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I have Shingles


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Isn't that just the icing on the cake after all this stress I've been going through. Sigh. Kinda painful I must say, but on the milder side after seeing my husband go through it two years ago. Doctor told me I caught it from him at that time and the virus has been lying dormant....until now.



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after all this stress I've been going through.

Yep, stress is what brings it on. Been there, got the t-shirt, used it for rags.


Hurts like anything doesn't it? So very sorry to hear tis.

Hope you have a bit of a chance to take it easy (yeah right, as if any of us can do that) and recover soon.




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Im going through my Nutritional Healing book which covers disorders very thouroughly. Im basically doing some vitamin and herb therapy, and ibuprofin helps a bit. I have to go to work tomorrow night....no choice. Need the money badly. Im staying in bed as much as possible today.


My husband went on a camping trip with two of the four kids. Luckily, my oldest teenager is staying home with me and is very responsible. Kinda scary when you are at a point in your life when you are at their mercy for care....."Hey mom....remember that time when I was little and you wouldn't let me have that goldfish....." LOL just kidding. He's not like that at all.


At least I havent lost my sense of humor (although the kids swear I never had one in the first place)


Does anyone know if breathing problems are associated with shingles? My breathing feels kinda funny....sorta labored.

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Does anyone know if breathing problems are associated with shingles? My breathing feels kinda funny....sorta labored.


No! It normally does not go with breathing problems. But shingles can creep up when other illnesses lurk underneath.

Please please, check for flu signs as well. Or have eldest kid check on you, that might be safer.

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I am a medic and normally breathing difficulty does not accompany shingles. Watch out for that carefully as you most likely have something else as an underlying cause of respiratory problems. My son had a very bad case of the shingles at 4. I took him to a chiropractor who cured them as they are associated with nerve endings. Hope you feel better real soon, firegirl

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I had shingles last month so I'll tell you what worked for me. Apple cider vinegar. Really. I was beside myself with pain and exhausted and miserable so I called my mom to see if she had any advice. She checked earthclinic.com and lots of people recommended apple cider vinegar. I started drinking apple cider vinegar (the good vinegar from the health food store with the veil of the mother) mixed with honey and water. I also soaked rags with vinegar, and sometimes honey, and applied them to the blisters a few times a day. Within 24 hours I was doing so much better.


In addition to the apple cider vinegar I bought some St. John's Wart tincture and took that 2 to 3 times a day in water. St. John's Wart works really well for me. It's technically a mild anti-depressant so it would lift that desperate painful feeling that made it hard to sleep at night. And I think St. John's Wart is supposed to help nerve healing. I think.


Lastly I used poultices of cranesbill plant on the blisters. I have it growing in my yard but I'd be surprised if it's very common. Anyway, crushed cranesbill leaves are very, very effective at numbing the blister pain. There was even one night I was so miserable I couldn't sleep so I ended up outside with a headlamp picking more leaves for poultices.


So maybe try the apple cider vinegar and/or St. John's Wart and please post if it works.


Edited to add: I never had labored breathing during the shingles but as soon as I started recovering I ended up with the flu. So maybe you have an overlapping illness? The stress of shingles is bound to devastate your immune system and make you susceptible to other illnesses.

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That breathing issue only lasted for that one day. I have no idea what that was. Im gonna say stress or something. Very weird. Anyway, Im still doing o.k. The pain is almost all on one side, and my husband said it was exactly the same way for him when he had it two years ago. I think mine is a lot milder then when he had it. I seem to be tolerating it better. Going to work was no fun....but it got really busy so I guess I mentally blocked some of the pain because my mind was on waiting on several tables at once, and I also took a good dose of ibuprofin before I left the house. I don't have to work again until Tuesday.


I will definately try the apple cider vinegar. If I can make it to my local health food store I will pick up some St. Johns Wart tea. I like doing teas best when taking herbal remedies. It's just so soothing. I will let you know how it goes.


Thank you so much for all of your help and kindness.



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Hopefully it will pass soon. I developed shingles in May 08. It was on my left hip. The blisters healed in the normal time frame but the nerve pain has continued until this day. I have been on nerve pain blockers all this time. I also can take strong pain meds as needed. My poor doc says we just have to wait it out. He feels because I have to take other meds to control my RA, I am going to heal VERY slowly from this.


I can only say to relax whenever possible. Try not to "stretch" the nerves involved. And that may be challenging. With me, bending over can make things worse. It is wonderful that I have a service dog that can do most of it for me. Now if I could only get him to pull weeds. :D


Don't get me wrong, I am not in as much pain as I was in the beginning and now I have good days and bad. I just pray you heal quickly. And, consider getting the shot for it so you don't get it again. I can't have it. :lol:



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Glad I got the shot. I am not that old, but since being diabetic I asked for one. The doctor said it was fine. I saw what it did to my dad. Just horrible, horrible pain. I am so sorry for you and anyone who has shingles.

I hear you can still get them with the shot, but will be more mild. I sure hope I never get them !!!


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DH had them twice. It is unusual but not impossible. At least the second time we knew what it was and he got treatment quicker. It wasn't nearly as bad as the first outbreak. Poor sweetie gets them when he gets worried about my health.

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When I had the Shingles, I flushed the area with cooled, boiled water and used Tree Tea oil. I could reach the one under my arm, but the patch in the center of my back, hubby taped a TT soaked cotton ball on it before he left for work in the morning.


We were way out in the boonies, or I would have gone to a Dr. I do have to say, twenty some years later, I still get 'itches' in the back patch during times of increased stress.

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