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Snowy day....and cold...with some wind.  :frozen:   Spent most of it talking on phone with a local friend.  We hadn't talked since I went to VA so we had to catch up. 


DH got home and the trip into town wrecked his back again...which is to say that he's in spasms tonite.  I bundled up and took the car down to barnyard.  Dog rode along but I was not going to walk her in snow and :frozen:  .  Birds were in duckhouse today.  No sun and cold.  Just lugged down warm water for them.  And night food...inside.  Tossed down thicker straw.  Then I began to shovel the 3+ inches of snow from around their outside pen.  So they have space to walk when they get to go outside again.  [ don't know how ducks/geese walk around on snow in their "bare feet".  ] 


My fingers where freezing in my best winter work gloves....stopped to pull my fingers down into palm part to warm them.  Sheeeeesh, it's bitter type cold.  I also took down the snowdrift outside their fence that was beginning to make a ramp for predators to get over the fence.  And I shoveled a walk way up the kinda steep berm hill from driveway to the duckhouse.   DH has a bad habit of falling on icy areas so this is preventative action here!  :imoksmiley:

Colorado...the sun will come out.  Snow will start melting and then freeze up again at night.  Not good cuz it causes ice alllll over the place.


But anyway, by the time dog and I got back inside, I was sweating.  :knary:   So I took a quick shower.  My body temperature just doesn't regulate well.  But I figured the snow shoveling took the place of a walk for daily exercise.  .......the dog had a different opinion.  :whistling:  


10pm and it's -2* ....  yep, gonna be subzero tonite. 

MtRider   :frozen: 

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Already cut up carrots, sweet potatoes, chicken breasts and chicken livers for dog food. And browned the hamburger. Will wait until late this afternoon to start it. Hope we don't lose electric (big winds today), if so, I will wait to make dog food until tomorrow.
I am not doing my regular walk today- too windy and crappy out.
I am picking up friend and going to town to pay a bill and shop, maybe lunch. Will be out in the cold for a lot of the day. I think that it won't be too busy at most places.
Start dog food this evening.

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Mt. Rider, stay safe on the snow when going out to feed the ducks. Don't need you to slip and fall. Then both you and DH will be in trouble with back issues and such. Ice can be very dangerous. And especially black ice. 


Miki, stay warm while out shopping. 


Been raining off and on here today. But going to be 64* today. I need a 64* day with no rain, so I can move the Christmas things to shed and put up in loft. But they are packed and a much smaller load to take to the shed. Just don't want to run back and forth in the rain. 


Might run to Kroger later. I don't usually go to Kroger and haven't been in a long while. But I just need to get out of house and do something different. Canning starts full force again tomorrow. So just taking today off to do whatever. I want to go to Kroger to look at prices to compare to other stores. I was going to do that the other day or yesterday but got sidetracked. I really wanted to finish up those boxes in living room so that is all done. Just need to move to shed. 


Might throw in a load of towels today when I get back from Kroger. Waiting till GS gets his shower and then I can wash all towels in one load. 

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Went to Kroger earlier and walked around that place for over 2 hours. Just mostly comparing prices to other stores. Milk, eggs, butter, some of the canned goods are higher in price along with several other things. I guess that is why they say to only buy the sale items.  And everyone here was right. College dr. and Harborview both have those speed camera everywhere. Just goes to show how long it's been since I drove down that way.  

But I did end up spending money. I stocked back up on sale OTC meds as I was getting really low on some things. Only got the sale items on what I needed. Cough syrup and such. Then looked at the clothes as they had 78% off on some items. Found a couple of nice shirts super cheap so bought those. Then walked through the isles to check grocery prices. They are higher on a lot of things, but the sales make it a bit cheaper. Though I didn't buy much of the food items other than coffee creamer, a small container of choc. milk for GS. and some apple juice that was on sale for him as well. Went down the meat isle and those prices were not the best. Though I did find a roast on sale that I will cut up for stew beef. and a Boston butt that was cheaper than the other stores. I will that. And that was all the grocery end of things I bought. I did buy a pack of UNO cards on sale and a bingo game. Yes, I like to play Bingo. I will add those to my other things to do in hard times. 

Need to go to bank to deposit a couple of checks also. 

The rain hasn't been that bad. Just off and on but the wind is picking up pretty good now. 

