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Wanted to share: 8 months smoke free


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Yesterday marks my eight month anniversary since I quit smoking. I was a pack and a half a day smoker, for 22 years. Medically, that means I smoked for "33 years".


The day I quit was my son's graduation day. I almost died that day. I was very, very sick. I realized I had no right to take my children's mother away. So I threw away my cigarettes and have never looked back.


I joined a website called quitnet, which has a cool little gadget which tells you how many cigarettes you have not smoked since you quit, how much you've saved, etc. Here are my stats:


As of today, I have gone 246 days without a cigarette. I have not smoked 8,609 cigarettes that I would otherwise have inhaled into my poor lungs. I have saved $4,132.80, and I have given myself at least two months, five days and 18 hours longer to live.


It has not been the easiest thing. I still crave them now and then. But when the craving comes, I brush it away. It is never that hard. Living is more important than smoking.


Just wanted to share.

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It is never an easy thing to overcome an addiction. They really hold you in bondage, whatever the object of your addiction is.

You have chosen to rule over your craving instead of letting it rule you.

What an ispiration you will be to others.

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