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Natural helps for acid stomach?


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I seldom have problems with acid stomach, except when there is a lot of tension (like when a relative has died.) But lately, I'm having more of a problem. Right now I have a prescription medication as needed.


Does anyone know of any natural helps for acid stomach to help prevent an ulcer down the road?



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I have treated my ulcer / excess stomach acid naturally with aloe vera juice, and making sure I don't eat any meat, sugar, fried foods, and very little dairy. Stay away from white flour products because it increases stomach acid. Don't drink any coffee, even decaf. All coffee is acidic. Go for whole grains. You do need to work on stress reduction. I know it's easier said than done, but it is necessary. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day instead of three, larger meals. Of course don't smoke or drink alcohol. Works like a charm.


Go to http://doctoryourself.com

and look up acid reflux / ulcers. I did the cabbage juicing (tastes a lot better than it sounds) and it healed up my ulcer within days. No prescriptions required. It is a well-known healer of practically all digestive problems and it works quickly too.



They put me on Prevacid initially, but when I found out prescription acid reducers completely eliminate all acid from the stomach (a big "no-no"!) then I stopped taking it and read up on natural methods for curing ulcers. Diet, aloe vera juice and supplements like the ones mentioned above, plus L-Glutamine, a product called "Acid-Ease" (or any health food store brand of acid reducers) and digesive enzymes work wonders. You won't believe it. There really is no need for the prescription unless it is an extreame emergency.


If you need quick relief from pain, drink a LARGE glass of water all at once to wash away stomach acid.


If you can get your hands on the book "Nutritional Healing," you will find more information than you will know what to do with! It's available in health food stores, and some bookstores.


Caution with the apple cider vinegar......do a test first. When you experience syptoms, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in warm water. If it relieves your symptoms, you can continue using it, but if it amplifies the pain, STOP. This method is used because some people experience acid reflux due to a lack of stomach acid. The stomach thinks its not getting enough acid, so it makes more. Some people have just the opposite problem, so you need to find out which one you are before you commit to apple cider vinegar.


Please try to do this naturally first before using prescription drugs. Prescription drugs only hurt you, and cause further problems down the road (unless your need is a life-threatning emergency).


I hope this helps. It worked for me.

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  • 3 months later...

Lemon Juice and water. It works!!!

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  • 1 month later...
I've heard about using baking soda to treat it. Guess you put a little ina glass of warm water and drink it. Never tried it, since for me, ginger usually works. I keep candied ginger on hand for just that problem!


yep.this works. 1tsp baking soda in 1c of warm water. stir and drink.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look up acid/alkaline foods. I had to figure out that some turn acid to alkaline and visa/versa.

Macrobiotic diets help, along with green tea.

Decrease stress, eat several small meals a day, and avoid eating and laying down. Sounds 'real good' doesn't it. Ought to be a snap to accomplish? Right.? right.

Even with careful planning I have to use Nexium occassionally. I always have stomach acid to replace that which is neutralized.

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My grandfather taught me if I got heartburn to drink a little pickle juice. I thought it was odd but tried it and by gosh it works! I don't know if it would help with an ongoing problem but for occasional heartburn it's great. I used it when I was pregnant because I didn't want to take meds.

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I am on generic for Pepcid as well as some of the time I take Prevacid. I don't take them on the same days though. :)


I would love to get off all of the medication. Have been on Pepcid for over 20 years now, so may take a while to get off it.





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