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Good for you Littlesister, for getting your charge cards paid off! I'm cutting way back on my spending too. I spent way too much the last couple of months. Not necessarily on Christmas though. I bought early and stopped. Mostly stuff for the Indy house. I would have bought the stuff anyway but it was a lot all at once. I need to get built back up. 


I got the Social Security notice too. Mine isn't going up much either. I collect from D-ex earnings because his was more than mine. But because I collect from his, I only get half of his amount. It is still a little more than I would have gotten using my earnings. I was a stay at home mom through a lot of our marriage. So no taxable income. 


I saw my Medicare deduction but I can't remember right now what it said. I think it is around $170. a month. I don't know if that went up or not. I can't remember what it was last year. All of my paper work is scattered all over. 


I started sneezing and feeling stuffy today and I think I'm getting a sore throat. Darn it. I've been eating a lot of Halo oranges and in the past that seemed to help. Or maybe it was my imagination. Sigh.

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Jeepers, it said that Medicare was going to be $174.70. I think it was around $168 to 170. So up a few dollars. I am getting both my earnings and my DH's after he passed. I didn't think I would get to keep mine since his was more than mine, but they said you don't lose that when a spouse dies.  But this increase did not keep up with inflation. Not much help at all.  

Harris Teeter called and said one of my RX's is on back order. Not sure which one though. Need to call them tomorrow to find out. 

It does feel good to have those cards paid off again. Big load off of my shoulders. I started using mine again with the construction on house. I also had to pay for some things out of pocket, then helping GS with his bills when he first moved here and had to pay for the 2 window replacements. Seems that lifetime warranty is only for 20 years. So why call it lifetime if it is only 20 years. My windows were replaced 27 years ago. Then I had to pay for having them put in. So, all went on the cards. No longer helping GS with his bills job or no job. Most of his medical bills are now in collections. He won't do what we all told him. Pay $5 a month on each one if that is all you can afford but don't Ignore them. Yep, he chose to ignore them. So that is on him. They will just garnish his wages.  He will learn the hard way. 

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 That stinks about your windows. Lifetime warrantee means about as much as a lifetime prison sentence, huh? 


It's true if you pay a little bit on your med bills they won't come after you hard. You just need to show 'good faith'. Never ignore a bill. Beside that, it makes them mad.


The last 3-4 times I had a new prescription ordered they were all back ordered too. Only by about 2-3 days but still. I never got the Afrin nose spray for my ear. I mentioned it to the ENT doctor and she said she wasn't surprised because a lot of pharmacies aren't filling meds that can be bought OTC. Not sure why that is except the OTC Afrin med came out of my own pocket so insurance didn't have to pay for it. It wasn't much but that wasn't the point for me. I think if a script is ordered it should be filled. Not so anymore. I remember last year my doctor had to fight with Medicare to allow me to take an extra half pill of Atorvastatin. Our medical system is broken. 



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The medical system is going to get much worse if someone higher up doesn't step in soon.  No more good doctors. Prescriptions are getting harder to get and that is going to get worse if this war keeps up. Since most of our meds or the ingredients to make them keep coming from China, it will turn out bad for this country. There is a shortage of both doctors and nurses. Not sure how that is going to pan out in the future as those start to retire, good or bad ones. It will make the situation much worse. I really need to get on the stick and get myself back on track. Though right now my knuckles are very swollen and painful this evening. They said I need to have knuckle replacement, but I haven't heard anything about the outcome from anyone that has had it done. Not sure of the outcome but need to do something. 

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Heading for bed.  Snowplow guy coming in morning.  My old truck hasn't been started for ...months!  It may need some spray in the carburetor before it will start.  Old Ford Trucks.....they need to be "warmed up" even in August!  Sheesh.  AND poor thing is covered with snow.  I wasn't here for the first big snow and now we've had more!  I'm not even tall enough to scrape off the topper.  


Note to self: grab ladder before attempting this.  We have to move both vehicles out of the way so plow guy can do a good job up here.  While I was gone....he left all sorts of piles in wrong places.  Too risky to walk on the driveway with packed snow like that.  But it's hard for him to see the terrain covered with a foot+ of snow.  He's familiar with our driveway for the past years.  [he saved DH's life cuz he told us about getting the cure for the C...when it turned bad quickly]   So with coaching (begging.. lol)  I hope he can get an angle to scrape better this time. 




AND I might have a ride tomorrow...horse ride.  It's been a month without and the tremor in my leg muscles is getting worse.  I am still walking dog each evening b/4 dusk.     Y'all take good care!


