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Thanksgiving 2022

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We are small but thankful this year: 2 adults, 1 Teen, and a toddler.  There are budget and health constraints that are new as well as some availability concerns.  This is our rough plan:


Teen loves to dress up the table, so there will be a few craft projects done this weekend/ next week to help with that.  We will use my 70s brown dishes and green wine glasses as she loves that.  We will pull out the thankful box--it is a small box with notecards in it where everyone grabs a random one and writes something they are thankful for.  I started this back around 2000, so it has over 20  years of stories.  Each card has random people and years unsigned.   Just statements or lists of thankfulness.  I am considering stopping the randomness and doing one card per year passed around going forward.  I cannot decide.  


Menu: We ALWAYS eat Thanksgiving for lunch at 12:00 for every year of my entire life.   This isn't going to change.  

Cheeseball (not sure what type yet)

Turkey --going to make a day ahead for dinner and remove the breast (cooked) to do something with for Thanksgiving day.  

Gravy (Divine Onion Sauce)

Mashed Potatoes (requested by husband)

Macaroni (requested by teen)

Green Beans (collard style not casserole--requested by me)

Cranberry Sauce--basic can jellied for baby

Homemade rolls (type undecided thinking of pumpkin shape though)

Pie (apple or pumpkin not sure)

Apple Juice and Sweet Tea.


After Lunch is made, eaten, and put away, we rest.   Later that afternoon, we put away all the fall decor and dig out the Christmas boxes and put up winter decor such as the tree, various displays, wreaths, etc.   Then I start wrapping presents (yes I already have some stashed.)  We always have microwaved leftovers for dinner.  This has been a tradition for my entire adult life and I like it.  


What are some other menus or traditions that may be fun to learn about or add to ours?  What brings you gratitude and joy?

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Our Thanksgiving traditions- I get the pies baked and side dishes prepped the day before. Night before I put the turkey in the oven on 500 for 1 hr, then turn down low and slow cook overnight (I know that's not recommended but no one ever has gotten sick and it makes the most tender bird). Get up early myself T-day morning and cook until it's done. We have Turkey, green bean casserole, yam casserole (my MIL recipe), mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing (always cooked outside the bird), full berry cranberry sauce and we usually eat about noon-1ish. Watch the Macy's T-day parade while I cook. 


Set the table with the nice china and tablecloth the night before so it's all ready to go. Then we eat and go round table to say what we are thankful for. Then quick clean up and enjoy a nice quiet afternoon usually read or play board games or watch a movie together. I pull out the Christmas tree and decorations out on Friday and spend the weekend decorating the house :wub:

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My traditions are changing for the second time.  But we used to use the fine China and things as well. Used to have 25 to 30 family members here for Thanksgiving.  Cooked Turkey, dressing outside of the bird, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potato casserole, green beans but not the casserole as grandkids are picky.  Cranberry sauce, butter beans, corn, and rolls.   We had, lemon meringue pie, both sweet potato and pumpkin pie for dessert. With picky eaters I always had to keep it simple. Then over the years as family members passed on and grandchildren grew up, got married and moved away to other states, The amount of people here got smaller and then DD decided that she would do Thanksgiving at her house, and I do Christmas at my house. That has worked out well for us for a few years. Now that another GD has gotten married and moved to SC and the only one here now is GS. We are figuring out new plans. GD and her DH will be heading to DD's house sometime late on Thanksgiving Day. It is about a 4-hour drive to DD house. For me and GS it will be a 2-and-a-half-hour drive. And with GS working on Thanksgiving and not get home till around 3 am on Friday morning. We will be leaving around 8 am on Friday morning.  Not sure yet if this will be a tradition yet or not as we are using this year to work out new traditions again. DD, GD and I will be all in kitchen cooking up a great Thanksgiving meal. 

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We have a rather off Thanksgiving tradition that we will continue this year. Neither of my kids is fond of Turkey, and one just wouldn’t eat it when he was younger. So we decided a while back, “Why cook a Turkey if half of us don’t like it?”  Our Thanksgiving tradition is to have either Mexican or Italian for a big feast. I usually make Mexican food, as it’s our family’s favorite. I make enchiladas, fresh salsa, homemade refried beans, Mexican rice, and whatever else I feel like throwing together. Then, I’ll have a nice dessert. This year we’re having my in-laws over for the first time (we just moved closer to them), so they’ll get to see how we do things! :D

I love hearing about everyone’s holiday traditions. The holidays are so fun. 