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Welllll... definitely did more than “one and done” today. 
Crocheted this morning. 
After noon, got up and started pasta dinner (kinda like throw together lasagna). Figured while I was in the kitchen that I’d clean out the coat closet before putting Christmas stuff away. The cubby where I store Christmas stuff is a built in cubby in the back of the closet that goes over the front stairs to the basement. Got that all done, Christmas stuff put away, and dinner done by 3:00. 
Ate, sat down in my chair and thought I was done for the day... then DS1 called right before 4:00. He’s the one that has the trailer at mom and dad’s. Ask him how grandma and grandpa are doing... he says about the same, but that my Dsis#4 (his aunt) is really sick. She’s been at mom and dad’s since Sunday evening. So, I get off the phone with him and call mom... while we’re talking, dad’s phone rings and she gives her phone to my sis. I talked to her for less than a minute and said that I didn’t need to talk to mom again— I’m throwing my stuff in the van and will be there by 5:30. So, I’m at mom and dad’s again, probably until Sunday or Monday as I already planned to come back up on Friday for the weekend.

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Necie, I hope and pray everything will be ok. I know caring for loved ones is not easy.

Was on the phone with the insurance company for an hour answering questions for the long-term insurance. Yep, I have a Phy. No big deal as I should pass it anyway. They will come to the house to do it. So that is good. I sure didn't want to go to them. So will see how that goes. 

Got home and GS had cleaned out his car in the rain. Dumb kid. He's sick and out there cleaning out his car. But he also cleaned up the bathroom and washed his clothes. So, he is starting to feel better. I just don't want him to have a relapse from the bronchitis. He is still coughing some but not as bad. 

It's been raining off and on and now raining hard. Wind has been rather bad, but I have delt with high wind like this before. I don't call this that bad of a storm. But those in other states had the snow and the really cold weather. Today it got up to 65* and still not that bad outside now. 

My DD called and said she is now starting her 3ed round of antibiotics. Seems she went to the dentist, and they discovered she has an infection in the saliva glands. It had gone into an ear infection which the antibiotic cleared that up, but the saliva gland is still full of infection. She said because of the swelling, it makes everything hurt from ear, teeth to jaw. She said it hurts to put her teeth together because of the swelling. Get a straw and sip chicken broth. Nothing I can do to help her with that one. She said they told her it didn't start from the ear. 


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I've never lived around a Kroger but I heard they were high. I occasionally watch a shopper who goes around comparing prices. He must have a photographic memory because he remembers all the prices from everywhere and even what they were a year ago. Anyway, he said Kroger was always the highest except for the fact that they always have the best sales. So you can save money there if you shop the sales. 


I wish we had the kind of grocery stores like they have down south where they have the 'buy one...get one' sales. We never have those. It might be Publix or Piggly-Wiggly? 

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Jeepers, we are getting a Publix soon, but the one downtown Suffolk has already opened, and people said the prices are really high. The one closest to me has broken ground but not sure if they have started construction much yet. So, I haven't been in one yet. But the Harris Teeter and Food Lion both have the buy one get one free sometimes.  Also, Harris Teeter sometimes does a buy 2 and get 3 free at times. But not real often. I hit both of those sales when I can. 

Kroger does have some really good sales. But for some reason I just never think to go there. They are the furthest store from me but only about maybe 10 minutes away. But need to start going there at least twice a month when I need things. I had to change my e-mail address when the old one got hacked and I still haven't changed the e-mails for any of the stores to get the adds. I need to sit down and get that done.

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I've been keeping an eye on InComing Weather.  Was super windy here today.  I posted a weather alert in RURR.....potential for Polar Vortex.  The data kept changing in the past 24 hrs so....not sure they know what it's going to do.  Will be more out here in the west but as far as western MN -Iowa .  Mebbe.  Check it out and be prepared!  :o 


Got the driveway plowed again.  Wow, he was able to scrape down to dirt in most places.  :amen:   That will help melt..if we don't get more snow on top to cover the brown areas. 


Been researching some "bigger ticket" items that DH and I have been talking about.  Made a choice - kinda rushed due to impending severe cold.  Not sure delivery will come in time but.....  :pray:  We're so vulnerable w/o power and now we don't have my folks' place to retreat to.  Feels kinda weird ...alone.  I think your eventual move to Indy will be a very good thing, Jeepers.  ;)  Since your son/dil up and moved over there!  We all gotta have some back-up. 


