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Everything posted by Mt_Rider

  1. Mine even admitted it after being banned from laundry decades ago. {I don't own a BROWN shirt??? } But since the MS has stolen great moments from my brain now, I've recinded the ban. He pays attention now but....can't quite get the simple rule of "no undies or sox in the dryer". Gotta love that cast iron. I don't know how many times I've smelled SOMETHING ....and RAN to the kitchen to get the pan off the stove. I was JUST gonna warm it up for a minute to dry it. I'd have set the cabin on fire by now if I owned anything but cast iron. [ but that high heat does NOT do even the cast iron any good. ] MtRider [.....have to admit to being a space-brain too.... ]
  2. I hope your canner is still....living at home. But the knowledge you'll get at the class can't be lost. MtRider
  3. I haven't read much about the Paleo diet but DH and I both respond VERY well to a low carb diet. The low fat diets do NOTHING for us. One thing you have to keep in mind: There are all sorts of body types. Some of us lose weight without trying [my former self] and some gain weight if they walk by a bakery and sniff too deeply. I have a friend who has had success with the WeightWatchers [low fat] type of diet....yet she and her husband were always getting sick. Something not right there. They were missing some nutrient or something. They tended to be pretty fanatical and I beleive that they needed more fat/oil than they allowed themselves to be healthy. No matter the diet, you HAVE to be educated enough to know that you're getting all that you need. The focus canNOT be on elimination only. There are many easy techniques for staying on a low carb diet. But they have to be learned. Several of the fast food places are offering low carb alternatives. Subway has salads. Some places have lettuce wraps [the idea you mentioned]. There are new lunch and snack ideas. But....you have to prep up for those times when you HAVE to eat something NOW. Otherwise, you'll just grab what have been easy/habitual for you. That holds true for any change we try to make. You'll have more success if you plan for those hurried/messed up/unexpected times. Make sure you can always grab something quickly...that still follows the diet. [which ever diet] Theories [not saying if it's correct but it did work out for DH and I] on body types takes us back in history when different peoples of the world began to diverge into various ethnic groups/regions to live and survive. One theory uses blood types. DH and I happen to be the same blood type....and we both thrive on the low carb way of eating. We drop weight and feel better. We drop cravings [after the first three weeks] and eventually can put a very moderate portion of carbs back into our diet without gaining weight or setting off the craving and hunger thing you describe. BUT....you have to stablize first. That takes weeks or even a month. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you can't add in much carbs until you're close to your goal. Because adding the carbs back in is how you stop the weight loss. From that point, you balance. At your desired weight. One technique that I think makes the thing work for us was the concept of 'cheat day' or just one 'cheat meal' per week. This is begun a month after you start....NOT right away. DH is a chiropractor and to get patients to learn a new habit...to eliminate something that is 'toxic' to them, he gets them to agree to eliminate it for ONLY THREE WEEKS. He doesn't say they have to give it up for the rest of their lives....or no one would do it. But he's sneaky! After 3 wks of not having something that is reacting negatively to our bodies....you're in for a bad experience if you start it up again. Of course he doesn't tell them that part. It's one of the ways he lets them experience for themselves, what he's seeing in their body's reaction. He did it to himself with chicken. OYE...does he react if he eats chicken. But he'd been eating chicken all his life but kinda suspected it wasn't setting well with him. Same for me with tomato , and corn. Lotta pizza sauce just doesn't set well and....isn't worth it to me anymore. So those are considerations beyond any type of diet....specific foods that your body reacts to negatively. But carbs .....ALL OF WHICH TURN INTO SUGARS once they are processed by our bodies....don't do well for me. Unlike tomato/corn, I can eat a moderate amount but my main diet must be meat and veggies. I am definitely more healthy with that ratio. HOWEVER....it does not mean that we have to gorge ourselves with the portions that Americans have learned to eat. That is where you have to relearn portion sizes. As Cat suggests, many Americans in this era are not out hunting and gathering and using up all sorts of calories. We do not burn up enough energy [aka: calories] to warrant huge steaks and a whole head of broccoli. Watch carefully, as you experiment with this diet. You will find that you get full without eating as much....after your body shifts. And be CAREFUL if you do a 'cheat meal' eventually. Make small portions of whatever you want....and eat slowly! That's so you can stop before you make yourself sick! Believe me, you will not WANT a whole plate of spaghetti and an icecream sundae. But small portions of that will be a thrilling treat. Then....go back on the diet until next week. It's your gold star for good behavior....encouragement not to cheat during the week. But it will throw off your adjustment if you begin to cheat in the first month. *****WAIT FOR IT!**** Anyway, from my experience, that's what I know. You have to see what YOUR body responds well to. Paleo or even Low Carb would be alien to some folks bodies. MtRider [...living in the Mts that will only offer a Paleo diet if the Hooey ever Hits the Fan.... Deer, elk, collards and turnips....]
