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**The Party Machine rolls out...


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...of the closet. Cat gives it a last tug, and it's fully out. She takes the feather duster to it, and dust flies everywhere.


Coughing, she pulls out the 3-in-1 oil and lubes the appropriate places. She cranks the cranks, spins the dials, moves the levers until they are all working smoothly.


Turning it on, Cat carefully adjusts the levers and turns the dials to *just* the right spot. A contented hummmm fills the air, the curtain pulls back, and softly, gently, the strains of "Auld Lang Syne" begin...**




The moon glows over new snowfall, casting a pale blue tinge over the night. Cold snow... oh-so-gently covering the promise of the coming year's new growth and harvest.


A path shines brightly against the pale blue... a path called "knowledge". As the eye follows it, a tower called "strength" rises in the distance, golden firelight glowing through the windows. Shivering under warm capes, we hurry toward the tower over the path, as the stars begin to twinkle the way, one by one.


A fortress called "safety" looms ahead, lit by hundred of beckoning torches and humming with the sounds of life.


The wide moat called "preparedness" guards the fortress, but we cross easily by the bridge called "faith".


Welcoming hands offer warmth and care, and pull us into the Great Hall of Friendship.


In the glow of the torches, the men are settling the fires in the fireplaces. A couple of the stronger ones are cooking huge roasts in the kitchen, turning them carefully on spits. The men finish setting up the tables and the heavy chairs.


Like bright, glowing flowers, the women flit about in colorful satin and velvet gowns. They decorate with candles and ivy, flowers and ribbons, with silk sashes and swags of great color. They bring in platters of delicious foods, all kinds and types and to every taste. Glasses are filled with appropriate drinks to every desire.


Are we ready? Are we ready??


Come to the table... it's here...



Tonight we celebrate each person's uniqueness... your strengths, your weaknesses, your skills, talents, desires, and loves. We celebrate your successes, we laugh with your joys. We hold your hand in the darker moments, and hold you in your sorrows.



We wish for you only the very best during the new year. Together we will explore the future and make our way into our world.


May you find what you Most Need, be loved for who you are, be blessed with strength when you feel most weak, and experience joy when you least expect it. May you be blessed with more than "enough", and find contentment in what you have.



May the new year bring you peace.




I love each of you... my friends.



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How sweet. Since I can't be out with my sweetie tonight (he had a work emergency) I'm here keeping the kitties company. Your sweet thoughts warm my soul.


Blessings and joy to all,



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Wow, Cat, it's been a long time since you dragged out that old machine. I'm happy to see that it still works !!



May we all find comfort in the fact that God knows His plan for each and every one of us, and that He will not demand more than we can do or handle. He is our strength and salvation.

I pray that He bless each of us and all through out the world and that you all have a wonderful new year.




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Thank you for a lovely celebration!! I have missed that magical machine of yours and truly admire your creative gifts on making us all feel so very special and loved!


Blessed 2009 to you and yours, my dear friend!!



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I don't think that machine gets pulled out enough! With all the stuff going on around us nowadays we need a break once in a while.


I will bring all of my favorite foods to the MrsS Happy 2009 Party.


Prime rib

Overloaded pizza


Caffeine free diet Pepsi (gotta watch those calories lol)

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