The storm is supposed to get here tomorrow, I'll go out this evening for the weeks supply of groceries and any good sales. Even after about 3 months of having decent supplies of stored items it is still very nice to know that if the storm suddenly appeared overhead, I'd be fine because of my stores.



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I do hope you are all doing ok, let us know how things are with you all.


I know we had fog on Sunday, then it was real nice yesterday, today it isn't to be as warm as it was yesterday, but the sun is out. smile



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We have about three inches of wet sticky snow. Winds are really picking up here but at least the sun is coming out beautifully and the temp is going up a bit.


The sun on the snow covered trees, fences, roofs, weeds and everywhere is really beautiful. cool



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We got snow--about a foot. Didn't get the wind with it, though. It's a bit windy now, but the snow is pretty wet and heavy, so I don't think there will be alot of drifting. Plows have been out-one got stuck down the road a bit. Lots of snowmobiles out, too.


Originally Posted By: Momo
Holy Cow Dee, Mother, Necie, NYDebbie et al...


We went fishing this morning. Now you have all made me feel chilly!


Some of the guys went fishing here yesterday. They were biting pretty good with the storm coming in. Got some BIG gills and perch.


How chilly do ya feel now? frozen



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You know Necie, I'm not much of a fisherman but it makes sense that they'd be biting big time before a storm, just never though of it before.


I know our squirrels and birds at the feeders outside the window eat like crazy before a storm comes. It's a good way to tell that things are going to get hairy for awhile when you see them eating at odd times of day and eating more than normal.


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It's Wednesday the 27th here - we got at least an inch of snow and it's snowing now - very magical and quiet. The woods and mountains here are beautiful. I got a day off just to catch up on grading and planning.


Just a much needed and very nice lazy day... coffee2

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Originally Posted By: Dee
Oh, I'm so glad it's you and not me reporting that Jeepers! :lol:

Well, we are supposed to get an extra 2-4 inches today into tomorrow. I like winter and I like snow but after I got my gas bill for this month, I'm ready for spring summer!
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We got enough snow yesterday to make the roads slick. Not happy about that, but I don't have to drive, so that is good. smile I see it is snowing again, but not heavy at all, so probably not much again today. Don't think we got more than 1/4 inch yesterday. We could use a nice big amount, but not all at once. smile





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