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Everything posted by Crazy4Canning

  1. Well, when this friend lived 20 minutes away I would. Now, I've learned not to assume anyone wants anything. I'll offer recipies but rarely now, give mixes.
  2. Welcome! Don't mind the crazy moments, but we do as a group, hereby absolve you of ANY addiction to the internet and lots of reading and learning. Your ironing or laundry might not get done or things dusted, but you will be reading A LOT. Have fun!
  3. A dear friend of mine asked me how I made my biscuits. I gave her the recipe and found about a year later that she was STILL buying the boxed bisquik. When I asked her why, she said it took too much time to make. Well, if you want to spend $7 for a box when for under $1 you can make it, go ahead. So now I've got stashes in my pantry for homemade mixes - biscuits, dressings, etc. Cheap, tasty, and available!
  4. Crazy4Canning

    Back Update

    You & your wife are still in my prayers. At least you got the reward of 'heat'. My back therapy these days has not been pleasant. Blessings to you!
  5. Wow what a great score on the apples! I did that with mushrooms last spring and we ate mushrooms for a few days and then I canned the rest! I'm fighting with insurance too. They are fighting on covering my annual eye exam. Why, I have no idea.
  6. Yes, it's exactly like dumpster diving. When I started grad school for the last time, I REALLY desperately needed a new hard-sided brief case for my laptop in addition to a handful of notebooks for my classes. I just didn't have the money. One Sunday morning, I went to take the trash out to my apartment dumpster, and there in the corner was a few cardboard boxes with HUGE notebooks that I needed and an almost brand new laptop case. Seems the paralegal in another apt. was moving and didn't want to pack the stuff with her. I scrambled into the dumpster, took all the boxes and it was exactly what I needed for the time! My husband (then fiance) accused me of shopping with no money. When I told him "I did!" he had to laugh. He truly embarrased me later by calling me a "Dumpster-Divin' Mama"
  7. Mind worms...that's a good one. Yes, indeed, they can be overwhelming. You've had many more scrapes than I...but I do believe it's HOW we live our life and the quality of days we have. Sounds like you not only have the quality, but some good humor as well.
  8. Quite nicely done! For an Every Day Carry this is the best I've seen. Welcome to MrsS, by the way!
  9. This is so amazing to me. I'm over here on the west coast with my electric lights and technology. I so enjoy reading about the non-electric life. So, in living near and working with Amish, do you live as electric-free as possible? I'm just curious...do you use electricity often or just once in a while? I'm asking because one of my students and I are reading Turkey Red and she can't fathom buttons being frowned upon. Blessings!
  10. DD, The world is a mighty big place and I'm glad you've been able to glean something from MrsS. I've not found 'one place' to meet all of my needs completely either. Then again, my life is like that... I keep learning and wandering and learning...<sigh> One thing I've found with ZS and other survivalist boards is that there is so much time wasted with what I call 'talking smack' about anything and EVERYTHING and everybody. Many also have a 'hard core' approach for example, a good number of people think that a first aid kit, a box of MRE's and a case of water is enough prep to see them through the end of the world as we know it. Many also take weapons VERY seriously...so seriously it seems, that there is little room for reason except for ways to amass more ammo or weapons. I also see more socialization than actual preparing going on which some people find irritating and others find likable. Many forms don't have advocates for canning and food preservation safety like Mrs.S. Once, I had one guy call me a very foul name for telling him that leaving rings on home canned-goods wasn't a very good idea, even though I gave him the national website, etc. Another person argued with me repeatedly saying that used lids and rings were perfectly safe and spill-proof. Also, other forums have different levels of activity and some even charge annual memberships (maybe $10 or $15/ yr). MrsS doesn't do this. Knowledge and advice are free. I find MrsS to be really great and personally encouraging - in many ways other forums just aren't. I'm glad that you're active on other forums, for like me, you're constantly learning and growing and need ways to do this that MrsS doesn't provide. However, I'm glad you're here, too! I hope you keep sharing what you've learned.
  11. I am still so amazed that Royal Rangers and Missionettes exist beyond what I had. I am thirlled that it extends to actual camping and preparedness skills. I'm sure your DH and boys are having lots of fun as they learn together.
  12. Do hope you're not getting bored. Hugs to Wormie!
  13. This is what we thought - even though it has its quirks, for someone who has *nothing*, it could very well be the thing that causes them to get that job that pays more money. It was a blessing to us for the time we had it. I'm glad we had it, now it's time to pass it on.
  14. My goodness, it sounds like DH's car...I found the xmas list, old oil, car parts from last summer...nothing nearly as yummy as muffins, though! Thanks for the smile.
  15. The peace that surpasses understanding is indeed the most restoring peace. May it continue to be with you throughout the coming days and months.
