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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. You two are good guys. You are appreciated on this place as well as our other few men, who qualify also, even if we don't always understand some of your manly posts. LOL
  2. Just cannot imagine all you have been through, and are still hanging in there. I know why you are, it is just so hard to think of the troubles you have all been through.
  3. I did the same thing last week with a box of popcicles (12), but DH found them 3 hours later. No doubt about mine.
  4. Oh no, that is terrible. I have often heard that if meats still have a few ice crystals in them you can refreeze them-so would think you could can them, too. Also, have heard that if meat is bad it will smell worse and worse as it cooks. Maybe Violet will see this soon and help you out.
  5. You may have to give an accounting to the court for where their money is going. Check on that please, because the guardian in our state is responsible for how the money is spent, and bills must be paid first-no matter what one feels about tithing, etc. Here, the guardian has a fiduciary responsibility to follow the prudent man rule.
  6. It is so terrible, and thinking about it could be the situation here-soon. Just couldn't think what to post. We need to get ourselves ready, and pray for Greece.
  7. I was thinking it was just some boxes with papers. It does seem like such a big job that you just cannot handle it now. My younger son would say, "small beans", meaning there are some things so much more important right now. Just do what you can, when you can, and we love you for doing it.
  8. I was kinda thinking along the lines of Ambergris.
  9. It can be so hard to bear the suffering of our loved ones, even our own suffering might be easier for us to take. Prayers for strength for all.
  10. Very hard times, and may God surround her and you with His love.
  11. I think we stopped in Hernando, too. We were on our way to an old Piggly Wiggly that has good meat and good prices, per my cousin.
  12. We do have Fred's here, but I happened to find mine in Southaven, Horn Lake and Coldwater. I buy canning supplies there, too, best prices usually. This week, Walgreen's has the new Planters PB for 2/$3 here, and I have some coupons for 75 cents off a jar. Great to know I can put some of it in the freezer.
  13. A couple of weeks ago, we were in Mississippi and the Fred's Dollar stores had Peter Pan PB on clearance for 50 cents a 13 oz jar. Does not expire til mid 2012. I am guessing they are not going to carry that brand anymore. I love a good bargain.
  14. Okra, its about the only thing doing well in all this dry, hot weather.
  15. Use at Your Own Risk: Don't know what Violet will say, can't remember where I got this recipe. DS and I tried it, and they are good. Canned Chili Beans 2 lbs dried kidney beans-cooked 2 small cans tomato paste 3 T chili powder 1 T salt 2 T onion powder 2 T garlic powder Add rest of ingredients to cooked kidney beans, and process according to BBB for kidney beans.
  16. I've tried the homemade freezer waffles, but mine never seem to turn out right. It has been a long time, but I am thinking they were limp. Any tricks?
  17. DD came over this morning and we canned 25 pints of baby carrots and 8 quarts of ground beef. I am so happy when she wants to can with me. Of course, the carrots and ground beef were both on sale.
  18. Sisters are special, part of ourselves.
  19. 18 pints of baby carrots. Yes, I bought them, 39 cents a pound. Couldn't pass them up. Besides, we just cannot grow them here in the rocks, and no luck in a container.
  20. Virginia, Sorry about the black rot. Have you thought about apple pie jam and also apple pie filling ? It is good with green apples. Violet, we don't eat much jam, I'll have to look up that apple pie filling. Thanks
  21. Applesauce and more applesauce. We had to strip DF's trees, since they apparently have Black Rot. It is about a month early, but we do not want to lose the whole crop. More sugar is required with green apples, but at least we will have plenty of sauce. Of course, this is the year he had a bumper crop.
  22. Applesauce and more applesauce. We had to strip DF's trees, since they apparently have Black Rot. It is about a month early, but we do not want to lose the whole crop. More sugar is required with green apples, but at least we will have plenty of sauce. Of course, this is the year he had a bumper crop.
  23. I have a DB and DS, both over 60, and they are pretty much meat and potatoes (and desserts) type people. Beans are not even accepted very often. We have given up on trying to get them to try things. They will say, O I like green beans (or whatever) I just don't want any, etc. However, they don't get tired of eating the same things over and over. DS could eat a peanut butter sandwich everyday of her life, DB probably could,too. So the rest of the family when we get together cooks what we all like, and let them pick from it. Of course, they get more than their share of the meat and potatoes, but we just live with it. Since your DH is getting tired of it, I like what C4C did to get her's to branch out.
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