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New (to me, anyway) product

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My son-in-law's mom works parttime at a local grocery store handing out samples of new products and things the store wants to "showcase." About 2 weeks ago, she showcased a new product and we tried it on Christmas morning. Thought I'd just share about it.


Hungry Jack makes a dehydrated shredded potato product that comes in a little carton like a pint of cream or milk. All you do is fill it with hot water, wait 12 minutes for the potatoes to rehydrate, and then fry them up. They have different flavors, too, like onion, cheese, etc. They have a shelf life of about 2 years, too!


This is something I intend to stock up on. They taste fresh, are very good and flavorful, and you don't have to worry about storing potatoes or filling a freezer. Each container makes about a pound of hash browns! Try them out & see what you think.

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I will have to look for the smaller size Hungry Jack product. I current buy mine at the local bulk food store -- Idahoan 2 lb container (72 servings) of dehydrated hash browns. It is also designed to just add water to the container, but I just dump out about a cup or less, add boiling water to hydrate, drain and cook. Can't get much easier for the home.

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How much do these cost?


I buy the frozen hash browns when on sale & dehydrate them. Put frozen dehydrated hash browns right into the dehydrator..no thawing or blanching.


Wonder how this new product compares in price.

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we use the big carton of idahoian--they are awesome!!!! i have quite a few in storage plus the mashed potato ones too--great for last minute

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Found the small (pint) size today on an endcap, $1.59. I bought one, but would have never paid that without the glowing recommendation. I'll watch for coupons and cleanance sales if they don't catch on in the small size.

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OK, so I did some more digging and phone calling and got this.............................

after being on hold for 15 minutes to Hungry Jacks toll free number was told they don't make it anymore!

WHAT it is a new product? Oh well we 'sold' the product to another company.

Welll she finally gave me the name and number of that company - BAS something and after calling them and being on hold for a bit I find out they don't have them in any stores around here but Walmarts. AND we are NOT shopping at Walmarts anymore!

So I am out of luck but if you want to find a store near you that has them or just want to read about it I did find this site of theirs:



While I had her on the phone I asked about any coupons (never hurts to ask) and she said they don't do coupons.

Oh well.


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I got mine at Big Lots so I figured they were on close-out.



OK, so I did some more digging and phone calling and got this.............................

after being on hold for 15 minutes to Hungry Jacks toll free number was told they don't make it anymore!

WHAT it is a new product? Oh well we 'sold' the product to another company.

Welll she finally gave me the name and number of that company - BAS something and after calling them and being on hold for a bit I find out they don't have them in any stores around here but Walmarts. AND we are NOT shopping at Walmarts anymore!

So I am out of luck but if you want to find a store near you that has them or just want to read about it I did find this site of theirs:



While I had her on the phone I asked about any coupons (never hurts to ask) and she said they don't do coupons.

Oh well.


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