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Everything posted by mommato3boys

  1. Several years ago hubby purchased a sample pack of Food4Patriots I put in our overflow pantry thinking we would try it one day. Well today was that day. The temp has dropped and I was in the mood for potato soup. We had been discussing ordering more so that we could have them for camping supplies. I pulled out the cheddar potato soup and followed the instructions. First... it was really watery. Second...Way too salty Third...tasted like it was made with sour milk. We have kept it at the recommended temperature so I am not sure what is wrong. I don't think I want to try the remaining three packs. Nor will I be purchasing more for our camping supplies. I think I will just stick to my Harmony House soups for camping. Or better yet make my own when things are in stock again. Hubby's final review
  2. Gravy and biscuits are my go to dinner or breakfast. It makes that left over one piece of sausage feed two people. When the boys lived at home it was Saturday morning breakfast. It was cheap and filled them up...you know three teenage boys and their hollow legs. I have a bullet smoothie maker that sits on my counter. It gets used for a lot of things and gravy making is one of them. Gravy the glue that holds fills those empty stomachs. Oh don't forget that Red Eye gravy. My grandmother used to say even though it gets it's name from the reddish color, it is really for those days of little or no sleep and you get up with red eyes. The coffee will kick in and get you going.
  3. Bump. Was reading over this and it dawned on me I have no baby meds. It has just been me and hubby or our adult kids for what seems like forever, now grandbabies are here. I need to do a baby first aid kit.
  4. Hmmmm....Looks like the stuff my son and I get when we wear t-shoes without socks. We're allergic to the glue they use to glue the shoe together. Heck if that is covid toe we have had it for 30 years.
  5. So I have a small herb container garden, the sage and Rosemary are thriving. However, due to the heat the parsley and basil are kind of stunted. For once my cilantro gave up the ghost. Usually I have cilantro until the first freeze or later depending on if I forget to cover it or not. I am going to have to replant the cilantro, we use A LOT of cilantro. My lettuce is also stunted, which makes me sad. I was hoping for fresh garden salads by now. I am hoping with a grow light I can keep the herbs growing inside this winter. I have gotten used to cooking with fresh herbs and am enjoying the different taste fresh herbs give. I really want to expand my herbs so I am dedicating a corner of the living around the big window just for plants. What herbs do you grow?
  6. Well, bicycles are non existent around here. You might find like bikes for 4-6 year olds, but anything bigger you are out of luck. Potting soil went fast along with seeds and fruit plants. Things on store shelves still hard to find: canned goods staples like flour, corn meal, baking power, yeast. oh and powdered milk. I live in a large Hispanic area so the momma's around here do a lot of cooking from scratch. Meat but not as bad as it was. You just have to shop early in the day. Still hardly any reduced meat. And the prices...OH MY! Cleaning supplies fishing and hunting equipment. As well as camping equipment.. Dry beans and rice have started coming back Good News! We are getting an Aldi's in the next few weeks. They have been working on it and are in the finishing stages. Hopefully by the end of July we will have a grand opening.
  7. When making your mask make a pocket in it so you can add a filter. Use an ac/heater allergy filter. Cut it to fit your mask pocket. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Filtrete-16x25x1-Healthy-Living-Advanced-Allergen-Reduction-HVAC-Furnace-Air-Filter-1500-MPR-Pack-of-4-Filters/37532019 Also the blue shop disposable towels are good. Coffee filters work in a pinch but the blue shop towels are better, but the air filter is the best. Instead of the flat pleated mask try the more form fitting mask. https://www.prettyhandygirl.com/best-fit-face-mask/ Instead of elastic you can use shoe strings to tie around your head. The elastic makes your ears so after a while (personal experience) I have one of each the form fitting and the flat pleated mask. We are allowed to wear homemade mask at work and I prefer the form fitting one because it has a shoe string that I can tie. I can wear it longer.
  8. Things gone missing from shelves that I am just now noticing.... bicycles games like cards, board games, etc puzzles wood burning kits kids pottery wheels arts and craft stuff period! home exercise equipment i.e. free weights, treadmills, yoga mats, the bands used for stretching, oh and those yoga balls.
