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Early Morning Monday


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I'm actually up on time!!!


We didn't make it to church yesterday. Roan had a cough and I didn't want to be welcomed into a new church by making all the children sick, LOL.


He was better by mid morning, and no other symptoms (isn't that the way it is when you change plans) so we did end up goig to the store. Went to Safeway and WM. The Safeway that we went to, is in another town about 16 miles away-gas is $.20 cheaper there, so we go there to fill up the Suburban. Makes a huge difference in a 40 gallon tank LOL. Anyway, we hit the Safeway there and ran into some great deals. They had lots of lunchmeat marked down, and school supplies as well. Bought up some of those. They have a great scratch and dent area and we found one of those huge containers of the baby formula we use for $2.00! It was dented on the bottom, but no holes. Also a small box of powdered milk for $.75. Perfect to fit in a BOB. We saved more than 50% on what we bought.


Then at WM, I resisted temptation and did NOT buy any discounted Halloween candy LOL. Do you KNOW how hard that was? Found WM to be very unstocked. I am so disgusted with that store. WE tried going up to Pueblo a few months ago when this problem first started, and it was a huge headache-I don't know the store well and because it's in a city it's way crowded. But I think even with the added fuel cost we will save money, and the headache will fade in time. We end up having to pick up stuff at a more expensive store because WM is out of it. There is nothing more depressing to this frugal mama than having to pick up sugar at twice the price because WM doesn't have any.


When we came home, we inventoried the freezer instead of just throwing everything in. Which was a good thing because now it's FULL. I have 5 lbs of hamburger to put in there, and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage it. But I did buy about 3 weeks worth of food because I'm not sure when DH will have another day off. All I will need to buy is Thanksgiving between now and almost the end of th emonth.


So today I will take it pretty easy-put away non-perishables, process anything else that needs to go in the freezer, and then rest and play with Roan. Dinner is lasagne that was brought over Saturday by a friend. Well, it was probably a bribe for me to watch her kids next weekend, LOL, but she's a good cook so I accept her bribes. she had half of mine this weekend anyway.


Pixie, you can mush your bananas with fruit fresh, lemon juice or apple juice and throw them i the freezer, and your pie will probably freeze OK, too. That should help until you get your new oven. I'm thankful no one was hurt.


OK, if I don't post this soon then someone will beat me to it and we'll have a double post again LOL.



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Good morning! I went to bed too late and am up too early but at least there's coffee to take care of plus I'm meeting with a friend this afternoon so she can show me info about a program called Love & Logic for parenting; sounds interesting.


I bought a copy of Managers of Their Homes off of ebay and it arrived on Friday so I'm hoping to look through it and start on a schedule; trying to be more organized since I'm trying to get a job working from home again (medical transcription). Keep me in your prayers for that. I'd like to at least work long enough to pay off a hospital bill (fairly small) and pay extra on our only credit card and get rid of the dang thing once and for all!!!!


Well, better get going and get started on my to do list so I don't forget anything. Y'all have a great day and don't forget to start planning for your holiday meals, etc. I'm hoping we can do something special/different for advent. There's a new blog called Advent for Evangelicals. She's a homeschool mom and has set up the blog for folks to learn more about advent and has a mix of things to pick from to do/use, plus links to websites for advent, Jesse Trees and organization for Christmas. Here's the link http://www.advent4evangelicals.blogspot.com/


We'll see you later!

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We are having a major storm today with winds. DH had a cold all weekend. I took Airborn all weekend because I didn't want his "gift". Went around spraying Lysol on everything and wiped everything down he touched. He woke up feeling better. If I get the but it goes to my chest and it lasts and lasts. Got to get a cup of tea and cuddle up with my bankie and watch the news. Have a great day.

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Cool and rainy here. Major rain moved thru our AO last night. 2.5" locally and the north half the county was under a flash flood warning last night! Yippee! Maybe now the reservoir will fill back up! 'Course, we need about 60 days straight of that level rainfall tofill the reservoir back up, but I ain't complaining! The 2.5" we got here means I don't have to water my cherry bushes.

