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Herbal Healer News reports that they were told "not to mention anything that could be used to help the Bird Flu" I received my newsletter today.


Why is the government censoring the health food industry from helping people fight this Bird Flu?


WHAT THE H*LL IS GOING ON????!?!?!?! soapbox Is this really the government or just something that a few sheep came up with?

Sorry I blew up.

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the govt is trying to prevent panic...they would prefer us to die quietly and peacefully, rather than kicking, screaming and demanding action....sounds gross, but....!

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I think it's simply a case of the old bias against natural remedies and supplements. There are many laws on the books about what kinds of claims product manufacturers can make on their labels. They don't want seeming official lists of natural remedies out there that some people might seek over medical care.


The Centers for Disease Control has on its web pages much information about what kinds of supplies to have on hand in case of pandemic, etc. They aren't trying to suppress anything...they are trying to ensure that home remedies aren't people's first choice. At least that's what I'm thinking based on prior experience covering the food industry, the FDA and health news.




However, I wouldn't put it past them to suppress info--but let's not just jump on a conpsiracy wagon without knowing for sure.

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There is also some evidence that the mechanisms in SOME herbal remedies are very good at boosting the immune system in a way that might actually be counterproductive in the case of avian flu- causing a cytokine storm like response.


Herbal remedies can be wonderful but not all herbal remedies are good at all times. There might be another motive, but I know for me, herbal remedies are off the table ( my autoimmune issues make it so I actually need to be immunosuppressed so any herbal remedies to boost my immune system right now actually make me sicker!)

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I think they just want to keep quiet about the Avian Flu until the Olympics are over. I know I wouldn't want to fly there and back at the risk of contracting it. I think they are going to have enough problems getting Americans to go given their stance on civil rights and the price of jet fuel causing a price hike in airline travel. Oh yeah, and the fact that they are trying to poison all of us and our pets too!


At least I would think...

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Perhaps it is to stop the charlatans from prescribing snake oil,


Though I'm still trying to work out how medical professionals can perscribe medication for a virus that has not mutated yet, the bird flu virus has already become immune to tammiflu in some people. Who is to say what drugs will work and what will be useless against the next deviant strain of bird flu, viruses multiply and mutate all the time, it is there nature, invade cells, replicate, destroy healthy cells, some of those viruses will mutate and become a super viruse.


So just because medicines work for one virus dosent mean it will work on another, there is no guarantee that coventional medicine will work or alternative medicine will be useful. If conventional medicine dose not work in a pandemic then desperate people can be at the mercy of any passing quack who could give them something that is toxicand die not from the disease but from the so called preventative cure.


Please dont think i am bashing alternative therapys, I have used aromatherapy oils for the past 20 years, and only needed antibiotics 3 times in that period, for my daughter there has always been a mix of both as she has chronic asthma, has occasional seizures, plus cerable palsy and hydrocephalus, so I am extra careful what oils are used around her.


As for supressing the news about Avian Flu in China until after the olympics, I believe that the Chinese goverment are already doing this and have been doing so since it was first discovered that China has had problems in the past, I think numbers have been suppressed not only in China but other countries as well, suspicious deaths that have not had autopsys instead bodies have been quickly incinerated for example the small family cluster in India where the first brother was cremated before any tests where done then his two other brother also develop the same symptoms, also hospitalised and die. Would the world have known anything about these deaths except from there Brother attending there funerals then returning home in America and it was him going to speak to doctors that the whole story came out and hit world headlines.


We humans are only one step away from any pandemic only because more people travel, they can be exposed be a carrier and return home before symptoms rear there ugly heads, infecting numerous in the process.

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Sorry you so upset.


If your a member of AFT please be careful. Going to other site is forbidden. He will tell you this himself. If he finds you visited other Avain sites he will boot you. There are much better sites.


I'm not being vandictive, I'm just trying to save you from a world of hurt. AFT is not the best site to get your information from.


For every post that has been made by a guest was a member he tossed out. Many people have shed tears over this site and what is taught there.


If you’re a member, and wish to educate yourself, please use a different username on other sites in order to protect yourself from AFT and always use a different password that is not linked to your computer.


Every flu site has different information so it's just makes good sense to learn everything you can.


Other sites also allow PM's, chat room, sharing of information, as a matter of fact they encourage it. They allow you to email other member if you choose to do that and allow sharing of instant messenger. They share discount codes to places that sell bulk food and long term food store and MRE's.




Hope this helps.











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Historically and statistically modern allopathic medications have killed and injured way more people than herbal remedies have yet the Powers That Be continue to bash them as dangerous and unreliable. WHY?


We have to remember that herbs cannot be patented and therefore cannot be used by drug companies to amass huge sums of money. They do not, however, hesitate to take an herb and tear it down into its chemical components and utilize one of those factions to MAKE money. For centuries and even still, herbs have been the basis for modern medications. But the primary reason the big pharmacy companies are lobbying so hard AGAINST herbs and alternative medications is simply because of PROFIT.


I will admit to many companies making money on herbal products also but PLEASE do NOT make the mistake of believing simply because a modern medication has been "approved" that it is any safer than herbal ones that have NOT been approved. You only have to see the number of lawsuits out there for damages done by medications to know that approved is not always safe. I've researched the 'approval' process and it is NOT scientific by any means. Recently there has been a lot of accusations, complete with hearings, against the government because of it's inference in allowing the EPA to do it's job effectively. The accusations are well founded and say that the government is working for the chemical companies rather than the safety of the people. It is the exact same thing with the approval process of drugs. The committees set up to discover the safety of any given product now contain a large percentage of people who hold patents on those products or who have a vested interest in it's profitability. That is against the law but it is still done continuously.