MtRider  ....God, keep the furnace on, please! 

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Today, I will pressure can dog food that I made yesterday.
Will walk when it gets up to 35 degrees or so.
Walk dogs.
Maybe set up personal filing folder, maybe not.

Trying to take it a little easier today. Yesterday was very busy, but I accomplished more than I thought possible.
We ended up with 4.25" rain over the night before last. Windy and chilly when we were in town, but traffic was a breeze and not many folks out. That was what I hoped would happen!

I hope everyone can keep warm and safe with the next storm coming!  

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We got a lot of rain, but I don't know how many inches. It had to be at least 4 or 5 inches as water was badly puddling in neighbor's yards and that doesn't normally happen.  No snow think goodness. The winds were blowing they said at 60 miles per hour at times. We never lost current. So, all is great. Sun is shining brightly this morning. But a bit colder today. Will get up to about 52* today compared to 65 yesterday. 

Had to mop kitchen floor again before I could start canning again. But everything is set up to get it started. GS must have spilled something on it as I got up this morning with my feet sticking to the floor. He will try to clean up his spills but not very well.  His bronchitis is doing much better now. So, debating him going back to sleeping in his car or giving him another night in the house. He's at doctors now so will decide when he gets back. I feel like I am coming down with it now. Sneezing and sniffling. Though I have kept my hands washed constantly and spraying Lysol everywhere. I guess with him not keeping his hands washed and doorknobs and such even though I was spraying them with Lysol as well as everything else, it just wasn't enough. But hopefully it won't be as bad as he had it. He is a slob and doesn't clean up well behind himself. So was hard to keep up with his mess to keep me from catching it. 

Just waiting for floor to dry and then the canning begins. 

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Hope you don't catch it too Littlesister. Mine started with a stuffy nose and sneezing. I'm debating on whether or not to go to the clinic. I can't stop coughing. I know it's bronchitis again but I don't know what they can do for it. Last time it was Ampicillin and I had a bad reaction to that mess. Plus I don't want to pick up any more germs in there. Other than the cough, I don't really feel that bad. 


Mt. Rider, I'll will be anxious to hear about your newest purchase. But you are so correct about the dangers of a power outage in the winter. Things can go south very quickly. With long lasting effects. I'm not going to feel secure again until I can get moved. Being all alone with no backup isn't easy. Even down to the little things like needing a ride someplace. My Jeep's back bumper is still damaged from where I backed into my garage LAST YEAR.  I can't really get it fixed due to no ride. I can get it to the shop but how to get from the shop back to the hotel. Then when it's finished, how to get to the shop to pick it back up. It's often those little things that people don't think about. In Indiana either son or DIL can easily give me a ride. No ride for that tilt table test and no ride for a colonoscopy. Not complaining about it. I could hire 'someone' but I'm not going to.   

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33 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

Being all alone with no backup isn't easy

If DD and her family weren’t nearby we wouldn’t be living here now that neither of us drives.  It is another reason to be on good terms with your neighbors.  We used to but they have all moved way and new people have moved in. 

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Not being able to drive is my motivating factor for prepping up my house. That scares me. Even if I could get to town only once a month that would be a big help. Especially with doctor appointments etc. Son and DIL are good to me but what if they became disabled. Or worse. :sad-smiley-012:   


I suppose I could rely on Amazon for food deliveries. As long as there still is an Amazon, ya know. And trucks still run.  I don't think any of the local stores over there will deliver out to me 10 miles away. :shrug: . I'm sure it would cost me dearly. Senior services 'might' be available. Not sure. 


I want to get prepped and stay prepped. Hopefully this will be my year for some food security. 

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All I did today is cough. Crimony. 


I got a call from the furniture guy. Elmer is delivering it on the 16th. :D   I think I'm going to cancel my doctor appointment on the 15th. and reschedule. It's just with a nurse for a blood pressure check. I won't even be seeing the real doctor. The appointment isn't until after 3:00 and by the time I get out and drive to Indy it will be after 10:00pm. Then get up early the next morning for the delivery. Not going to do it. Last time I went over I became drowsy and that was with sleep. DIL could go and let him  in but, I owe for the furniture and I also owe son some money that I want to get paid. I hate to go over sick but I'm not getting better any time soon. Might as well go get it over with. It will be nice to get my dining room in order. One room down. After I repair the holes I put in the wall.  :rolleyes:


Then my Project Manager called. They have a dilemma with another house. He wants to buy the left over floor tile that I had at the house. I didn't let on but that would help me out in the long run. I don't want it and I wouldn't have to move it. I have about 12 boxes and they are HEAVY ceramic tiles. If the other guy likes them then...sold! I don't even care the price. I was wondering what I was going to do with them. Hope they take it off of my hands.  :pray: 

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47 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

If the other guy likes them then...sold!