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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  16 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Good Bass huh? Hummm. I can just imagine Charlies drums in Paint It Black in those!   Go ahead and do it.  Let me know.  :D

Unlike you, I am not a Stones' fan. But I will look it up and have a listen..............just for you! :P




The drums in that song have a hard driving beat all right! They covered up almost every other sound except for the SITAR, and of course Mick - but he had his own microphone!


The drums did have a fuller, richer sound with the headphones rather than the "tinny" sound they had without them. Almost as if the beat was reaching out and surrounding/hugging them as they performed.






Edited by Midnightmom
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Got the turkey soup and navy bean and ham done.  Just need to finish cleaning up kitchen from the mess I made.  

Washed clothes and then just laid back while the pressure cookers were going. 

Not much else today but the canning was enough. 

Tired now. Might go to bed early tonight and get an early start tomorrow. Might get the Christmas decorations put away so I can set my aero gardens back up. I want some fresh lettuce and not that mess in the stores. Wondering if it's too late to start a cherry tomato plant indoors in a 5 gal. bucket. Might try it. 

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I don't think I've been out of the room for three days. No where to go and nothing to do when I get there. I haven't even been motivated to go to the house. I have to go someplace tomorrow just so I can start the Jeep up.


I'm getting a cold or something. Sneezing a lot with a stuffy nose and a dry cough often. It's either a cold or bronchitis. Suppose I should look up the symptoms for the newest Covid strain. So far the Prednisone hasn't bothered me. I've only taken four doses though. Littlesister was right, I'm starting to graze.  :feedme:

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Sorry about that Jeepers but it does increase your appetite. Hope you feel better soon. You don't need to come down with anything. But sounds like something is starting to take hold of you. 


I am just sitting here thinking about what all I need to do around here. Just wish I had some real help for some of what I need to do or at least want to do. I will get there. GS doesn't know how to do certain things I want to do but is willing to help me figure it out. But it never works out like I want. Guess I really need someone that knows how to do those things I am working on getting done. GS can't drive a nail in wood straight. But he does try. Don't think wood working is his thing. 

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The alarm went off at 7 something cuz S - snowplow guy was coming at 9:30am to plow our driveway.  It's been a slick mess and a guy delivering stuff slid to the down hill side (safer) and nearly got stuck.  I went down (yesterday) and coached him to go backwards down - you'll never crest this hill from where you're at.  {ask me how I know!!}  He did get down safely. 
My (formerly my dad's) '85 Ford truck has been sitting idle for months.  I meant to run it before I left for VA but didn't get around to it.  DH said he'd try...and didn't.  While gone, they got a foot+ of snow and when S plowed, the truck was in the way.  So it wasn't a good plowing job.  Recently we've gotten bits and pieces of snow and then 5" all at once.  So...Old Red had to get shoveled out...cleaned off enough to get inside.  Didn't start so we're opening hood; standing on a 3-step ladder....take the lid off the air filter to spray ether into the carburetor.  But couldn't find the ether...wasn't in the cab and Could Not Get Into the back under the topper.  The latch would not move...iced.  But I tried the key again and it started!!  It was definitely God cuz it never starts like that --- and it was COLD & MISERABLE at that hour!  I was having trouble sucking in all that cold air.  I did have to get out and turn the mechanisms  on the front wheel hubs...to put it in 4 wheel drive....as I started to slide where the other guy did yesterday.  That's where everyone slides. 
By then I thot I was having an immediate case of bronchitis.  Could barely breathe.  Slowly...it got better.  Drove down and shoved Old Red out of S's way and rode up with DH who had taken care of the birds and dog who'd had her run-and-fun and got into the car too.  When S came, I went out to pay him and advise of the problem areas.  Then I moved our car down to the road.  I was still wearing all my outdoor gear and the car heater felt good while I waited on the road.  After he left, I dumped pellet stove ash (we save in a metal bucket) in strips on the upper part of the driveway so that the sun will focus on melting that.  If it gets down to brown dirt, the melting will spread.  And.....thank You, God...the sun has come out! :amen:
I also had a shot at a horse ride today but they are going tomorrow and I can't.  Need ride! 
I could barely climb the stairs after taking the car out of the way.  Digging out Old Red really took everything I had.  I even took a nap.  Left Old Red down in barnyard to melt off more snow...or I have to get a ladder and shove it off.  Yet another use of solar power! 
Not much lovin' such an exciting life at this age.   EmojiEmojiEmoji
MtRider   :offtobed:    earlier tho!  :)  
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Will walk in a little bit.
Walmart and grocery monthly stock up today.
Nothing else on my list.