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Still raining here too! My friend Ivie stopped by a few minutes ago to tell me that there's water over the bridge a few miles away, so she and her mom had to leave to get to Costco before they got flooded in (but what if they get flooded out???) Interesting, and the other road out of town is by the Skykomish river, so that will be flooded too. DH will get flooded out too if the bridge does. Then I'll be stuck here by myself with the kids, but at least I know I have bins of food around here! (Today is grocery day) We also live on the river, but at this end of the park, the bank is really high, supposedly it's never flooded at this end before. Time to make sure my bob's are ready, along with lots of blankets. If we have to leave we can go to my dad's cabin (mine now too, since I'm helping him with the rent) That ought to be high enough to get out of flood range. We'll see how prepared I am for this.


Hope everyone has a great day! Take care!

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Still raining here in the Ozarks too. At least the pond is filling up, and we are getting caught up on our rainfall amounts - since we have been in drought status for almost 2 years now. Snowmom, Sorry if the deer was one that you watched regularly, but At least the meat will not go to waste.


Hope everyone has a good day.

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Our rainy season is officially here. It's been raining steadily for several days but it's kind of off and on... We're supposed to get a couple of inches today. It's really strange though; it started warming up yesterday, and continued to get warmer overnight. It is now 67 degrees and the high today is supposed to be 70. There is also a lot of flooding around us but, our house and neighborhood sits on high ground and we don't have to concern ourselves with the flooding issues. For that, I am extremely grateful.


I think I'm going to try to get a little canning done this week, and I need to get some work done in the greenhouse. It's warm enough, in spite of the rain, to move stuff out of the gardens, and to get more of the yard ready for winter.


I started building a soap rack yesterday, for curing hand milled and home made soaps, and I just need to finish putting the hardware cloth on the shelves and put casters on the bottom. I'm thinking about putting pegboard on two sides, to keep out some of the light but, I haven't decided yet. LP walked in and asked what I was building. I just said, "a soap rack." He looked at it for a minute and said, "Wow. That must be a big bar of soap!" I told him yes, but instead of picking it up and getting soap on your washcloth, you just get wet and roll around on it 'til you get sudsy, then rinse off.


Cricket came home sick the other day. We're pretty sure she had a mild flu... Luckily she had the next 2 days off, 'cause that's how long it took to 'fix' it. I had her take a gram of Vit C each day, echinacea, zinc, and a decongestant- like mucinex- and of course my chicken soup. It worked well. After eating the soup she said she should have had some the day before 'cause it made her feel much better!


It's time to get started on my day. The Princess asked for 'goatmeal' for breakfast and the water should be ready. She slept late today. The pain medicine keeps her asleep longer than normal. I also think she's catching what her mom just got over. She's had a runny nose since yesterday. I'll take out another quart of soup.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Well, I heard the bridge I talked about earlier is supposed to close around 2! I called DH and told him either he better some home right now or stay there for a few days!


The river by our house is about 6 feet from reaching over the bank. Then it will have to go across the little street before it gets to our place. But I'm not taking any chances, gonna put stuff by the door to head up into the hills if we have to!

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The good thing about this is that DH is happy I have food already boxed up and DD told her classmates that I had food and water all ready so we'd be ok (she said she finally got to brag about me!)


Still about 6 feet to the top here, but lots of roads are closed, my Granny had to evacuate, my dad stopped by and said the water was just starting to come into her house. (in Sultan), and from her front yard, his pants were wet up to his knees! Apparently all of downtown Sultan is in the water now. And there's a 2 hour wait to get across the bridge on the highway. And in Monroe, going towards Sultan, there's a reader board that says the highway is open to local traffic only.


Why am I thinking this is at all fun?!?!? Something must be wrong with me. I'm thinking it's good I have a trailer right now, since if the water does get to it, it''ll have to go at least 2 feet higher to get IN the house. If that happens, the highway would be completely under too!


I read on the news website, that Gregoire has declared a state of emergency in 18 Washington counties! Whew!


I'll check back in tomorrow (assuming we are still at hime and have power! Luckily the power hasn't gone off yet!) and we'll see if I'm still having any fun!


Take care everyone!!!

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Pretty nice day here today. Didn't get any more firewood, but did get my rhubarb, walking onions, and herbs (of which I have very few right now

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