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Wal-mart.......not sure where to post this.......but have you noticed...


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Wal-mart used to be all the thing..if you needed it you could find it there or they would have it within 10 days of your request if they could obtain it. Now all of a sudden all the things we have relied upon wal-mart to have or be supplied is going away and going away fast. No Layaway. No Fabrics. No Zote or even some of the more common supplies that were considered a normal staple are no longer available...


Am I the only one to notice this? Am I blowing it out of proportion?


I would really like to know what others think about this.

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No.. .your not the only one to notice. There is one HUGE post I think its in homemade memories .. (I think) about this whole situation.


You cant possibly blow it out of proportion! Ive been having so many issues with Walmart I go to several stores for what I need now. Rather than going there just to make myself angry.

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Yes homemade memories addresses the fabric issue but that is not the only thing going by the wayside in wal-mart. First layaway, now fabric and I have heard many people complain about some of the normal cleaning staples they used just not being available. Used to you could almost order things if you wanted them on a regular basis...now....well commerce carries on in a different direction.

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the peanut butter is still off the shelves from the peanut butter salmonella recall- the PeterPan and GreatValu brands were two of the main ones involved. ewww

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I have noticed for a couple of years more and more products being pulled off the shelves.


I am sure it is because WM wants premium prices for stocking space and wants to purchase the product below cheap! of course they sell it to us at or right below average store prices.


as soon as the fabric departments are gone, there is really no reason for me to shop there any more.

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A lot of the walmarts are getting rid of their guns also. The one here by us is one of the few keeping theirs, but the grocery shelves are a joke. I got the last 25 pound bag of sugar they had...used to be they had at least four or five on the shelf. Many other holes in the place too. I switched over to Kroger's and Save-A-Lot.



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You don't suppose people might actually be stocking up??? bigeyes.gif



Or does it seem to be Wal-Mart's fault? think.gif




(I mean about the empty shelves part...)




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There are a lot of changes going on at wal-mart and they are not good from what I have seen. The really bad part is that they have gone to some of these communities and taken all the commerce and now are dumping out. So what is everyone gonna do? Besides those of us who can shop other places, some people are gonna be out of luck. Watch them, I am moving away from them FAST!

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I went to Walmart yesterday for free food grade buckets from the bakery...(thanks Vic303!), and also to get Westie's recommended tulle and ribbon to keep my tomatoes heirloom. I talked to the fabric dept. personell, and it seems that our community made such a fuss about keeping the fabric dept., that it is staying open. Evidently it's just one of the few stores that will. So use your voices...maybe it will help???


I haven't asked about lay-a-way, since I don't use it. As far as products go, they stopped carrying the bar of laundry soap that I like to use, and often run out of distilled water, which I buy constantly in bulk. Other than that, I only get their organic veggies when necessary, so I haven't felt the pinch that some of you have. I'll keep my eyes peeled...


As far as guns go...this is Texas...they love thier guns and I doubt they are going away soon. However, a friend of mine that bought a rifle for her hubbie as a gift had to be escorted out by security with it upon purchase. Of course that was after hours of scrutiny over her ID and govt. records...


Walmart...love/hate relationship...

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Ours stopped carrying guns last month. They stopped carrying the good plastic snap mouse traps too. And the cereal I like went from 2.58 to 3.98 a box in a week. I can't stand Walmart but they are the only place here now that they have run the little guys out of business.

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I think I got it figured out! woohoo


Wal-Mart’s ain’t that stupid ! busted

First they put the small guys out of business with their low prices and then when they are the only one left they want to up their prices- but what to do? Well be just like the Gas Co., Electric Guys and others. Limit supply and then when everyone wants what you have put it back on the shelves at higher prices and everyone is so busy buying it up they will pay anything to get it! Just look at the Gas Companies? We all complained but we are paying what they want!


…so what do you think?




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we shopped at Walmart last night. we usually shop either at the mom and pop grocery in our little town, or the still-locally-owned chain grocery in the next town over, but we needed to replace our dead toaster oven, so figured while we were there...


now this is the newest (of 3 in Tyler) supercenter, so maybe it still gets stuff the others don't, but it was very well stocked, and we even noticed some new items (alot more 'organic' and 'natural' stuff).


Do ya'll not think the price increases could do with the higher cost of gas? Transportation to the store and all?


of course, the peanut butter was low, as it still is everywhere, but otherwise it looked ok.


I have noticed, that when I shop Walmart I spend MORE than at the locally owned chain grocer, and when I shop THERE, I spend more than at the mom and pop grocer...


Guess for the most part I'll keep shopping right down the hill... happy02

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My neighborr works at our local WM. She tells me one of the stocking issues isn't due to their changing what they are carrying or anything else-it's a staff issue. The managers are under more stress to make a profit, so they become jerks, and people quit. So they don't have the staff to stock the shelves.


When we go to our non-local WM, about an hour and 15 mins away, we find the shelves well stocked, but the store is packed all the time and so many people are rude (which I kind of understand, no one likes to grocery shop) that we only shop there if we have to.


Havne't checked the non local stores for guns and fabric. Ours stopped selling guns quite awhile back (we have several other places around that sell guns) and the fabric dept is still open, although scaled down hugely.


We won't go there on weekends anymore, there is absolutely NOTHING on the shelves in the grocery area. But if we go during the week we find much more of what we need.


Here the options to shop are WM, Safeway (almost twice as expensive on the whole, except on loss leaders), and the local mom and pop store, which is at least twice as expensive, and moreso on what they consider "luxury" items, although they have great sales so I shop there for that stuff. WE got whole chicks this week for $.59/lb, and that was a huge deal for here, they are normally, at WM, $.99/lb, and this year, the lowest I've seen them on sale for was $.84/lb. Can't wait till we get some land and I get some chickens!


There aren't many other shopping options for non food items-the nearest kmart is an hour away and the nearest target is over an hour away. So if you need that toaster oven, you HAVE to go to WM unless you want to drive.



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Walmart GV branded peanut butter was back on the shelf today! I got the last 3 big jars of creamy. They had lots of big jars of chunky, and lots of small jars of creamy and chunky. I gather they have finally resolved their supplier issue. NOTE: The new jars do NOT have ANY production codes on the lids--only a best buy date on the side of the jar.


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Originally Posted By: mistylady
Ours stopped carrying guns last month. They stopped carrying the good plastic snap mouse traps too. And the cereal I like went from 2.58 to 3.98 a box in a week. I can't stand Walmart but they are the only place here now that they have run the little guys out of business.

As to Layaway and the removal of guns (But not bullets or shells..go figure!)that actually was in the news. If you google it you'll see it. They just quietly removed those things.

I found it by accident putting the sentence *phasing things out*.

I wonder if the passing of Sam and becoming such an almost monopoly has a part in this *change* to the substandard.
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I think that it has a great deal to do with the passing of Sam. Some of the family has sold out and the corp that is now wal-mart no longer hold to the standard or beliefs that Sam Walton built wal-mart on.

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