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Asking for prayers for gapeachlady's neck surgery


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Hello everyone. I decided to post this here. I am copying and pasting the email gapeachlady sent me tonight. She is in the hospital and very sedated right now. Waiting for surgery possibly on Monday. I was actually chatting with her on facebook awhile ago, after midnight and they came and got her for more tests. If she did not have this surgery its about guaranteed she would become a paraplegic suddenly, as bad as the damage is that has added up from degenerative disc disease over the years and crunched in to place about 3 weeks ago.


If you would like to, she would appreciate your prayers that the docs and hospital and the Lord will see her through this and that she can recover to keep on going, on her feet! Of course God may have His plans,but I have never seen so many prayers answered as those by the members here, so please say a prayer for her if you would.

I also know PCS is trying to overcome a rattlesnake bite and she's also in need of such prayer and emotional support too. They both are in my prayers now.


Here is the copy of the email:




Just thought I'd fill you in on what's happening here, and ask for your prayers. I am in the hospital and will be having surgery on Monday morning. A lot of you know that I've been experiencing pain in the neck, shoulder and arm for the last 3 weeks. At first I thought it was a crick from sleeping wong, but it kept on going. After almost 3 weeks of the pain and it was getting worse, I broke down an went to the doctor. He said he thought it was a pinched nerve from the other problems in my back, so he put me on drugs, gave me a steroid shot and sent me for an MRI. That was Thursday. Last night (Friday), when we got back from dinner I had a message on my phone from the doctor. He said I needed to call him back right away, so I did. He explained that I needed to get to the hospital right away, and that he had a bed for me already. Seems I have 2 prolapsed discs in my neck (C4 and C5) and they are pressing on the spinal cord and also pinching a major nerve. He had them start me on IV steroids and then he called in my orthopedic doctor and he's doing surgery first thing Monday. He said that he will go in through the front with am incision about 2 inches long. He'll do all the repair work and I should be able to go home either later MOnday night or Tuesday. I will have to wear a brace for 6 weeks, no lifting, no driving, etc. I asked about not having the surgery and just doing physical therapy or injections. They told me that if I don't get the surgery, eventually I could become paralyzed. The surgeon said if he sees in the newest pics that something has changed I might be able to put the surgery off a bit, but it is going to have to be done sooner or later and I would be taking a risk if I don't do it. I have osteoarthritis in the spine along with degenerated disc disease and a fracture that healed wrong...so basically I'm messed up! One of the nurses told me that the reason they are keeping me sedated and still is that I could move wrong now and end up paralyzed. The doctors didn't bother explaining that little fact to me.


So would you mind if I asked you to keep our family in your prayers? This is a bad time for this to happen with 2 new people in our household and trying to adjust to that. We've also got a lot of church stuff happening and we were planning on going to Nashville to see Robby the second weekend in October. GUess that's out now and I so wanted to be able to hug him. I miss my kids so much. Also please pray for acceptance and strength for me as I try to prepare myself for what is ahead. It's alread affecting my stomach...


Thank you so much. I love you and will be in touch soon.




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