  9. Items here in short supply even now flour any kind yeast oatmeal cream of wheat dry cereal dry beans rice canned meats, like tuna, cornbeef, beef tips, chicken pasta period...any type of pasta - pasta salad, mac&cheese, or just plain pasta. Forget finding whole wheat pasta. powdered milk oil canned veggies, like hominy, greens, field peas, black beans, pinto beans, anything except green peas, green beans and corn those can be found with no problem. sugar, unless you want the organic pure cane sugar that is like $8 a pound drink mixes bottled water salt - I was surprised at this one coffee & powdered creamer diapers wipes formula baby food
  10. So with this plague upon us(the stupidity or virus you choose) I have started making bread at home again just as a stress relief. I mean where else could I pound something. I was having a hard time getting regular sourdough starter to work here in the panhandle of Texas. I tried several and it just wouldn't rise. On my last attempt of starter I also made friendship starter. While searching for the recipe for friendship bread I ran across a site that many different variations of friendship bread. I have made the lemon poppy seed bread, cinnamon rolls, regular sourdough bread and today I made banana nut bread and the number one taste tester of the house (hubby) has been happier than a pig with slop. So I thought I would share the link. http://armchair.com/recipe/amish/amish.html If you have any other variations please share them.
  11. So the media is at it again.... The US has highest death total COVID-19 cases. So let's look at this sensibly. NO I am not downplaying the deaths, but let's not panic, common sense must prevail. We have one of the largest visitor ratio compared to other countries. At the university I worked at before in my home state 5% of our graduate level enrollment was international students, that does not include post doc fellows. That is just one university in a southern state. Can you imagine what Harvard, Oxford, MIT, or even USC's ratio is? We are 3rd in population behind China and India. HOWEVER, we are the most transient country. Now let's look at where the most deaths occurred - port of entry cities. There are five major US ports of immigration, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New Orleans. New York is by far the most used port. Four out of five are in the top seven states with the most COVID-19 deaths. Maryland is number 14. We are not even sure how many are US citizens or if they were internationals who were infected when they arrived. Also, as I stated in another post no matter how a person dies if they have COVID-19 antibody in their system their death is counted as a COVID-19 death. So my question is how many COVID-19 death have we really had? We will never know. Now think about this...how many people do you know have had severe respiratory infections in the past year? I know this past fall from November to February in our ER alone, we were swamped with people coming in with the "FLU" however, they tested negative for Flu A&B and negative for strep. We saw 50-75 people a day and for our little town of less than 20,000 that is a lot of people. We know people that died of respiratory failure this past year. The medical staff chalked it to age and underlying issues. Now pull out your tin foil hats.... I do not believe that COVID-19 was caused from eating bats. Nor do I believe HIV was caused by people eating monkeys. I believe both were man made and were sent to no suspecting areas with subpar health care. Why? Well how do think vaccines come about? How do you think chemical warfare agents are developed? All I am say is looking at the big picture...look at what is going on in DC what are they trying to push through? What is so big that they have to distract us with a pandemic? What is happening on the international playing field that they needed a pandemic to distract the sheeple? WE cannot and must not let this distract us from our freedoms and rights as American citizens.
  12. Right there with you. Hubby just turned 60 and I turned 57, but because of our medical history and his age we are considered high risk. Never thought I would see the day that we would be considered high risk. Good thing we are not social butterflies and the only time we are really around people are my work and church. Church is now 10 or less meeting in homes and well I have to work if we want to have lights, a roof over our heads, and food. I think we will all agree that this is what we have been preparing for and yes Cowgirl is the best description I could come up with too.
  13. As much as I would love to be on here more right now it is just not physically possible. As I have stated before I work as a registrar at the local hospital. So things are a little tense. I come home and put on praise and worship music and just chill. Hubby ask if I want to watch TV and I tell him no, please just let me sit and enjoy the silence. Nine times out of ten I fall asleep in my chair and hubby has to wake me up and send me to bed. The start the ORANGE procedures yesterday. Not that we have had a positive case but they are locking down hoping to prevent it in the hospital. There are no visitors, unless you have a minor child in the hospital then there must be one adult. Once you are in the room you can not leave, you can not switch out with another adult. You are there for the duration. Same with OB patients. One visitor mostly likely the dad and once you are there you are there no switching out. Sorry grandma you have to wait till they are home. Yes this has caused some major meltdowns. If you come with a patient for out patient testing you will be asked to wait in the car, unless you are an interpreter or you are their care giver and they are unable to speak for themselves such as a minor child. And yes this has caused major meltdowns. Things are changing by the hour at work and it is highly stressful. So I will say as of today I am fine, I am blessed that I have the weekend off as of now but am on call if needed. Monday we start the ballgame over and will have new rules.
