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Here is what happened


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I'll try to keep this short.


Last December I started having some dental work done. Since I have been told I have mitro valve prolaspe my dentist insist that I be on antibiotics for 7 days before he does anything. This means that I have been on & off of them for the last 7 months. (Gotta pay as I go) It seems that that have killed all of the good bacteria in my gut and the bad stuff took over which caused diarrhea. This started on the first day of June. I recovered from that...I thought, but 2 weeks later it came back and I also had a 4+ urinary tract infection.


Doc put me on antibiotics and gave me a huge shot in my hip. Eight days later I'm back to the doc doing no better. That's when they figured out they gave me the wrong stuff. So, into the hospital I went.


While I'm in there they figured out I was contagious with Clostridium Difficile Toxin. This is the bad stuff in my gut. They changed the anitbiotics and also started me on probiotics to rebuild the good bacteria in me. They stuffed 4 bags of fluids in me and fed me mystery food that I refused to eat. The wife had to go buy food for me.


All of the nurses and docs were fine except for the first one I had. I have never heard of or known of a nurse to go to lunch twice in an hour and a half, yet that is what I was told. She also kept telling us she had not looked at my chart yet so she could not tell me anything. It took about 5 hours before anything got started.


I also have a cold which no one has addressed yet so I guess I'll put up with it at least until I'm better with this other stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to go back to work next week. It's good to be home. Thanks to everyone who raised us both up in prayer.







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I'll try to keep this short.


I also have a cold which no one has addressed yet so I guess I'll put up with it at least until I'm better with this other stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to go back to work next week. It's good to be home. Thanks to everyone who raised us both up in prayer.





Glad to hear you are on the mend....... :bouquet:

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Good to know at least what caused all this.

And better to hear you are getting well.

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Shoooot! I coulda swore I posting my congratulations here too....... :unsure:




So....I'll blame it on the ERROR messages. Mebbe I deleted my duplicate AND the first copy????? :wacko:



But ANYway, it is so good to hear that you actually have a diagnosis that fits the symptoms and you have a way to get better!!!!!! :happy0203:




MtRider [.....I realllllllly like my ducks to stay in a row!!! :duck 1: :darth duck: ]

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Worm, you've been a very sick fella.


I've been a hospital RN for 10+ years and I can attest for the fact that you've walked a not-so-easy road.


Glad you are on the mend. The C. Diff just by itself can be miserable!


Many blessings as you continue to recover!



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