I got DH in to audiologist, yesterday. Has to have ears cleaned by ENT. Probably caused by wearing hearing aids. They will try to get a partner mic for me so I don't have to yell and further strain my vocal cords. Yay!


I'm glad that you got your driveway plowed, @Mt_Rider!

@Jeepers, I hope you can move out of that room, soon!

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Glad your DH is getting his ears seen to. For both of your sakes!


I've called 2 days in a row about another hotel extension. No call backs again. I don't really NEED one but 2 weeks more would have been nice. Just to give me a little more time to pack up. Also to avoid some workmen still at the house. But that is a luxury and not a need. I think the house is 98% done now. There is everything there that I have here. Running water, bathroom, microwave etc. I'm not sure about the fridge yet and the stove isn't mounted in. Even though this next move is small, I still have a lot in this room. I sort of didn't know how much, but it's been my home for nearly a year so I guess it's to be expected. Two people working together could make quick work of it. One sick old woman...not so much. I'm already tired. 


I had a rough night with coughing. It kept me awake a lot. Today it's that and sneezing and runny nose. Ugh. Nothing stomach/intestinal so I'm grateful for that. I got up early and started packing in earnest. I'm glad I'm close enough to the house that I can make 3-4 trips.


One of my dear cousins called me last night. We couldn't get in contact with each other for the longest so she called my son and gave him her cell number for me to call. It was so nice. We took up right where we left off. Talked for nearly 2 hours. I think I'm all caught up on all of the family gossip now. LOL  I've really missed my family. Well, most of them. One lives in Arizona and distance helps, but it didn't make the heart grow fonder. Know what I mean. There are/were about 30 of us so those odds aren't so bad I guess. Then there is one with bi-polar. She is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get. Gump-ism. But I love her. 

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Just doing some cleaning up from Christmas. Got all of GS's things put away as he wouldn't do it. So, clothes in his suitcase and his books boxed up in corner of living room. And out of my way. He had stuff scattered all over the den floor. Dirty socks and all. But being Christmas I didn't say anything till yesterday but he didn't get his stuff put up before leaving for work. All done now. He's still in car asleep. Didn't get home till after 1 am this morning. 


I forgot to but trash on curb for pickup last night as I was thinking we were on holiday hours. So, I have an almost full can get emptied till next Thursday. But I will make do.

Thinking of going to Lidle's in a little bit. They are having a sale or something, so I have heard. But will check it out to see what they have. Maybe pick up some meat as well. 


Was talking to one of my neighbors yesterday. Her father-in-law has just been put in hospice. He is the one I would go stay with when that neighbor had to be somewhere.  Really nice man. He is on end stage of Alzheimer's now. He has gone down really fast. 

Also, my next-door neighbor, he is still in hospital, but they let him come home for Christmas. Something crazy is going on with him. While in hospital he talks with everyone and walks around room and hall. But when he comes home, he can't talk and refuses to eat and just lays in the bed and he can't get up. We all thought he wasn't going to make it this time either, but he always seems to bounce back until he goes home again. Something just isn't right with him. Sounds to me like depression. But then again, I could be wrong on that. He is very lazy and always has been. So maybe that has something to do with it. Hard to tell with that one. 


Tomorrow I will put all the Christmas decorations away and start working on house again. Need to go through more boxes and get things organized. I have stuff piled up in office right now so I could put Christmas decorations out. So as soon as all that is cleared out, I can put my Aero gardens back up in living room and start some lettuce and such again. Yeah, all that has taken over my office. I do have a path though. to get to most things. Time to clean up and put away stuff. 

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Went to Harris Teeter to pick up one of my RX's and then went over to the meat section. Not much in the beef at all. Hamberger that was on sale had already sold out. Though I did get some beef. But not much. It was on sale, and they only had a couple of packs so took both of them. Chicken looked bad. Not fresh at all. Picked up a few more things and went to check out just to find out my debit card was frozen. I used it yesterday online and they took it to be a fraud charge and locked my account and didn't call me or nothing. Anyway, I told the story in Winter survival I think that was the one. Got that straight. And by then it was too late to head out to Lidle's. So will go there tomorrow morning. The bank had my blood boiling. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. A man came into the bank complaining of his card. He was using it in Walmart, and they declined it. I know they are trying to protect us, but they also need to notify us when they think it is a fraudulent charge. I really do hate this bank anyway and I need to transfer to another bank. I am over this one. Since they merged with another bank, it has been a nightmare to say the least. 