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Our Thanksgiving has always been on the casual side and DIL's family is the same way. 


I take most of Thanksgiving Day off. I always cooked most of the meal the day before. All of the sides are made and in the fridge. I make a pumpkin cheesecake so it goes in the fridge too. Then I get up early in the morning and put the turkey in the oven and go back to bed. We eat our dinner between 12:00-1:00 so we can graze the rest of the day. We usually eat on paper plates (the nice ones) so no one (me) has to do dishes. We eat comfortably in the living room watching Christmas shows. Usually A Christmas Story and It's a Wonderful Life over and over.  If it's cold and snowy I'll light the fireplace. Then I usually drag out the Christmas decor and set it set up.  


I'm pretty sure I'm staying home this year and waiting to go over for Christmas. I'm really not feeling it this year. 


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We just had a change of plans for Thanksgiving.  GS said he found out tonight he will be off for Thanksgiving Day. So, we are leaving for DD's house on Thanksgiving Day. Hoping all plans go well. So now DD and I can go do a little shopping on Friday instead of having Thanksgiving on the day after Thanksgiving. When the grandchildren were younger, we used to get together and leave house at 6 am and head to the Williamsburg outlet mall. We would be gone all day and not get back sometimes till around 11 pm. Would stop at Patrick Henry Mall in Hampton on way back from Williamsburg. So maybe we can do some shopping like that again Friday next week. But not as late. Don't think at my age now I could handle all day like that again. But it sure was fun. Maybe this will be the start of a new tradition moving forward. Seems my life has changed so much now that it will be another hard time over the holidays, but I really need to start moving forward now. Not as easy as it sounds but working on it. 

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My step dad works in a casino and my brother manages a Mazzios pizza shop down in MS.   They always do holidays the day after or at least never on the day of.   It is interesting what you get used to.  

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I brought home leftover dressing, sweet potatoes, corn casserole and pumpkin dessert from our senior club at Church.  I have cooked sliced turkey in the freezer.  I will open a can of cranberry sauce.  LOL  Easiest Thanksgiving ever!  It's just DH and I.


I saw a meme that was funny to me.

"My family asked what I was planning for Thanksgiving.  Apparently, "having 4 margaritas before you get here" was not what they wanted to hear.  Hah!

Edited by snapshotmiki
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We always celebrate the weekend before (so, today!), and decorate for Christmas on Thanksgiving Day. We always have the same menu, and do try to invite others that don't have a place to go. Our menu:



Mashed potatoes


Sweet potato casserole

Green been casserole

Cranberry/Orange souce

Double layer pumpkin pie

Pecan pie

Sparkling Juice


We go around the table and say what we are thankful for, and hubby reads a Psalm of Thanksgiving. We also have a table cloth that we all write on what we are thankful for with a permanent marker. We use it for 5 years, then start a new one, that way each kid will have one to take with them if they want to when they move out.


We make enough for at least one leftover meal, plus croissant sandwiches with cranberry sauce and turkey. We make broth with the bones, and will make wild rice turkey soup with it sometime later next week.


I love reading about your traditions!! Whether it's Mexican food or special china, I think having traditions and special time together is the best. :bighug2:

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We are not super fond of turkey, but at .68 lb and a free one from BJs I can't not make it.  We much prefer ham and I have one in the freezer, but it is currently around $2 or more per pound which I'm not doing right now.  


Since we are few this year and I don't want a giant sea of food going bad, I'm doing sort of a thanksgiving week.  Tonight I'm doing sausage, peppers, onions, brussels sprouts, carrots, mushrooms and apples on a sheet pan roasted.   Side dish is sweet potato casserole with a praline topping.  The leftover veggies from tonight will go into tomorrows dish of stuffing, turkey, gravy, and peas.  Then the big lunch on Thursday will use leftover turkey, with the sides requested at the top of my post.  Friday will be BBQ turkey, corn, baked beans.  DD14 is having her twin friends over on Saturday so we are doing turkey soft tacos with leftover corn and refried beans.  Sunday will be turkey soup.   I figure we will be super sick of turkey after that so perhaps Butter Chicken turkey on Monday and rest in the freezer.  

