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Oh boy...Tuesday.


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Well, Tuesday is off to an 'interesting' start. Got up w/DH to make his lunch at 0:dark:30 as usual. Noticed in the kitchen, that it looked like the CSI Techs needed to be called out to my house! Blood spatter all over the floor, walls, door jamb, freezer...yuck! Darned dog has knocked the scab off his case of "happy-tail" he developed while kenneled on vacation. Great...I get to add a thorough kitchen cleaning on top of my regular duties today! Oh, and the dog gets to run around with silver duct tape on the tip of his tail again.


Then, DH gets in his car to leave to run the carpool this morning, and click-click-click goes the starter on his Toyo. Battery. Again. He tries the portable charger, but not enough time or juice to turn the big engine. So I have to get in the van while DH gets the jumpercables set up, and we manage to jump the Toyo. I just hope he doesn't need a jump at work this evening. I think he's going to get a new battery at Walmart tonight when he gets off work.


I can tell...it's gonna be an 'interesting' day!


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Oh Vic I'm right there with you...our car looks like a crime scene from taking one of our dogs to the vet a few years ago from where he cut his ear during some pretty aggressive playing. I would bet a tail bleeds a lot like an ear. I woke up one morning to blood landing ON me from him shaking his ears LOL. All over the living room (white sheers on teh windows). Duct tape! We didn't think of that. Our vet used starter fluid to get the bandage to stick, but when I went to change the bandage I couldn't make it work. Mental note for next time!


Today I feel icky. I think I must be getting sick. Went to bed at 8:30 last night, slept way late (thankfully my DH makes his own lunch, or I'd have been up at dark:30 too), until 6:30 and then had to hustle to get kidlets out the door. Now it's 9:30, I just put Roan down for his morning nap, I'm killing time to make sure he goes to sleep, then I'm going back to bed.


Tonight is the volleyball team Parent's Night so I have to be somewhat functioning by 5 pm. Also DD is starting tonight, so I HAVE to be here, I don't think she's had more than 15 mins playing time all season, so her starting is a BIG deal.


Last night the power went out at about 3:30 and stayed out for about 3 hours. Let me just say, it was so nice to know I could function in the dark. Light is an area we are a little weak on, so I started dinner early so I wouldn't be cooking with no light. Went over to see if the older folks in the complex had power-the single units all have elec stoves so I was going to cook for them if not, but they did. Got dinner done, and as it was cooking used the spare time to review with kids what we coudln't do with no power. They were all excited hoping they'd get to sleep in the kitchen. But since I haven't yet had to turn the heater on, lack of heat wouldn't be a problem. But it was a good "test run" and a reminder to work on the light issue. We could see, but cooking dinner and choosing clothes for next day, etc., would have been a bit difficult without more light. No panic, no running around to find stuff, except the big flashlight, because DH is always forgetting to put it back in it's place when he uses it. So we had a chat about that (chat = me talking, him saying "yes dear") and now it's back in it's permanent place. But we had enough other light that it never really got dark enough to need the big flashlight, so it wasn't yet a huge deal by the time we found it.


So, anyway, my Tuesday consists of a shower, sleep volleyball game, and more sleep.



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Well, Tuesday is not any worse than it was earlier, so I guess that is ok... I had to go to Walmart to get DH his battery as the Toyo is DOA at his office 18mi away. So I got kidlets ready & loaded, ran to Wmart & then down to the office with battery & tools. Ran back home & now am feeding the Monkeys lunch. Maybe if they nap today I can get something constructive done...?

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Work and work never seems to stop comin! LOL


Been working lots and back at it today. Yep, life is good.


It was -10 this morning, whoooo was the house cold. Got the woodstove going and the kds off to school, made breakfast for dh and now need to get busy preparing something for the kds for later, Lord knows they would starve without me or at least become very malnourished!


The sun is peeking out.

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Took the day off from work today to take a break, but...the very old sink trap in the master bath decided to crumble and leak everywhere...so had to get a plumber over to fix it. Said it was probably about 40 yrs old and was amazed it lasted that long.

Have a nice day!


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hellloo! you have all been having fun with out me! lol


i have beemn sick, and tired, and depressed and tired again, and sick some more, and now i am on the mend. i had some issues at work, but we are working through them...i had a regular customer who at first was nice and polite, but over the past few months it got worse...and he started making inappropriate comments to me. i have been a little depressed is because never have i ever had to deal with sexual harrassment, the things this guy sais is disgusting, and i dont know how to react. so i was really upset for a few days, i am over that part, but i still feel anxious if i have to have drive through. every time it beeps to let me know there is someone there i have to ask someone else to look out the window and see who it is, if its him, i let someone else take do the order. i dont really know how to deal with the added emotional stress.


on a brighter note, we got new dining room furniture, including a new china cabinet, i got new kitchen furniture as well, and i got rid of other kitchen furniture, so all those pictures i posted of my kitchen...well, it looks a lot different now. lol


tonight we are having chicken. chicken what i dont know, maybe i will make a stir fry. i tried darlenes suggestion for the garlic jelly and mixed it with soy sauce, and everyone LOVED it! i had no left overs at all. (sure, that is good, but i was looking forward to having some for lunch the next day.


next month we are planning on buying a digital camera, we found one we like, so that will be nice, to actually be able to take pictures from time to time. heh heh


morrigan is growing soooo fast!! i can hardly keep up! i am scared to blink in case i miss something. lol


well, morri is begging me to play, so off i go. anyways, have a good night!

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First of all, you are NOT a victim...and what that dork is trying to do is intimidate you with his inappropriate behavior. A real man/a real gentleman would never act in such a base manner towards a woman.


Secondly, you have every right to state to him something to the fact of "Do not say those types of things to me anymore...I find your comments and behavior offensive and would appreciate it if you would cease talking to me in such an inappropriate manner". Most guys will stop, and if he doesn't stop, then you should alert your boss.


Some times it seems harder to stand up for ourselves, so all we hafta do is remember how we'd act if some idiot like that spoke inappropriately to one of our daughters. I don't know about you, but I'd put the fear of God into anyone that did something like that with my daughters, and I'm sure you'd do the same.


There is nothing to be down about and nothing to fear. YOU are the one in control, and you have every right to assert yourself. Too bad I'm so far away cause I'd have a little discussion with that dork myself. Next time that dork drives through you just look him in the eyes and tell him "Don't you EVER speak to me in that manner again"...


*darlene tapes her fingers away from keyboard cause the more she thinks about the dork upsetting pixie, the madder she gets*...


Personally, I'd love to

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