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Everything posted by out_of_the_ordinary

  1. I've never bought ghee before. Has anyone here used it? I understand that it can be used for cooking. But can it be used for simply replacing butter ON foods (such as on baked potatoes or mixed into cooked yams)?
  2. DH's umemployment thru the state came (many people haven't even seen that yet), but we still haven't seen the extra $600. He's working again (for now) .
  3. We haven't gotten ours yet. We were supposed to be getting a paper check, but now they are apparently sending out pre-paid debit cards if you weren't sent up for the direct deposit. So much going on (stress-wise) that I've decided it'll get here when it gets here and I'm not thinking about it anymore.
  4. Pennsylvania's death numbers are counted very, very...oddly. If someone has PA residency, but dies of Covid in another state, PA is counting it as a PA death. Same with counties in PA. In some counties, especially the more rural ones, there have been instances of the County Coronors being shocked their county has Covid deaths (it is supposed to be reported to the County Coronor). The state is counting the county deaths by residency, not the death place.
  5. https://www.moodypublishers.com/help/ You have to scroll down some. It says free ebooks every week.
  6. Happy Birthday, Midnightmom!
  7. Little Sister, see if you can get copies of the labs and other records. For the 2nd round of labs I had in Dec., the cardiologist said my potassium was now "good". I got a copy of the lab work. Yes, it was in range, so as to not be flagged as "low" but it was just barely....like another .1 less of their measurement and I would have been flagged as low. I know that's too low. Thankfully I'm working with a good doc now (well, until everything shut down) and that's the first thing he brought up when looking over my records from Dec. We want "optimal" not just barely over the line for the range for it. for you & your DH. Be that advocate for him the best you can without being able to be there. I know it must be hard.
  8. We used Rescue Remedy with our dog during thunderstorms. It helped some.
  9. Saw this on a homeschool site; I don't do ebooks nor Kindle, but thought someone here might be interested: https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Hollisters-Secret-Fort-ebook/dp/B008VJY652/ref=as_li_ss_tl?dchild=1&keywords=happy+hollisters+and+the+secret+fort&qid=1587223701&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=rarforum-20&linkId=7e65775221a9511da03d6abf5fc0d1ee&language=en_US The Happy Hollisters and the Secret Fort (#9) free on Kindle I think Kappy brought up reading the Happy Hollisters. I don't know how long this is free for, either. edited to add: And there's more of The Happy Hollisters series for free on Kindle. You have to scroll down past the first few paperbacks to see the free Kindle ones. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=happy+hollisters&ref=is_s
  10. Happy Hollisters are back in print. We don't have any yet, though. There's many of Marguerite Henry's books in our home library. Other than horse books, she also wrote "Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin". I read it and liked it, and plan to use it as a family read aloud soon.
  11. What size bags do you suggest for potatoes? Maybe I can hide made less visable those in our yard instead of trying to use our raised beds.
  12. Remember you are lighting a fire, not filling a bucket. I don't remember who to attribute that to, but I try to keep that in mind. I'm homeschooling a kindergartener. For science, I really like "Nature Study". DD has a "Nature Notebook", a blank notebook for drawing what she observes (birds, flowers, bugs, seeds, ect). There's info here but you can easily search and find good stuff. https://simplycharlottemason.com/blog/category/nature-study/ There's many sites and blogs with good info on nature study. It is prepping, too--gardening; weather; plant/tree/insect/animal identification, ect.
  13. free "Drive Thru History" episode to stream. https://www.drivethruhistory.com/ We have some of the DVDs. They're VERY good! So scroll to the down, fill out the info and they send you an email. (for the source one, you're not entering someone's email, but just clicking an option)
  14. Welcome back. Sorry you're going through a tough time.
  15. The Townsend Letter has an article I thought was interesting. Coronavirus Update & Integrative Natural Answers By Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson (3/17/2020) How the Virus Binds, Possible Natural Answers to Block & Protect https://drlindseyberkson.com/coronavirus-update-integrative-natural-answers/
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