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New Miles, 2020


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It’s been a while since we have tracked our daily, weekly and monthly miles.  Each of us have a reason to keep going.  Whether it is chasing kids, keeping our hearts healthy or just staying fit and limber to keep going.  Mine, is because I have a messed up back.  

Recently, spasms have put me on the ground, wondering if I could get up and walk again. Not fun, when the dog is standing over me, breathing in my face.  Lol.


So, this year, I am trying to walk more. Walking the dog, thankfully, he is a slack leash heeler.  We walked 1.5 blocks and turned around, on 1-2. .46mi.  The next day, I took a break because I was sore, only walked .07 mi.  Sat.1-4, I pulled weeds, mowed, etc. and walked 2.2 mi. Mon. 1-6, walked the dog 1 square block, totaling the day at 1.4 mi.  Tue. 1-7, not much, then, I didn’t have my phone on me. Then, Wed., paying bills, running errands and such,I managed another mile. Today, 1-9, going to the store, errands, and canning, 1.1 mi.  It doesn’t sound like a lot, but my muscles are sore and I feel like I have been rung through a ringer.  Proves to me, I really need to get back in shape.  I let myself go and am determined to try to get back my strength.

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Wow! That’s awesome Snapshot. I’m impressed.


 I am looking forward to seeing how you do, Ambergris.  

Friday, the 10th, It said, 2,367 steps, .67 mi.

Saturday, Jan 11, 2,249 steps, .63 mi.

Sunday, I finished reading a book and didn’t pick my phone up.  Seems close to 4 miles for the week. Better than I expected, but my hip is screaming at me any time I try to lift my right leg.  (I soooo need Mt_Rider’s chiro, tho, he wouldn’t touch my back either.  My chiro X-rayed me and said, no, no, absolutely not.  :sSig_help2:)


Today, is house cleaning day.  We shall see how many miles I can get.  

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46 minutes ago, Annarchy said:

I’m impressed.



One week in Nov. was 35.52.  I have to do something intentional every day (since I seem to eat every day)  LOL


I seem to skip walking about once a month on average.  Otherwise walk or do video every day--usually first thing.

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Wow. I never posted in this forum for some reason???


Walk a lot of uncounted "concrete" miles weekly for work.


For last seven years, I walk for one hour three days per week as fast as I can, usually about 4.5 MPH which is as fast as my hips will let me go. So, 13-14 counted miles or thereabouts. Getting old sucks. :darthduck:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, Miki, you are doing so well!


On 1/18/2020 at 11:16 PM, Louis1 said:

Getting old sucks. :darthduck:

I agree wholeheartedly!   And 13-14 miles!  That’s impressive also, way to go!


1/20..... .07 mile

1/21....  It gave me my steps... :ashamed0002:  34.  Could be I didn’t have my phone on me?  Good enough excuse.  Lol

1/22.... .44 mile

1/23....  .03 mile

1/24.... .55 mile

I didn’t have my phone on me, the 25-26th.  The 25th I had worked hard the day before & woke up gimping.

1/27...   .47 mile

1/28....  1.5 miles. :icon19:

1/29.... .47 mile. 

3.5 miles.  I know it isn’t much, but I am moving around.  :bouquet:


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Had not seen this. I have a fitbit tracker that I haven't used in a long while. Haven't been able to get out and go walking like I used to with DH being sick. I don't like leaving him for very long. He is not that steady on his feet yet. Though he is doing much better than 3 months ago. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Shoot, I was going to pick up a pedometer at Walmart...  :(   I have not yet restarted my walking-the-dog habit.  


MtRider  :sigh:   I have been chucking ice and slinging sandy dirt across icy driveway.  That's CARDIO!  {and it's beginning to snow....AGAIN}

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Guess we were lucky on the snow so far. I still haven't been able to get out and walk like I want. Hoping now that I don't have to even look at a grocery store or going to doctors 3 or 4 times a week, I can get out and walk the neighborhood again. My neighborhood from the entrance to the very back is 1 mile. So hoping to get back into walking that again and meeting all the new neighbors we now have as well. Used to walk the neighborhood almost daily about 2 to 4 times. It will be slow going trying to get back into that again. But going to give it a try. 

You guys are doing great so far. Keep up the good work.

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I joined the health club last week and have been going 3-4 times a week. Discouraging how much muscle mass I've lost in 3 years after our move. Was told about the Indian Reservation health club. Military veterans get a big discount. Visited, got a 7-day free pass, and then joined. What a HUGE place. It's considered govt owned. This particular Indian nation is very wealthy due to the casino nearby. First class in everything.  Haven't tracked my miles yet, though.  B)

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Missed yet ANOTHER opportunity to get a pedometer yesterday.  We'd gotten nearly everything on the list when DH went to grocery and I went to thrift store.  So......we went home. 


MtRider  :shrug:  ....not doing much today but have done the 15 stairs couple times.  Does it count double at 9,000' elevation?  ;) 

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Homesteader, I think I need to join a fitness place. I have been looking at planet fitness.  I don't even want to know how much muscle mass I have lost since my neck surgery.  Lost a great deal of upper body strength with my neck. 

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