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Homesteader, due to the high price of ammo, there will be no warning shots.

Happy Birthday.  :balloons:


Was doing some cyber shopping on internet for Christmas gifts. Still not done but got GS's finished today. At least the rest will be easy. For a baby it's really easy. She is 6 weeks old today so clothes and diapers and some toys for her age. If I can find something in the toy line near time for her to play with. She has rattles so not wanting to go that route right now. 

Washed clothes this morning and working on living room to start decorating. Will be putting the wreath on front door in a while.

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I got a letter in the mail from my local State Farm agent, the one who told me to go to senior citizens for housing assistance, (I am still salty over that!) wanting me to subscribe to their home protection plan. 


1 ADT panel

2 door/window sensors

3-7 water sensors (based on your home layout)

1 smoke detector

ADT control app

1 ADT yard sign

4 ADT window stickers


Starting at "only" $19.99 a month (with a contract). Plus other hardware savings at installations. 

What a bargain.   :24: 

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9 hours ago, Homesteader said:

Depending on Bidenomics red ink, we may not be shooting very many bullets today.

That’s a double whammy. Money not worth as much and less of it, and ammo more expensive or non-existent.


DH has been looking for bullets for reloading. Can’t find what he wants anywhere. He’s not a happy camper the last few days. :mad:

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Finished canning venison— 14 qts and 9 pints. Tomorrow I start grinding. 

Saw on FB that the company I order my lotion bottles/lids from was having 20% off today, so decided I’d better order for the year. I missed that they had 30% off on Friday. :buttercup:

So I usually order the bottles in bulk (720) and the lids in bags of 48 (15 bags). It wouldn’t give me the discount on bulk. So I went back and changed it to 15- 48 pc bottles like the lids. It cost a bit more than bulk, but came out quite a bit less with the discount. Goofy!! Saved $86. 
Supposed to get more snow tomorrow. I hate snow. And cold. I looked at the weather app at 7:30... 19* with 8* windchill. Good thing I don’t have to leave the house for anything. DH is taking my van up tomorrow to have one of my new tires looked at— it keeps losing pressure. He thinks it’s the rim. Hopefully an easy fix. Gas is down in the area, so I gave him $40 and asked him to fill it up for me while he’s up there. :wub:

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Finished up my Christmas shopping except for a couple of gift cards. I will pick those up at store on Thursday.  

Tomorrow I will finish the Christmas cards. 

My DH's cousin and his wife came over to give me a gift for the baby. So, need to get that to GD. 

Took GS after he got back from the doctor to dinner and then we went shopping for a couple of things. Yep, never go shopping with GS. He hates shopping and just moped around the stores. We only went to 2 of them. Will leave him home next time but wanted to get him out of house for a bit. It's good for him. He did help me pick out some baby clothes though. 

Tomorrow is house cleaning day. I need to mop floors and clean bathrooms. Got the laundry done. So that is out of the way. Need to stick around the house for a while as packages will be coming from 3 different stores. People are already complaining of porch pirates. Hasn't happened here in my neighborhood yet but there is a first time for everything. Got lucky on Black Friday and today on Cyber Monday. One store had a clearance on baby clothes, and I got extra off on top of that being it is cyber-Monday. 

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6 hours ago, Becca_Anne said:

All but the stocking stuffers purchased! :hapydancsmil:It's starting to look like the holidays here. Excited to get the outdoor lights up when they arrive.  My favorite time of the year :wub:

Me too! Becca Anne!  Except for the cat.


Today, I will walk.
Walk dogs.
Do Laundry.
Make Turkey Tetrazzini.


Tree is fixed (for now). Have a fairly lightweight hard plastic pipe around repaired cord between tree and outlet. New rule is that if one of us isn't in the living room for awhile, kitty goes in his room.

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10 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Finished up my Christmas shopping except for a couple of gift cards.


