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My trip to the gathering at Darlene's

Lisa in GA

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The pictures of everyone from the gathering makes me wish I could be back at Darlene's again. I slept better there than I had in the previous weeks and only having myself and one teen (instead of 10 kids) to look after was peaceful. So wonderful to finally put faces with names and spend time with like minded people. After the first few minutes it seemed like old friends and family. To my family who thought I was crazy to "go off with some survivalist nuts" that "I didn't know", haha the laughs on you, as I had a ball and lived to tell about it. For those who didn't make it, I hope you make time to come in the future. You will not be sorry you did.


I have been lurking some and haven't posted at all for a couple of reasons. I returned home, got some sort of flu then had some bad days where I just fell apart emotionally. "Supermom" just couldn't hold it together anymore. For those who didn't know, my dh passed away in August and I think I have just been too busy to slow down enough to grieve. Perhaps getting away from it all made me face it when I returned home. I began to see a grief counselor and trying to put my life in order. I have made some decisions such as buying more acreage behind my property, checking into personal protection for my family, making the decision to add more fencing around my property, wanting a LGD, and beginning some additions/renovations on my home. I have hired some temporary help with my home and children at least for a while.


I know my life has been changed for the better in meeting everyone. Thank you to everyone who shared their time with my son and myself. Wish you could all be my family and neighbors. I still am in awe of what Darlene has accomplished and all the projects she has begun. On the days I start to feel rather helpless or not up to the task though I just ask myself, "What would Darlene do?" So I just go put on "my big girl drawers" and quit feeling sorry for myself. I know when there is a will there is a way!


Thanks for listening,

Lisa in GA

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(((((Lisa))))) So glad you are chiming in too. I know....don't the pics just put a smile on your face as we think of this funny thing that happened and this delicious meal and .....and....and....


I'm afraid I've fallen behind in my story of how the Gathering went for me. Hope to continue...if I can remember! :o Freak 'thunder snow' storm took out my laptop modem again so I've been without Internet for the past week. This computer is cobbled-together so.... :shrug:


My favorite parts of the Gathering, besides just getting to know everyone, was....that noisy class down over the hill and harvesting the honey [yep, I'm the SHORT one of those three masked honey-thieves! ] and....our slumber party in Darlene's room.


What was anyone else's??????



The funniest part? Lets seeeeeee......there were so many.....some that qualify would be.... a certain performance between Darlene, Wormie, and GP. And the hoohah about table linen for bed sheets. :laughkick:




Glad you are making progress, Lisa!!! :grouphug: It sounds like you have gotten such a lot done yourself!!!!! Can't imagine how you do it with 10 dependent on you. You're doing fine....just keep taking one step at a time and don't look at the big picture for now. So glad you and son came!!!!!


MtRider [....typing with my fingers crossed that this ole computer will post for me...]

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It was really great to meet you Lisa!!!! You seemed just fine so I did not realize that you were grieving. I am so sorry that I was not empathetic and did not make a bigger effort to get to know you better! I am really thankful that you came and will pray for you and your family.

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Losing a love one is hard I lost my dad almost 2 years ago in January it is hard and not grieving when it happens put later is harder I did not grieve for my dad until all was done. And boy I thought my hands where ful with 6 kids I tried to make it down the last Gathering they have but could not I love reading and seeing the pic. Take it one day at a time that is my motto for live now.

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:bighug2: It was great getting to meet you, Lisa. I'm glad you're getting some assistance-- it's so important to know when we need help, and to ask for it.


( . . . I might have a bit of a problem with that myself!)


And thanks for bringing the milk to make butter with! What a great workout I had!:grinning-smiley-044:

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(((((Lisa))))) I just now saw your post, and am sooooo relieved to see it. It was a blessing to get to meet you and your son. I am so glad that you are taking time for yourself. Please continue to do so. Making butter was so much fun.

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Hi Lisa,


Good to see you posting. I'm glad that you are taking effort to deal with your grief. You can have grief, but don't let it have you.


It was wonderful to get to know you and hear all of your stories of the many miracles that took place in your family during this very hard time. I have found the Lord faithful and it always blesses my heart to hear the testimony of another who can say the same.


Stay in touch and we'll be praying. Much Love!

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" my dh passed away in August and I think I have just been too busy to slow down enough to grieve. Perhaps getting away from it all made me face it when I returned home. "


Lisa I can totally understand this and am glad you are talking to a counselor but am offering a shoulder of someone who has been there and done that in the last year if you want to talk pm me i am more then willing to listen ~Pauline

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I still am in awe of what Darlene has accomplished and all the projects she has begun. On the days I start to feel rather helpless or not up to the task though I just ask myself, "What would Darlene do?" So I just go put on "my big girl drawers" and quit feeling sorry for myself. I know when there is a will there is a way!


I'll tell you a secret...


There's no way I could survive under the heavy load of responsibility that lies before me every day. I've gotten to the point where I'm finally willing to stop adding 'this or that' and get organized better all the things I already have going on.


But He has a different idea...when I said "ok, that's enough...no more", He said, "wait, there's more", which caused me to finally crumble and say "I can't do this...there's just no way...I give up, I give in". His response was, "ah ha! finally! No, you can't, but I can...", and it reminded me that hand in hand with Him, I'm able to do all things. I promise you, the only reason I've gotten this far is because of Him. The only reason I have hope as I look towards the tomorrows is because I know somehow, some way, He will give me the strength, or help, or resources, or whatever, that is needed to fulfill this call He's placed on my life. Sometimes I look up and ask, "are You SURE this is really what You want me to do? Don't You think this is a little crazy...don't You think this is asking a little much for any one person alone?". He responds, "yes, of course it's too much for one person alone, but you are not alone".


Ok Lord, Your will not mine.


He will, and is, doing the same for you. He didn't call you to this responsibility only to let you fail. He always knew that He would bring your sweet husband Home. He called you because He knew that He had created within you the unique and special qualities that are required. In the end you, and everyone, will witness and know it is His love for you, His faithfulness, His strength that fulfills the work which He has called you to.


I'm always here if you need to talk. If you ever need to get away, bring the children and come...or bring a few children, or bring none, if that is what you need. I absolutely loved your son and he's welcome in my home anytime.



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He didn't call you to this responsibility only to let you fail. He always knew that He would bring your sweet husband Home. He called you because He knew that He had created within you the unique and special qualities that are required. In the end you, and everyone, will witness and know it is His love for you, His faithfulness, His strength that fulfills the work which He has called you to.


Yeah... that! blessingssmiley.gif




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He didn't call you to this responsibility only to let you fail. He always knew that He would bring your sweet husband Home. He called you because He knew that He had created within you the unique and special qualities that are required. In the end you, and everyone, will witness and know it is His love for you, His faithfulness, His strength that fulfills the work which He has called you to.


Yeah... that! blessingssmiley.gif





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