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natural asthma remedies


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Last weekend I had a minor virus that set off a major asthma attack. I haven't had a problem with asthma for almost 2 years, but this one knocked me for a loop. I ended up missing a couple days of work and had to go to the doctor because it was so bad. A week later with 2 inhalers I'm very slowly coming back.I have never been so tired and still not where I'm supposed to be with my peak flow.. But, while I've laid up so much I've been thinking about what would I do if I needed something during a SHTF situation. Plus, I don't like using these inhalers...some of the side effects are headaches, irritability, problems sleeping and hoarseness(I've had no voice since last Saturday)...well, the hoarseness might be from all the coughing I've been doing. Are there alternatives that are safe and work out there?

Stacy (who is really sick of coughing) cough

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your inhalers ... the medicine in them is made from jimson weed. Smoke the dried leaves. You only need to take one maybe 2 puffs and it will open your bronchial passages. It is late and I am going to leave the research up to you.


this is not the popular answer and you will get lots of warnings about it.. but I never mention something I haven't tried myself first.


If you need leaves PM me, it grows all over the desert.



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Girl, are you trying to get me high?? cloud9 This sounds like something I might try as a last resort... Although I might have to lock myself up...no one is going to want to see me running around naked or blowing feathers up in the air....


In 1676, British soldiers were sent to stop the Rebellion of Bacon. Jamestown weed (Jimsonweed) was boiled for inclusion in a salad, which the soldiers readily ate. The hallucinogenic properties of jimsonweed took affect.

As told by Robert Beverly in The History and Present State of Virginia (1705): The soldiers presented "a very pleasant comedy, for they turned natural fools upon it for several days: one would blow up a feather in the air; another would dart straws at it with much fury; and another, stark naked, was sitting up in a corner like a monkey, grinning and making mows at them; a fourth would fondly kiss and paw his companions, and sneer in their faces with a countenance more antic than any in a Dutch droll.


"In this frantic condition they were confined, lest they should, in their folly, destroy themselves - though it was observed that all their actions were full of innocence and good nature. Indeed they were not very cleanly; for they would have wallowed in their own excrements, if they had not been prevented. A thousand such simple tricks they played, and after 11 days returned themselves again, not remembering anything that had passed."



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Yesterday I was thinking how the bronchial passages are inflamed with asthma. In the past I have successfully used cayenne as an anti inflammatory for arthritis. I take it in capsule form. Last night I took one around 9pm. I actually slept midnight to 7am for the first time in a week...not much coughing at all. Don't feel so much pressure on my chest either. I took another one at 9am. I'm going to take one every 12 hours and see how I feel.


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DM4, cayenne would have been one of my suggestions. The mullien is also good for asthma, normally in inhalation form such as steam or smoke. Coltsfoot is a long time lung remedy and is very effective used the same way. Coltsfoot is effective as a tea also.


Westy's right, Datura would not be my advice but only because it is dangerous to the point of death but she's also right when she says it will relieve lung congestion in a dire emergency. The problem with it is in the variation of how, where and when it is harvested, how it is dried and stored and what is the individual tolerance to the product. That, of course is the same with most herbs but when dealing with possible poisons it's always wise to be very careful. If you are going to store it for a just in case, SHTF, absolute emergency, you can't breath, situation with no other meds available or helping, be sure to replace it at regular interval and from a reputable sourse (like Westy LOL).


I'm sure you are aware of the other healthy suggestions such as making sure your immune system is in good repair so that you don't get some bug that sets off the asthma and discovering any allergens you might be having trouble with. I will suggest that you could up your intake of Omega 3 oils and use olive oil for it's omega 9. Eating more cold water fish such as wild salmon and/or using flax or fixh oil. Onions and garlic contain a high amount of inti-inflamatories too. If you do supplements, try quercetin and magnesium. Both help to reduce inflammation and stablilze mast cells that cause the problems. Magnesium has the benefit of relaxing the muscles which will reduce the asthma symptoms. Vitamin C and carotenoids will be especially helpful during an attack also.


Of couse, in a SHTF situation you would want all these things on hand before hand and will have wanted to have tried them out to make sure you were okay with them. Our son has bad lung problems and he will use herbs as his first line of defense and uses them at the very first sign of problems. He does not wait to see if it will get better on it's own. Only if he gets really bad will he resort to allopathic meds as they have side affects he doesn't tolerate well.


Lois your info on mullein is great. Do you have any on Coltsfoot?



(((( ))))

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I don't know if this 'fits' here or is 'correct' (it has and does work for me). If it needs to be moved or REmoved, feel free.


Coffee. Was told that the caffeine/stimulant opens bronchial tubes.


I have light asthma, since 12 yrs old, and can't tolerate the meds. I drink coffee all the time and haven't had an asthma attack (well, not a BAD one) in years.


DD has moderate asthma (diagnosed at 11 months old-she had 'croup' all the time before that). Before she was old enough to use an inhaler and we'd be somewhere without her pulmonade breather and she'd have an attack, I'd give her a cup of warm coffee. It worked. shrug


As a sidenote-coffee does NOT stunt growth. grin DD is now 18 and 5'8"



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Caffiene does work. So does adrenalin/epinephrine.