9 hours ago, Becca_Anne said:


All but the stocking stuffers purchased! :hapydancsmil:It's starting to look like the holidays here. Excited to get the outdoor lights up when they arrive.  My favorite time of the year :wub:



2 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

Me too! Becca Anne!  Except for the cat.

I haven’t even started. :sigh: Buying gifts or decorating. Although, the only decorating that I do is to put up the tree. I do put lights and garland on it, but the box of ornaments sit there til the kids come down on Christmas Eve and they put them on.

Christmas isn’t my favorite time of year. :(

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Necie, Since DH passed it is not like it used to be for me. But the kids still want me to decorate, and I still need to Christmas shop. The shopping is almost done but when it all comes in, I need to get it all wrapped.  I try to use gift bags where I can because my hands and wrapping paper don't mix any longer. Old Arther says not today. My hands right now are very stiff. And I still need to finish up what I was doing this morning. Needed a coffee break. 

Need to get a baby gift over to my DGD for the baby. It's from DH's cousin and his wife. Going to get really busy again around here soon. Lots to get done other than just Christmas. 

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I guess I'm going Christmas shopping tomorrow. Ugh. DIL put a list on Amazon which really helps and we went looking last weekend. But G-son was with us so we just took some pictures. Hope I don't screw it up. She put an Etch-A-Sketch on the Amazon list but I can get it locally. I did get 3 video games that he needs in his life. The sales clerk bagged them up and DIL stuck them in my big coat pocket while we walked around the store. I was waiting for the store alarm to go off when I walked out but it didn't. Receipt was in the bag.


It's hard right now because I don't want stuff delivered to the house (porch pirates) and I don't want to leave presents at the house with strangers still in there and I don't want to bring them back to the hotel for the same reason. I think the hotel is the safest as they are only in here once a week. To my knowledge. 


I didn't order anything on Black Friday as nothing I wanted was on sale. I know the shirts I want from Michaels but they don't give a delivery date the way Amazon does. 


Last Friday my doctors office called. Tests showed another UTI. I've never ever had this many in my entire life. I'm somehow blaming it on the hotel I don't know how though. It's just odd. Toilet paper? Lack of exercise? Shower gel? I don't know. But I have zero symptoms. That's odd too. Anyway, I told them to send more antibiotics and I'll take them to hopefully nip it in the bud. I just got a text that it is finally filled. It is taking longer and longer for me to get meds filled. Both blood pressure and antibiotics. I never did get a nose spray Afrin from about 3 weeks ago. I have med stashes though so I'm good.


I don't wanna go shopping out there. 

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This year I did a lot of black Friday deals and Cyber Monday deals. I don't usually do those either, but the prices were too good to pass up for what everyone wanted. I think everything I got was half price or less. Still need to call Safeway in Washington State to order a gift card. DGD's DH is not looking very hard for a job since he decided he was disabled (yeah right) and doesn't want to work. Lazy is more like it. So, she is trying to support both of them on her salary. Money for them is very tight right now. She is trying to learn to make bread but has trouble kneading the dough. So, I bought her a dough maker with a Ferment function also. Then my other DGD wanted one and then my DD wanted one. So, I ordered 3 of them. I had to laugh and said I am the one with bad painful hands and all of you want one. So, guess what my DD is giving me for Christmas?  :lol: I already had ordered 3 of them.

Dinner is in the oven. So, I am free to go for now. My arm and shoulder are killing me for some reason. Might use heating pad in a while. Till then I will survive. 

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Got the venison ground up and weighed out into *batches*. 24#=3 batches. Am short 1# of sausage/bacon so it’ll have to wait til Friday or Saturday. Mixing and bagging up the other 2 batches today. 
Tomorrow am going to pick up DS1 and go do something... maybe find some cheap sausage/bacon?? Might walk through the cabin to check it out and figure out what I wanna do first in the spring. On the way home, will stop at DS2’s and pick up the doe he has hanging. Hopefully, he’ll get another one soon.