  4. Anyone know how long this would last and under what conditions? MtRider [marking the website! ]
  5. Oh yeah....we did have fever/chills. DD1 even bought a nice fuzzy blankie at Cosco when the took me for a look-see at the store. She was miserable and we finally got her back to bed. Also had bad muscle aches during the fever time period. But no respiratory so mebbe it wasn't a flu then. But it could not have been food poisioning in all 3 of us over a period of 2 weeks. http://www.ehow.com/about_5427778_define-flu.html http://www.thefreedictionary.com/influenza MtRider [forgot that part....]
  6. DD1 [from Hawaii] had a persistent flu while she was here. Then I got it. We're pretty sure my dad had it too. But...what are the symptoms that would categorize this as a Swine Flu? Our symptoms were: -No head congestion but sometimes a bad headache. -No nausea. Stomach fine; problem further down the system. -Definite digestive distress; trips to bathroom. -And an overwhelming SLEEPINESS! Weak and tired too but I mean you cannot stay awake. I couldn't believe how out-of-it DD1 was....until I experienced that symptom myself. Yikes! -Persistence...you feel better, then it comes back! {By the way, the homeopathic flu remedy (Oscillococcinum...available at Walmart) really helped to shorten the digestive part but not the sleepy thing. I'M SAYING THIS FOR MY FLU.....not necessarily for this Swine Flu. } And DH saw patients at his office with same symptoms during the final days of July too. Anywhere else having our version? Didn't seem particularly serious...but it sure was unpleasant for someone who'd traveled thousands of miles for a family vacation. Poor DD1. MtRider [.....I rarely catch things like this but....LIFE has been a BIT draining these past 3 months. ]
  7. MtRider steps up to the list and signs her name...... .....well, really....Darlene made me do it. VERRRY sneaky, that one. Gotta come up with airfare now. Sounds like such a great time with everyone again. [Can I skip the cracked ribs part this year? That hurts to even *think* about it! ] MtRider
  8. MtRider comes skidding in....late. I was gone most all of yesterday and ... Good thing these parties last more than one day. Happy belated B-day, Martian. Glad you had a neat date!!! MtRider AND....Miki .....ARE YOU BACK????? Do you have Internet access now???????
  9. Like the ice man of yesteryear... I've thot of ways I can transport water UP A S T E E P mountainside from pond to house if HooeyHitsFan. I'm thinking of saddlebags with closed water jugs/containers. [Yes, I have horses and saddlebags and containers.] Still a LOT of physical labor....but, I could take that circus on the road.... MtRider [...recently hauled all for our water needs from our "next door" friends .... Oye! ]
  10. Wow....quite an article. First I'd seen about those 'mold' spots. A mention but not quite an explanation about how they occur. I throw those eggs out. Specific to duck eggs, huh? Now this was originally written in 1939? How does that affect the data? But I agreed with the findings....where their research intersected with my experience. [much of it I've had no experience with] The information on China's methods... Is that updated? Didn't sound too good for frozen egg mixes coming from China. [but then, that's an old topic by now anyway...for many products from China] An EGGtremely interesting article, CGA! MtRider [...copied that one to my files ]
  11. http://www.sare.org/Learning-Center/Books/Building-Soils-for-Better-Crops-3rd-Edition Free Download... MtRider
  12. those....meat spots... Are they grey in color and kinda furry-looking? I've tried to figure out what I get occasionally. Freshly broken open egg with what looks like a mold spot. I toss those. MtRider
  13. Did you see the other link, Martian. The first two alternate egg-layers were ours - ducks and quail. MtRider
  14. Nope...gotta be wary in the western states. Bum deal when he HAD permission and they changed their minds....for what reason and CAN they do that? He'd invested by then. The govt is not supposed to overburden the constituents. I think that includes the small business owner!!!! MtRider [..CO has some real doozey water laws. ]
  15. Read this and you're gonna be glad you get your eggs from your own flock! http://abcnews.go.com/Health/truth-eggs/story?id=16871055 And the link within leads you to a great story about The OTHER Egg Layers..... http://www.rodale.com/easter-egg-ideas?page=0,4&cm_mmc=ABCNews-_-The%20Truth%20About%20Your%20Eggs-_-Article-_-The%207%20best%20eggs%20you%20are%20not%20eating MtRider [...didn't know my duck eggs are higher in nutrients... And I know what they eat! ]