It was in the black swan event that I talked about the card not in Winter survival.


Edited by Littlesister
debit card.
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Housekeeping was today so I took one small load over to the house. I always leave when they come. Nothing else has been done since the walkthrough last week. I know my Project Manager is on vacation the rest of the year but I figured the worker bees would still be on the job. Day 4 that ins. never called back for an extension.  :rolleyes: I don't really care this time. The house is livable. I won't be out there on the street and it's warm and dry. Plus I can start working on it. I guess. 


I might have the covid after all. I feel feverish and have a headache now.  Sometimes I don't know if it's a hot flash or a fever. They feel the same. 


Son called and said he has made arrangements to get the furniture out of the Indy house that I am giving them, on Friday. Then I got an email a little later saying my new furniture will be completed on Jan. 2nd. Pretty good timing. I'll wait until my sickness is gone before I go over though. And I have more doctor appointments on the 8th. and 15th. Those appointments are always holding me up from going over there. Will probably go on the 9th. and have delivery on the 10th. DIL would do it but I still owe money on it so I need to be there with my charge card. They would only take a down payment to order it. I have accrued quite a tidy sum over the past 9 months on those cards. Between furniture for me, furniture for sons, appliances, Christmas, regular bills, gas, food etc. etc. I've 'made' $1,050. I plan to keep letting it add up and use it to replace all of my window screens at the Indy house this summer. I can do those myself. Just buy the material. Every single one has a hole of some kind on them. I plan to use the open windows instead of air conditioning this summer. If the temps cooperate. 


I love my Ohio bank HATE my Indiana bank. 

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Jeepers, you were not supposed to get covid. Try to get some rest as much as you can. I know you need to get your stuff out of the hotel room and not having insurance calling you back is an issue. I think I would just move back into the house. It sounds like you can live in it now. If you have a microwave, you can use that till they get the stove hooked up. 


When I was at Harris Teeter, I did get 2 huge bags of charcoal pellets. They were on clearance. So, I jumped on them. 25lb bag for 3.99. They were regular 15.99 each. I should have bought the other one. They only had 2 bags. I can use those in my Pizza oven. 



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I hope you feel better soon @Jeepers.  Try not to do too much today.


Up at 3:30 this morning. Bills are already paid. Yay!
Will walk in a few minutes.
Have a few doctor related calls to make for DH.
A friend will pick me up for lunch around noon.
Might label ebay folders for next year so it's done early.

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Just trying to get it together this morning. Can't wake up and get moving. Going to bring in all the Christmas boxes and get ready to put away all the Christmas decorations.  Swept the kitchen and den floor this morning and put away some dishes that I had to hand wash. Still need to empty the dishwasher. Also need to get the bottled water and wood pellets out of car. Will wait for GS to get up and let him do that for me. Then move the last pack of water to garage fridge to put in there. Need to balance the check book also. Now that all the charge cards are paid off and put away. Though I now have to pay off my groceries no thinks to the bank blocking my checking account. Need to go to bank and take out more cash. Plus going to buy a visa gift card that is refillable for the computer when I need to order something instead of using my debit card. 


Jeepers, hope you are feeling better today. Praying for you to get well fast. 


Ambergris, also hoping you are not too sore today, and that no infection is starting. 


Mother, also hoping you are doing better from your fall and you, and your DH don't end up with covid. Hope your DD is doing much better from that. 


All of you are in my prayers. 


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Sheesh, lots of us are sick right now.  


I don't feel too horrible during the day but come nighttime, I'm miserable. The worst is the cough. It comes from my throat area and causes a gagging feeling. It compels me to cough but it is totally unproductive and makes my throat sore to cough. Of course the usual sneezing, fever, chills, aches, eyes hurt, runny nose, headache and just plain tired. There is a really nasty virus going round up here and if had to bet, I'd bet that's what I have. It's actually pretty nasty but I'm on day 3 so I should be feeling better soon.    


I checked for the next available doctor appointment and it isn't until Jan. 8th. The day of my ENT appointment. I probably could go to the clinic but I'm avoiding that place as much as possible (ear place). All they would probably tell me to do is go home and rest and drink plenty of fluids. I'm just keeping an eye on it incase of bronchitis. 


Still no call back from the insurance company for an extension. I hate those people. So, I'm slowly packing up some stuff to move.  I have plenty of bags to pack in but could use a couple of small boxes but I'm not buying any more. Bags are light weight anyway.

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