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Finished up the last of the Christmas shopping almost. Just some diapers and a gift card that will be a local gift card.  Needed to get a Safeway gift card for Granddaughter and her DH in Washington. Had to jump through hoops to get that one. But got it done. They are struggling since her DH doesn't have a job yet. Though he does have an interview tomorrow. But the gift card will get them through till things get better. And they are getting the dough mixer as well as they do like to make bread. So, all that should help them. I am trying to be practical with everyone this year and get things they either need or will use. They all want to start making bread and GD in Washington has already started learning to do that with a friend. She is trying to prep as best she can. But now using her food preps she has put up for a rainy day. 

Broke down and fired up the wood stove. It was 20* last night and 42* today but is now dropping again. Now it is nice and toasty in the house. 

Shoulder and knee are doing better today. Knee is a bit sore but not hurting. So that's a good thing. 

Getting ready to go through a couple of boxes to see what I am keeping and what goes to Goodwill. I think when my downsizing is finished. Things will be a lot easier around here. 

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Went Christmas shopping this AM. It wasn't too bad except for the prices.  :0327:. Glad Christmas only comes once a year.  LOL


I got most of the things on the list. Couldn't find the Etch-A-Sketch any place. Will try Meijers tomorrow. If they don't have it I'll Amazon it. Other than a very small Amazon order, I'm about done. I think there was something to do with a globe that I'm missing though. I forgot to ask his mom. But I'm close enough to being done that if I don't get anything else, it will be enough. I just need to get some money rounded up in cards for son and DIL. I give them both the same amount to do with whatever they please. I have plenty of time though. I take the cards and stick them in their tree. 


I picked up a few groceries at Wal-Mart. I didn't really check out the shelves so don't know how well stocked they were. I drove past the meat and it looked very well stocked from a distance. I did check out the turkeys out of curiosity. Butterball was $1.28 a pound. There were three people ahead of me in line and I did notice that each one had a lot of OTC stuff in the cart. I didn't think to check out the med aisle until I was already in line and saw other peoples stuff. 


I stopped in Dollar Tree for some wrapping paper. To be cheap paper, I've always had good luck with it. It isn't like it's getting rough treatment. Just sits under a tree for a few days. Actually, I can recommend it. I got two of the long rolls for bigger box items. Only $1.25 a roll. And some Scotch tape. I don't put bows on anything until I deliver them so I can stack the boxes up in the car ride over. I need bows and tags yet. 


I went to the pharmacy to pick up the UTI med. They couldn't give it to me because their computers are down. They said they would call when they were fixed. That was this morning and it's 5:00 now and still no call. I have had issues getting meds this year. I just now had a thought. The pharmacy is in the grocery store. The grocery store registers were working just fine. Maybe pharmacy registers are different? Don't know. First the toll road computers were down and now the pharmacy. I still need to call the toll people. :rolleyes:


Yesterday I called the guy about extending at the hotel another month. Surprisingly he actually answered the phone. Somebody along the line must have said something to him. Last month I got pretty rough with them. Actually pretty ugly. Whatever. They extended me until the end of December. I don't think I'll need it but we'll see. I was surprised they did it because they didn't want to last month. I drove by the house and there was a van in the driveway that said 'carpet' on it so I guess that is going in. I think the only thing left is the plumbing for the toilets, sinks and bath/shower and the lighting fixtures. Something else but I can't remember what. Paint maybe. 


I'm tired now so going to take a couple of Advil and ride the heating pad and watch...something. Probably more canning videos. 


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Got the diapers for the baby ordered through Walmart. So, should be here Friday. She's in a size 1 now, so I ordered size 2 and 3. They are the big boxes so that will get her started when the time comes. DD ordered the 1 and 2 size. So DGD is good on diapers for a while. Lots of clothes from both me and DD. So, the sizes we both bought will get her to the start of next winter and now. Yea, only one more gift card to get tomorrow and I am done with Christmas shopping.  Only 3 things coming from Amazon and all that will be in.  Then a trip to Dollar Tree. Yes, I also buy my wrapping paper and gift bags from the Dollar tree. Never had an issue with them. 