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We always have turkey for Thanksgiving and then a ham at Christmas. But I will do a small turkey breast as my crazy DD does not like ham which is one of the few things she doesn't like.  Growing up she would always look at the ham and say remember the poor people. I tell her at the price of ham the poor people can't afford it and that is why we have turkey and then I pass her the turkey.  We always have a good laugh over that. 


Enjoy Thanksgiving tomorrow and be thankful for all the blessing that have been bestowed a pond us.  I know some of us have had a rough year and things may get worse over the coming year. But the Lord has blessed us all here with a means to prepare for the upcoming issues that may arise. 


A Thanksgiving Prayer


Oh, God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry.

When I have work, help me to remember the jobless.

When i have a warm home, help me to remember the homeless.

When I am without pain, help me to remember those who suffer.

And remembering, help me to destroy my complacency and bestir my compassion.

Make me concerned enough to help, by word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted.


Jesus said to His disciples:  My heart is moved with pity, for the crowd... He took seven loaves of bread and a few small fish, blessed them and distributed them.  About 4000 people ate their fill. Mark 8:2-9. 


We all have been blessed and have much to be thankful for.   Happy Thanksgiving and stay safe and well. 

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That's funny....we don't like turkey by itself that much, either, but you know....TRADITION!! That said, we LOVE using the leftovers. Turkey Wild Rice Soup, Turkey Pot Pies, etc....yummy!!


We also do ham for Christmas. We use the leftovers in soup and sandwiches as well.

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I made the double layer pumpkin pie, but I made some modifications because I'm me.   I wanted a pie crust, a bigger cream cheese layer, a stronger pumpkin flavor and more spices.  Here is what I did:


Deep Dish Double layer pumpkin pie

Layer 1:

Piecrust prebaked and cooled

8oz cream cheese

8oz mascarpone

2 T milk (from powder)

1/4c sugar

1 c rainy day whip topping mix mixed with 1c ice water chilled for a few hours (use half in layer 1)

Mix all and layer in prebaked piecrust in a deep 9x9 pan.  

Layer 2:

1 pack butterscotch pudding

1/2 c milk 

1 15oz can pumpkin

Pumpkin pie spice, cloves, and cardamon to taste

Mix all and spread over layer 1.   Chill.  Top with remainder of whip topping and serve.  


Changes I would do next time is to make it 5 layers by doing  Also I'd leave out the crust entirely and add some shortbread cookies or nilla wafers like a banana pudding.   It was really good!


The River stole food off my plate as expected, and otherwise it was a good meal.  






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:008Laughing:.................thank you, ladies!  Here I was reading about ham and turkey and ......  :scratchhead:  How come I'm not smelling ham???? 

:faint3:Cuz DH didn't turn the oven on!    :whistling:  I went in to ask him innocently:  Did you mean to turn the oven ON ????  


Aaaaugh!  You mean it's NOT on? 


MtRider .....ah well.  It only affect two of us.  :rolleyes:

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What a Sweetie Euphrasyne!


I had a sad boring day.  DH died on Thanksgiving day 2 years ago so it is a hard day for me.  The weather was decent for this time of the year but I was very gloomy.


I hope everyone  at MrsS.  had a wonderful celebration. 

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1 hour ago, Momo said:

What a Sweetie Euphrasyne!


I had a sad boring day.  DH died on Thanksgiving day 2 years ago so it is a hard day for me.  The weather was decent for this time of the year but I was very gloomy.


I hope everyone  at MrsS.  had a wonderful celebration. 

:bighug2:I'm so sorry, Momo. I understand to some extent. Our daughter died a few days before Thanksgiving 7 years ago (only lived about 48 hours), and this year it hit me hard. I pray that you are able to find comfort and that your heart will find Peace.

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My family likes to die on holidays.  It makes it hard for those of us left behind as you ladies know.


On my sons birthday about 10 years ago we were literally blowing out the candles when the phone rang.  His 8 year old niece had just been run over at her mailbox and died.

Five years ago on his wife's bday (My DIL) my sister died. Both of them have quit celebrating their birthdays now. So sad.


Thinking of all my lost friends and family this Thanksgiving.  I miss them all.

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