Your friendly RN, Asthma Educator reminds you that Any person with mild, moderate, or severe asthma can have a life-threatening attack at any time.


Keep an inhaler or five around, with valid expiration dates, AT ALL TIMES! Albuterol is generic and cheap enough to replace every 12 - 18 months.

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I have asthma and have Albuterol, but don't use it a lot. I also have allergies and use Nasacort and Azmacort daily.


I use to go to the dr. at least 12 - 25 times a year for Sinus Infection and or bronchitis and then I was told to use these. I now go maybe 1-3 times a year with Sinus Infection or bronchitis. Nothing like it use to be. I've been on these two medications for probably 7-10 years now. I'm not sure when I first started, but it has really been a great help. HUGS34.gifHAVEAGOODDAY.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gave up and went back to the doctor this morning. It's been 3 weeks since I last went to the doctor. I've still been coughing constantly(now green stuff coming up), still hoarse, still wheezing and just tired of it. I saw my doctor, gave my symptoms and she said after 2 minutes you have a sinus infection and bronchitis (which I tried to tell the original doctor I saw)...I new it wasn't just asthma...I've got antibiotics and something to help with the bronchitis. This made me think about how would I deal with this during a shtf situation. I have been using a Neti pot with some relief and taking garlic and omega 3's. But, i was thinking how quickly this got so bad and some stresses I had going on probably made it worse...our stress levels are going to be through the roof in a shtf situation...I think it's going to be a matter of really building up our immune systems now too prevent it from happening.


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  • 1 month later...

My son and I both deal with asthma. We have spent much time discovering the triggers and eliminating from our environment those that we can. For us it is mostly molds and dust, cold damp air and anxiety. We stopped running our central heat at night and slept with more covers thus removing the mold/dust issue during our most troublesome season. The cold and damp and anxiety are avoided like the plague (not always possible though).My son's asthma issues turn quickly from asthma to bronchitis to pnuemonia in rapid succession so as soon as I hear him wheeze or get tight in his chest I start giving him an herbal remedy called Yerba Santa/Echinacea. This has saved him so many times it isn't funny! It is a natural bronchio-dialator and helps his passages to stay clear. We both have emergency puffers but it has to be a real emergency before we use them. The steroids are very hard on the body and since asthma is an auto-immune disorder supressing the immune system is counter-productive. We work through small episodes but isolating to a quiet place laying on the left side (To help with blood flow and oxygenation) with fresh moving air (a small fan or hand fan) and remain very calm. Lavender oil to the bottoms of the feet is also calming but should be diluted with almond oil so the scent isn't too strong. Thyme tea or thyme and lavender essential oils diffused into the air help as well. If the small episode is treated we seldom need to resort to more drastic measures.

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Echinacea grows very easily from seed. It's a tall pink-flowering daisy type plant. The goodness is in the roots. It's strongest after 3-5 years. Each year you get 20-30 seeds from each flower, these are viable.

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  • 2 months later...
Originally Posted By: dogmom4
...I have been using a Neti pot with some relief and taking garlic and omega 3's. ...


I used to use a Neti pot but didn't get much help from it. I now use the Neilmed system. My doctor said that a Neti pot was like using a garden hose but the Neilmed is like using a fire hose. And it's easier too!

Following the directions, it's a 2 step process to clean out all the sinuses. The first part is to squeeze the container into each nostril then gently blow your nose. Several ounces of fluid will remain in the container. You then remove the top and pour some fluid into your hand and inhale. You will feel this fluid go down your throat and can spit it out. It's very refreshing to the sinuses and can help prevent sinus problems as well as treat existing problems. (No, I don't work for them!)

One thing that I've used to stop an asthma attack is 100% wild blueberry juice. You can get this at Trader Joe's for about $5.00/quart. Take 1/4 cup 1-3 times daily. It's nasty tasting by itself but it really works!

Good luck and let us know if you try any of these remedies.
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I've seen the Neti Pot, but I haven't bought one yet, and I'm not sure I would be able to use it if I did have it. frown If that is all I had, I might be able to, but as long as I have my medications, I will use them.


I can take a pill and use a spray, but as for something going in my eyes, ears or nose, I just can't handle it to well. Yes, the spray goes in my nose, but not a lot at a time. smile



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My daughter has been an asthmatis since she was a couple of months old, when she was two years old and in a crisis I would add a couple of drops of Clary Sage Aromatherapy oil into a warm bath, dont use more than 4 drops.

Have been doing this for 17 years the warm bath and clary sage relaxes her giving her asthma inhalers chance to work. I would think you could also put the oil into a bowl of hot water and carefully lean over with a towel over your head, making a type of sauna.

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Originally Posted By: PureCajunSunshine
Originally Posted By: Snowmom

I've seen the Neti Pot, but I haven't bought one yet, and I'm not sure I would be able to use it if I did have it.

I would probably drown myself, if I had one.

It really does give you the sensation of drowning....gagging and all that stuff...but it works well. That said...I have to get another one. Knocked mine on the floor and it shattered. frown
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Originally Posted By: dogmom4
It really does give you the sensation of drowning....gagging and all that stuff...but it works well. That said...I have to get another one. Knocked mine on the floor and it shattered. frown

Try the Neilmed! You don't have that sensation. I never could get the hang of the neti pot but the neilmed is easy.
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