  14. In our mandatory meeting yesterday at work. We were told that they are lessening the restrictions on health care workers. But we are still to be proactive, clean everything several times a day with the cleaning wipes. Wash hands with soap and warm water and use sanitizer between patients. Oh and mask are not options, if someone comes in coughing and fever they will be handed a mask and told to wear it if they refuse we are to call Infectious Control.
  15. This is from the CDC as of today. 1573 confirmed cases in the US. 40 fatal 15 have recovered. https://www.bing.com/search?q=cdc+coronavirus+update&form=EDNTHN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&msnews=1&plvar=0&refig=ba48742c52984c22c25d8cb0de52ed61&PC=HCTS&sp=1&qs=FT&pq=cdc&sk=PRES1&sc=8-3&cvid=ba48742c52984c22c25d8cb0de52ed61&cc=US&setlang=en-US
  16. Has anyone bought the Homeopathic Remedy kits from Amazon? I have an acquaintance that swears by them, but I am not sure about investing that much money in them right now. Your opinion please..... https://www.amazon.com/Helios-Homeopathy-Homeopathic-Remedy-Kit/dp/B004Z2U2PM/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2TYGAXSUUSMZI&keywords=homeopathy&qid=1582818995&sprefix=homopath%2Caps%2C221&sr=8-5
  17. I have about worn our garlic press out, it and the juicer. They were old any way.
  18. So hubby and I are not much of bread eaters, so a loaf of bread will ruin before we eat it. This last year I moved away from traditional loaf bread and have gone to making Native American fry bread, tortillas, and I am trying to get the hand of pita bread. We do still eat biscuits and cornbread but I can make really small batches of these types of bread. I am noticing that I am not using as much yeast with this other types of bread. Do have bread recipes that you could share that does not call for yeast and can be made in small batches?
  19. Ratchet can opener...must google this. I detest electric can openers and will not have one. I think they are a waste of money. I just the old fashioned hand can opener but I will check out this ratchet can opener you speak of.
  20. The kitchen has sort of become hubby's domain since he is disable and I work 40+ hours a week, but I do get in there on my off days. Today being an off day I made tortillas. I was looking for something and I was amazed at the "stuff" we have accumulated. Some of it we do not even use. So I thought I would fix a kitchen tote for the pop up and that way I wouldn't have to move stuff around. Plastic spoons/ladles, I am beginning to hate them so I guess they will get moved to the pop up. My pans are mostly cast iron, I have a few stainless steel pots. So only one skillet is going to the camper and one small sauce pan. Wood spoons, the love of my life, (please don't tell hubby he thinks he is LOL) But I do have quite a few of them so several will find their way to the pop up also. Bowls, I really don't have any bowls to part with, we have slowly switched over to glass bowls and done away with plastic stuff. I think I will invest in some metal bowls or melamine bowls for the pop up. Knives---I am always in the hunt for good knives. The handle and blade must be one piece and it must come with it's own protective blade cover. I do however, need a marble rolling pin and marble slab, for rolling out dough. I would like a larger wood cutting board and a smaller wooden rolling pin. I only have one wooden rolling pin. Hopefully I will have a basic functional kitchen soon. I really don't need the "convenient" stuff like the watermelon slicer, or the corn on the cob handles that you stick in the ends so you can eat it easier. I don't use most of it so it needs to go. This is all part of downsizing and making the work think we are not important. You know keeping our head down and not drawing attention to ourselves. What do you have in your kitchen that is taking up space and you can do without? How do you plan to have a functional kitchen that will allow you to prepare stuff from scratch.
  21. People say diamonds are a girl's best friend...well not this girl, this girl's best friend is pallets. Yes you read that correctly, pallets. You would be surprised what you can fashion of those things. Best of all they are free.