You might want to save back a few in case one of yours ever needs to be replaced.  Even the new owners might appreciate that.  Sell him all the unopened boxes and keep the odd ones. 

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Don't blame you for selling them Jeepers. But mother is also right. Keeping some back just in case could be a plus. But on the other hand, you are not going to be living there much longer so it would be the new owner's issue.


Most of my neighbors are new ones as well, all younger with kids and work. Plus, they keep to themselves. I do have one now that will say hello as she walks to the bus to pick up her kids from school. But that is about it. Now losing another neighbor and not sure if his wife will stay put or move. But her kids are living around here where mine are not around here anymore. Though one GD right now is living in NP News. But her DH is in Coast Guard, and they could be moving out of state in a couple of years. GS is useless. He can't get his own act together and he will be going in Coast Guard at some point. So, I still have the idea of moving to NC at some point, but it won't be with these higher interest rates. I think maybe I should have just sold the house as is. But I wouldn't have gotten as much for it. Now I am in a wait and see what happens with the economy and housing market. 


Canned up more of the unstuffed peppers but this time tweaked it a bit. Didn't add the Italian season this time but did add a bit of thyme. Also increased the number of onions and peppers. Onions by 1/2 cup and peppers by a cup. Turned out a bit better for my taste.  More canning tomorrow. I'm tired. Finished off the rest of peppers making spaghetti sauce. So that is done as well. 

Just finished cleaning up the kitchen from the big mess I made. 


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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

Don't blame you for selling them Jeepers. But mother is also right. Keeping some back just in case could be a plus. But on the other hand, you are not going to be living there much longer so it would be the new owner's issue.


I'm normally pretty generous IMO, but I'm done with this house. I'm moving on. And I'm going to need all the money I can get for my own house repairs and for refinancing. 


Actually I had planned to use them to replace the bathroom floors at the Indy house. The floors are good but I'm not sure if there will be gaps in the floor covering after the toilets are replaced. I'm going with smaller (round) toilets. I won't know until the toilets are removed. But if I can sell them that will save me from moving them. And if the floor covering is okay at the Indy house, I won't need them. They are very heavy ceramic tiles. 

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9 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I can get it to the shop but how to get from the shop back to the hotel. Then when it's finished, how to get to the shop to pick it back up. It's often those little things that people don't think about.

I guess I'm pretty forunate to live in a "small" town. The shop I take my car to will give me a ride home if they have to keep the car, then pick me up when it's ready. If they need to keep it for a few days and I know I will be needing to get myself somewhere, they have free loaner cars! And their labor prices are very reasonable, too. :hapydancsmil:

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1 hour ago, Jeepers said:

I'm going with smaller (round) toilets.

Please consider that those are very low to the ground and might be difficult to get up from - unless you have grab bars - and even then it still might be difficult.

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They have the 'chair height' round toilets now. That's what they put in my Ohio house. I think they got them at Home Depot. I hate the oval toilets. They hurt my butt. Seriously. Plus they take up more room in a small bathroom.  Son will be able to get them for cost. Just getting him to do it...

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Trying not to get blown off the hillside today!  Gusts made it very COLD outside.  I avoided it.  Not much noteworthy today.  :scratchhead:   That I can remember, that is....?  I am keeping an eye on weather and when our deliveries are expected.  Have to rearrange freezer space in the next couple days. 


DH and I have been sending emails and links back and forth about things we'd need if we lost power in winter.   Especially things that did NOT work last May.  Heating food or water - did not work.  Lighting was fine:  even the little tea light candles INSIDE straight-sided jars like peanutbutter or jelly.  And a pillar candle that must have had a crooked wick.  It melted alllll over - within the jar!  No mess.  Keeps the air drifting from making the flame flutter as much too. 


WINTER has truly come to our little piece of the Rockies.


MtRider  :frozen:  



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