  16. Warning about the bandaids.....I threw all mine out. They do NOT stick. MtRider [.....I've thrown out more stuff from this Walmart store than I care to think about.... ]
  17. EXACTLY!!! In survival, calories are our FRIENDS! When I think of how far back we could get knocked backwards by any given Hooey...I'm always hoping for no further back than "Walton's Mountain" ....or, I guess, "Little House on the Prairie". Not "Medievel Europe" or ...... "Clan of the Cave Bear"! This Iowa Farm Gal wants to retain agriculture!!!! [not that my wishes have any bearing on HooeyHittingFan.... ] Definitely want to know what's edible/medicinal growing out there. Definitely do not want to try to feed myself off of what's up here. MtRider
  18. I've never heard of 2 types of O2 absorbers...... I'm confused. MtRider
  19. I can still access...and read...all of my 200+ Kindle books at the Amazon website. Arby, your Kindle device is not affected by this 'UPDATE'. Just Kindle For PC....the one you've got on your computer. Read the Amazon thread before you start to delete!!! This update is supposed to work by just downloading it and NOT deleting the previous version. And apparently it IS working for many folks. But some are getting all tangled up. I actually haven't tried to download the UPgrade yet.... Figured to give them a chance to fix this thing. But who knows...mebbe I'd be among those for whom this works the first time. MtRider [..reading a good, old-fashioned paper book today. ]
  20. High Alpine Desert: deer elk fish yarrow [medicinal] thistle root [survival food] cattail root/unripened pod rose hips [Vit. C ] pine needle tea [Vit C ] currant/gooseberry um.....DON'T EVEN TRY TO EAT ANY MARSHLAND PLANTS THAT RESEMBLE HEMLOCK..... For that reason, I'd stay outta the wet areas unless I could ID something 100% positive. Don't make a flute outta the really cool tubes those kind of plants make either. I might know more but....I'd have to refresh my memory with my reference books. We just do NOT have the lush variation of plantlife up at these altitudes. MtRider
  21. Kindle has a NEW, IMPROVED, UPDATE.....that isn't working out very well for a lot of users. MtRider :frying pan:
  22. Okaaay....just found this discussion about the problem here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/forums/kindleqna/ref=cm_cd_tft_tp?ie=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1GLDPZMNR1X53&cdThread=Tx3SFI0TNFH1P78 Not finished reading the unhappy responses yet..... EDITED: For pete's sake! Can they make it more difficult? That link goes nowhere specific. 1) you need to get to Help --- Using Your account ---Problem with an order Then scroll down to "My Kindle Isn't Working Properly" Click 2) Next page is bunch of junk until you scroll to the bottom of page (just above the "Get to know us/Make money with us/Let us help you" categories. Look for a pic of a Kindle device and some clickable links. Click "Kindle Discussions" 3 ) One of the Discussion topics is "Have a Kindle Question". Click and gives you a link to a special forum just for Kindle Questions. 4) See the box with "News and Frequently Asked Questions" Click "Kindle for PC Update" That's what I'm currently reading and it seems like a lot of folks are running into this. Seems to have started this past week.... still reading responses... MtRider SECOND EDIT: Just tested this link and it will get you directly to the Forum on Kindle Questions [step 4] Sheeeeeesh! http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/forums/kindleqna/ref=cm_cd_tft_tp?ie=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1GLDPZMNR1X53&cdThread=Tx3SFI0TNFH1P78
  23. Let me tell you the ways in which I detest technology....even before I've just spent an hour running to and fro on the Amazon site TRYING TO SEE WHY ALLLLLLL my 200+ books are GONE FROM MY PC KINDLE. ...or rather, my Kindle for PC program has and I need to get an updated version. Meanwhile, I cannot even open the Kindle program on my laptop. So.... .....HOW do I get an updated version? ....is the FREE Kindle for PC a LIMITED TIME OFFER? ....if I HAD gotten my DD1 to help me transfer my 200+ Kindle books to my iPod, would they be inaccessible too? (she got sick so we never got that done ) ....and the [/b]ULTIMATE QUESTION: [/b] HOW do I get ahold of anyone at Amazon to ask these questions? I canNOT find a way in... Anyone else run into this yet??? ....I'm out of disability tape books and now I can't access my digital library. Gasp....ya think withdrawl might be fatal? Oh...fortunately I have "One Thousand" real, paper books. Whew! MtRider [...any insight would be GREATLY appreciated!!! ]
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