  22. I want something like this... https://youtu.be/pnddfHdjsmM https://youtu.be/PI6eld1eMiA
  23. This is from an email I received at work.... As of 1/31 there were approximately 10,000 cases worldwide most of which are in China There have been approximately 200 deaths I. China There are 6 confirmed cases in the US only one case has been human to human, none of the US cases have been severe The incubation period thus far is proving to be an average of 5 days but anywhere from 2-14 days. I have forwarded the to my personal email and will cut and paste it here tonight. ____________________________________________Edited to add. This is the email in its entirety...minus the email address and names of sender. Hi everyone, The following are bullet points I took away from the CDC COCA call today, if you joined in I apologize for the redundancy. There are approximately 10000 cases worldwide most of which are in China There have been approximately 200 deaths in China There are 6 confirmed U.S cases with 1 being human to human case, none of the U.S cases have been severe Incubation period thus far is proving to be an average of 5 days but anywhere from 2-14 days There still remain a lot of unknowns there has to be a heavy emphasis on Precautions (PPE) There must be an aggressive approach to protect and contain spread Infection Control begins on arrival perhaps before (screening patients when they call for appts, EMS etc) Masking of patients with respiratory symptoms, fever, flu like symptoms should be standard practice Lack of airborne isolation does not negate the utilization of PPE indicated for the patient and the staff Staff should have a high level of comfort doffing PPE so as not to contaminate self At this time there are no recommendations other than routine procedures for environmental cleaning, laundry handling or waste Make sure you have contact numbers at ready access (state/IC/Administrator/Directors) There has been a wide spectrum of clinical illness sometimes vague. The most common are fever and cough, less common has been diarrhea and sore throat. Fever may be intermittent and some have not had fever. The hospitalized patients have been ones who came down with pneumonia. 17%-29% developed ARDS and 10% developed a secondary infection. ¼ of the patients required ventilator support and a small percentage required ECMO support There has been a 11%-15% mortality which has been only those patients who develop pneumonia, there have been 0 deaths of patients who did not require hospitalization. Presenting labs in 1/3 of admitted patients have shown leukopenia, leukocytosis, lymphopenia and/or elevated AST, ALT The 2 resp panels in the US detect the 4 known human coronavirus’s but there is no cross detection for nCov X-rays in the hospitalized patient has shown bilateral pneumonia with unilateral abnormality and ground glass opacity Those with advanced age, immunocompromised, chronic medical conditions have been shown to be the ones at higher risk for severe illness While no pregnant women have been confirmed it is hypothesized that pregnancy is a risk factor for severe illness potential Clinical deterioration is being seen in the 2nd week of illness with lung auscultation suggestive of pneumonia confirmed by x-ray and hypoxia Viral shedding at this point is unknown Viral RNA was detected in blood and in the U.S case was detected in stool Detection of viral RNA does not mean infection with the virus its significance is unknown at this time The key is to identify and isolate Airborne+Contact+Standard+Eye with a mask on the patient Supportive care of any complications (pneumonia)-follow guidelines for CAP There is no treatment or antiviral for the virus Avoid corticosteroids and administer only if for other reason such as COPD or critically ill with refractory septic shock per guidelines….why…because they prolong viral replication in resp tract making disease more severe PPE should be the overall framework of a healthcare system, it should be everyday business for all respiratory illness or other exposure potential cases Masking the patient who arrives with respiratory symptoms is essential and must be everyday business Respirators/N95 are effective for nCov As with all PPE doffing avoid self-contamination Process of PPE, masking of patient, travel hx applies to EMS as well CDC is in process of developing tools however a suspected patient should be masked, with advance notification to receiving facility that a positive contact patient is en route, EMS personnel in the compartments should be with airborne, contact and eye protection Cultures on a suspected patient should not be done in hospital labs, collect samples as per CDC guidance and hold pending State recommendations…protect integrity of samples as directed on CDC guidance Possibility of co-infection (flu and nCov) Patients treatment plan (home or stay) once they present to emergency room is determined by the local health department if condition permits a choice These were just the notes I took from the call today so I hope they are helpful to keep everyone updated. The main point that I took away is be sure you have PPE available at ready access and ease of access in your area at all times not just when something is causing heightened awareness. PPE is essential to protect yourself and others as well as signage on entrance to rooms to ensure communication to others. Be sure you know how to doff your PPE without risk of contaminating yourself, this is covered in orientation and yearly when you are fit tested and should be covered and reviewed by your director please do not hesitate to ask if you have questions or would like to be observed doffing PPE. Have a good weekend everyone, let me know if there are questions and please share this within the organization who may benefit from the notes. +++PPE = personal protection equipment
  24. This is the sign and it is on every door leading in to the hospital and plastered all over the ER.
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