  16. I confess - I'm a kitchen gadget geek. DH says I'm a snob, for I tend to have the right tool for the job. Knives are SUCH an important part of a kitchen. I have two sets - one straight blades and one with a fine serrated edge. I STILL don't have a big HUGE square butcher knife...or a Santoku... Please don't feel guilty over the knives. I'll apply DH's philosphy - "Buy the best, cry once." Somehow though, I think the only crying you'll be doing is over the onions as you chop them! Congrats on a lovely set!
  17. Oh wow...sounds like fun! I remember when my dad did something similar with a congregation we were at when I was a kid. I forget how it ended, but the 'loser' had to wear my mom's apron that said, "I'd rather be selling AVON" Do post the recipe for white chili!
  18. With my husband's new job, we've been making a lot of transitions around here. I've been forced to deal with clutter, begin to make lunches again, and adapt to a new schedule. All good things! Among this adapting, we realized that since the work truck is now his sole vehicle, I get my small commuter car back. We can finally pitch the great huge gas guzzling Oldsmobile taking up the driveway. Now mind you, I've always had a love-hate relationship with that car. I've been grateful for it but hated its idiosyncrasies. DH got it a year before we got married and paid cash for it from his mom. According to her, "it's been maintained and runs perfectly…no trouble whatsoever!" Well, a few months after we got it, things began going wrong. Big things. We began pouring money into this beast because we needed the car. Once I began to teach locally, I was the one to drive it because DH commuted more than I and took my small car for the gas economy. For the past few years, we've soaked the equivalent of low blue book into it. I've been grateful for it when I've needed to work. Always, though, it's had some sort of drama; usually unwelcome. Always, I've threatened, "Boy, Turtle Car (named such because it's big, green, and slow) one day you'll be gone and I'll be happy." Now that I'm looking for places to donate it, I find myself strangely not wanting to let it go completely. So I made a list of the Pro's and Con's. Pro's – ummm…ahhh….hmmmm….it does work and gets us around when we need to, in town only. It is a good back-up car. Con – It guzzles gas like an infant does milk. It has cost us the low blue book value in repairs. The a/c doesn't work. It has dozens of little annoying and dangerous quirks. We pay monthly insurance and DON'T drive it unless we have to. I hate it. It's taking up a good 1/3 of the driveway. As I was thinking this through, I was reminded of the complaining Israelites – not too far a stretch for the mind of this Jewish chick. I recalled how no matter what was going on the Israelites complained during the Desert Experience and G-d answered them. There wasn't enough food so manna was sent; there wasn't variety of food so quail was sent; there wasn't water so G-d had water come from a rock; they were afraid so there was a pillar of fire at night and a cloud by day. This went on for GENERATIONS. When at last the last of the complaining generation died, the new generation was ready to go into the Promised Land. The L-rd reminded them of His promises for hope, for prosperity, a new life. This revelation warmed me to and sent sunshine into my soul. I remembered the past few years – how tight monies have been, how frugal I've had to be. Now, I'm still being just as frugal, but we're also able to put more aside and plan for that rainy day. (Of which there seem to be many on the horizon.) Suddenly, I realized the abundant blessing we now have with this new job of DH's. The L-rd has indeed brought us a good thing - above what we ever asked or thought of. Why would I want to hold onto the ugliness of the past as represented through the symbolism of this car? I realized, I DON'T! I don't want it, we don't need it, and we have no reason for keeping it. My soul has wings today, as I clean out the last bit of stuff in the trunk. I am grateful for the time we had this car, how it met our needs, even for the money spent because we did learn something from that experience. I am thrilled to realize that we'll get a tax write off and bless a non-profit with a working vehicle. Our 'trash' can be someone's treasure. We'll get our driveway back. G-d does provide in the most amazing of ways but sometimes you have to let completely go and be willing to give up what you've been holding on to so that the blessing can be complete. ~ ~ ~ ~ UPDATE: The Turtle is gone! We decided on our charity to donate it to and since my dad was here today I had him follow me over to drop off the car. I told DH last night as he signed the title, "You do know that once it goes away, we can't get it back...right?!?!" He was laughing. Working with a non-profit was a great experience and I'd highly recommend donating to some private charities above a 'Craig's List' thing. I do NOT miss this car, I'm thrilled I've got a nice clean driveway!
  19. Oh Vic...I just realized - vacuum the 'monkey rooms'....you've got kids. Here I'm thinking *COOL* she's got MONKEYS!!!! It is indeed a never ending battle.
  20. I'll keep you in my prayers as you transition! It will happen! Remember, there is One who makes a Way where there seems to be none.
  21. Thanks for answering Stephanie's question, it was mine, too. What an amazing dwelling! I'm just thinking of all I could do with the sheep.... Blessings!
  22. Crazy4Canning

    Back Home

    Oh John, I had no idea you were struggling with this. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain! How ever did you make the drive to Darlene's this summer? Do take care...I wish I lived closer so I could send a casserole or *something*. Sending lots of hugs and prayers, instead. C4C
  23. So great to learn more about you!
  24. Oh yes...now I just have to find a pair of old shoes to slip inside...
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