Wood stove has warmed the house up to a nice comfortable temp. Den a bit warmer as that is where the stove is. But very comfortable. That thing does really good at heating up the house. Still want to get at least 4 more cords of wood ahead of the game. Part of my preps is to get a good stockpile of wood. 


Tomorrow I will get the small Christmas tree up and finish cleaning living room and dining room. Then work on den to get that done and just a couple of Christmas things on the end tables. The reef is already on the front door. 


Last night I made a huge casserole for dinner and GS has already eating half of it. Glad he likes it because that is his dinner tonight also. He should be home around 11:30 tonight or so. He will come in to eat, wash up and then to car to bed. Yep, it's working out. New attitude. Just glad he loves cold weather. 

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Got the venison burger mixed and bagged. 27#. DH ran up to DG and overpaid for a lb of sausage ($5.25) so I could get it all done. 🙄 I’ll find it cheaper tomorrow and stock up. Might even have some in the freezer, but I don’t feel like digging for it... especially not being sure that it’s even there.


DH is still going berserk looking for bullets for reloading. I think he found some-2nds. He was grumbling about it all day. That and the cost of shipping. 😞 

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Heading out shortly to Harris Teeter to pick up prescription. The do a small amount of shopping. Need milk, eggs and a few other things. Then home to go through some things and then clean up a bit. 

Then I will call it a day and watch some TV or read. 

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I guess I'm going back to the pharmacy to see if my UTI prescription is ready. It was filled yesterday but they couldn't give it to me because the computer was down. They said they would call me when the system was back up. That was over 26 hours ago. I should probably call first.  Sigh.  If I knew if it was Cipro I'd dig into my own stash and replace it with the new stuff. But according to the text it starts with NitXXXX.


I think I found it...Nitrofurantoin. Not recommended for the elderly. Kidney issues. Thank you Dr. Google. I wonder if my doctor even knows me when he prescribes this stuff. Maybe it's his nurse doing the prescribing. Or his janitor. :rolleyes:


On a brighter note, Bank Of America called and I passed inspection! They are releasing the rest of my money. More than I remembered. $18,000+. That all goes to the construction company of course. They will be happy. I'll probably call them and tell them. Tomorrow. I could do it now but they didn't show up for the inspection leaving me to hustle around and do the job so....Pfffft  :pout: 


They could overnight the check or regular mail it. I chose regular mail because it will fit in my mail box and a big envelope won't be sitting on my front porch. Should take about 10 days. I'm not in a hurry now like I was when I was trying to get the construction crew in and really needed it. 


Will go looking for that elusive etch-a-sketch for you-know-who while I'm out.  I need to get an order ready from Amazon so that's probably where I'll find it. 


My guitar has arrived so son or DIL will pick it up over there this weekend. Can't wait to start learning how to strum the thing. Should be interesting. Or not. 

 :band:  <-- Jeepers. :grinning-smiley-044:

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Jeepers, playing guitar is fun. Yep, I used to have one and played a little. Never got to take lessons though. I have been thinking about getting one for a few years but never did. But if I do this time, I will be taken lessons. 


GS is driving me crazy. Now he wants to see the books he wanted for Christmas. I got them but one won't be here till Jan. 9th. It was a preorder. So, I need to get them together and wrapped before he gets home from work tonight. I already gave him the beanie as it has been getting cold now. He wore that to work today.  He goes tomorrow for lab work and X-Ray. They think the issue with the arm he broke didn't quite heal right. Doctor thinks the bone is rubbing against the nerve. So, they are going to X-Ray it and then try physical therapy depending on what the X-Ray shows. They want a chest X-Ray also. After that, once the coast guard gets that lab result. They should call him in for boot camp. 