Soon, if this is allowed to go on, we will find ourselves not allowed to even grow herbs for medicinal use and that is just a step in being unable to grow FOOD for our own use simply because it might be used 'medicinally'. Sound impossible? It's not. It's only a step away.


It is true that there are a lot of untested claims for various 'snake oil' remedies out there. There has been long before modern medicine came about. Many of those snake oil recipes went on to be some of our most widely used medications. Aspirin for example, which by the way causes huge percentages of death and side effects in it’s modern state but has not had a documented case of willow tea (aspirin’s precursor) poisoning to date. It's true that we have watchdog agencies out there looking for those problems but those agencies are government based and funded by big pharmaceutical companies. There is ALWAYS another side to an issue. This one seems to have more than two sides even.


I have used herbal medications for way over 40 years. I have researched and experimented and have found many many that I reacted to personally yet other people did not. I have found many to be as effective or more so than modern RX's. In my research I have found that in 1870 there were 636 herbal entries in the US Pharmacopoeia. By 1990 there were only 58 (wild cherry bark is still listed for one but only because it is used in major cough preparations) in spite of or because of perhaps the expanding interest by the American people in alternative medications.


I have also found the US is one of the few countries that does NOT advocate the use of alternative medications. Germany has their Commission E, which is the official "approval" group for herbal medications in that country. Their list is awesome and these are "researched" thoroughly before approval. Yet the US won't acknowledge that research. Most other countries around the world have their own research requirements and advocate herbal medications and their medical doctors often prescribe them. Those countries do not have the big pharmacy houses controlling the sales though. In fact, most countries control the cost that a Pharmaceutical company can sell their products at. It's only in America and a few other countries that they are allowed to charge whatever they want.


Money is the reason they are hounding the herbal industry. Not because they are any more dangerous than modern medication.


Now, that said, I DO believe in using modern medications. There is a place for both in my estimation but I use herbal medications the same way I use RX's by thoroughly researching the effectiveness, the side effects and the possible long-term problems involved in taking either of them.


Many of my family members, myself included, have been saved by modern medical intervention. I appreciate every single extra day with my Mom that modern medication has given me. She's had heart surgeries and stints and etc that have given her a quantity and quality of life that I won't deny. However, in this era of modern medications, in other countries, they are combining both forms of treatment with extremely good results. Why can't we do the same in the US? I’ve already answered that question.


As for Avian Flu and herbal medications, during the 1918 flu, which is supposedly the same type, they had few of the modern medications we have now and they used herbal and homeopathic medications as alternatives. The used what they had and knew. When a person is desperate they will use anything at their disposal and if the patient is in danger of dying anyway, why not? Strangely enough, where records were kept, the data is just starting to show that more lives were saved by herbal or homeopathic meds than all the rest during that time. I believe, however, that no claims, herbal or otherwise, can be made for effectiveness against the virus considering that the virus has to mutate more in order to become seriously Human to Human sustained. Let's face it, nothing they've used so far has managed to save those lives other than good quality medical support and even THAT has not been very effective.


If Sambucol or any of the other herbal remedies that are touted effective against it were really effective they would be using it in Indonesia where they are hard hit and still believe in using herbal meds. OR ARE THEY? We only hear about the 'certified' cases and how many of those people have died. We hear nothing about the "other" cases that have resolved. What ARE they using in the villages and small towns where this seems to be rampant?


If modern medicine HAS any 'cures' against this dreaded disease they are NOT using them. Who among us can say that a prescription from the doctor will be any more effective against the Avian Flu than an herbal remedy? Stopping the sales of herbal medication is NOT curing any diseases and is denying us our rights to choose. One more freedom gone.


(((( ))))

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JCK88, I'd like to address your post separately here because I know that you always like to be sure of what is being said in a post. smile


It's my understanding that the public has been told that if a pandemic hits like they believe it will, there will not be enough medicine to go around and they well be triaging who will get what they do have. You can find that info on the Federal Governments multi hundred page pandemic plan or better yet at almost all state or county health departments as they are charged with handling the situation. Remember, the President himself, on national television, has told us the Federal Government won't be there for us. That is the reason that all states have recieved funds to help them be prepared.


I've read Illinois information on this subject and indeed, there are not enough respirators to go around let alone doctors, nurses, other equipment, hospital space and or medications to handle the numbers of patients they believe may be possible. The way it reads, unless me or my family is one of the first ones to come down with the flu, we would have to stand in line behind hundreds of health care workers, first responders, police, and etc to even be considered for a vaccine and we'd have to stand in line between thousands who may be trying to get into our small, already understaffed, area hospitals. The whole plan reads like a horror story for the people in the county.


I am hoping that will not happen but if it does, I would be grateful for any help I could give to a sick family member even if it was only treating their symptoms with herbal meds. For that reason I stock those items, both herbal and medically approved. I have the masks, I have the gloves, hand sanitizers, alcohol, bleach and other items needed to help keep the infection controlled. I have already thought through a place to isolate possible infections and etc. (there is a lot of that kind of info here on Mrs. S) I replace those expired items as often as necessary simply because I consider it good "insurance".


This is what the Pandemicflu.gov suggests for supplies to individuals.




The closest they get to anything besides OTC meds is vitamins.

That's going to leave a lot of people unprepared if the pandemic happens like officials around the world believe it will.


If there IS a conspiracy, I want no part of it. I want only to have the freedom to choose an alternative if nothing else is available to me. That freedom is being threatened. Are they really saving lives by doing that? In my opinion, and only a humble one at that, I do not believe they are. I believe our system is broken and in need of repair.


Now I'm off to see if Germany has any reccomendations for their citizens in case of a pandemic.



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