My raised garden bed items came today. They were heavy. GS put them in the den for now. We will deal with that later.  Christmas shopping is finished. Just waiting on the 2 big boxes of diapers to come. I ordered them from Walmart and will be coming by Fed-X.  I figured since all my grandkids are grown and 5 are married now, I would do practical things this year. We don't know what next year will bring yet. So, ways to make bread. I couldn't believe my DD when I told her what I was getting the 2 granddaughters. She wanted a bread dough mixer also. So, she's getting one also. My SIL will get the Ninja grill. Grandson in laws, that just doesn't sound right but they are getting grocery store gift cards. The one in Washington is out of work and things are tight for them. And the one here wanted diapers and a Harris Teeter gift card. Well, the baby gets the diapers. But at least he was looking out for the baby. 

Picked up my RX and didn't look to see what it was. It was my Synthroid. In generic brand. They know I can't take generic, so I had to go back to get the name brand. That is the only one I can't take generic of. It cost me $45.00 and when I went to pick it up, she wouldn't charge me. Saved me some money there. I had checked out the clearance table the first time I went in and hit the jack pot. Saved a small fortune on the floor cleaner I use. 

Now I need to sit down a wrap gifts. 

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DIL picked up the guitar and son is loving it. I got a 3/4 one so it isn't huge. I'll probably pick up the chords on Youtube.


I got my med. They apologized for not calling. I really like them so I just told them that we were all good. I'm getting soft in my old age. 


I found the etch-a-sketch at Wal-Mart. They seem smaller than mine when I had one back in the day. Shrinkflation is even hitting the little children.  LOL


I went back to Barnes and Noble. I found a Pokemon thing that was on the Amazon list. Also a couple of small craft things. I thought they would have a globe that I wanted to get him but they didn't. Will have to Amazon it. Hope nothing is delayed. Between snow storms, doctor appointments and possible furniture delivery, I'm not sure when I'll get over there. But I have all of my Christmas shopping done now except for three things on Amazon. I've never been done this early before. Feels good. 


Now to get it all wrapped. 

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5 hours ago, Jeepers said:

My guitar has arrived so son or DIL will pick it up over there this weekend. Can't wait to start learning how to strum the thing. Should be interesting. Or not. 

 :band:  <-- Jeepers. :grinning-smiley-044:

If you are right handed, the fingertips on your left hand will be very tender and sore until you build up on callouses on them. BTW - does yours have nylon strings or the metal ones? Not only makes a difference to your fingertips, but also to the sound quality and volume that the guitar puts out.



2 hours ago, Littlesister said:

They know I can't take generic, so I had to go back to get the name brand. That is the only one I can't take generic of. It cost me $45.00 and when I went to pick it up, she wouldn't charge me. Saved me some money there.

I'm glad you were able to exchange the meds for the correct brand. Around here, once it goes out the door it is not returnable - even if it's their error.

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I'm right handed and it has nylon strings. I knew enough to know I didn't want steel strings. To be honest, I don't care about the sound quality as long as it's tuned. It's my training guitar to learn chords on. I wouldn't know a good sound from a bad sound. It's warranted for five years so we can beat the crap out of it. Between me, son and G-son it will be.  :D


I do have a 50 year old guitar that I used to mess with 50 years ago. But it is sort of fragile and I want to keep it. I bought it for husband at the military base when we lived in Japan for $35.00 new with a hard case. It looks like mine below except a tad bigger.

Cordoba C7 CD Classical Acoustic Guitar Natural
Cordoba C7 CD Classical Acoustic Guitar Natural
Item: L48608000001000
Qty: 1
Also Purchased:
(1)  Coverage PCGU 500-599.99 ADH REPAIR PLAN 60 MONTH
Terms & Conditions

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They wouldn't take the generic back. She just gave me the name brand. I still have the generic. By law they can't take back medications.


I am sitting by the wood stove getting nice an, d toas ty. But my hands are freezing.


DD texted and said she's got GS some tee shirts. That was good because it's really getting cold here now. I got him a beanie cap and he spotted it. He wore it to work. The books are hidden. Got him a fleece hoodie, gloves and socks. That should hold him awhile. He needs warm clothes. 

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