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I did it, I did It!

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So, I finally managed to get over my fears, and started pressure canning! I'm sooooo addicted! I haven't posted on here in a few weeks because I have been canning everything in sight! (well, only UGA or Ball Blue Book approved!)



My friends think I'm nuts, because if I am not sure about something canning related, I'm like "I don't think Violet would approve of this method." And they are like, Who is Violet? LOL :ashamed0002:




I've pressure canned tomatoes, pinto beans-with Molasses, and carrots. I've WBC about 100 jars of jam/preserves and Orange Slices! Oh, and about 20 jars of syrups, peach, blueberry, etc! Sooo happy! It is nice to have a creative outlet/craft that actually helps put food on the table. I just have the simple Presto small canner, but I love it so much!



I'm canning more carrots tonight.:canning:

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:woohoo: YAY SurvivalMom78!!! :woohoo:



What a wonderful, comforting feeling it is to see those safely-canned, no-strange-preservatives jars lining your shelves! :wub:




You GO Girl!!! :cheer:




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  • 2 months later...

I'm still trying to get up enough nerve to try it. I bought a used canner early this spring and case after case of used jars...but just haven't been able to get up the nerve to try it. My kitchen is so small and my stove is electric (leary of burning out the elements). Wonder if I could fire up my big camping grill in the back yard? Has anybody ever canned outside on a big grill?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great job! Sounds like you are going to keep yourself busy! I never thought of canning as a craft,, but your right!


I had my canner for a few months before I used it. the first time, my husband had to stand by it,, it was kind of scary until I found out how it worked. Now, we both laugh at the experience.


Congrats on the nice, preservative free, healthy food!

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Pressure "Cookers" are for cooking foods, Pressure "Canners" are for pasteurizing jars. They are not the same even though they may look similar.


The difference between Boiling Water Canning and Pressure Canning has to do with the C. Botulinum spore that grows the Botulism Toxin, along with a bunch of other bacterias, yeasts and molds that tend to grow on/in foods. It's complicated.


The botulism spore does not grow in a high-acid environment, which covers most fruits, jams & jellies, and pickled items. The other bacterias only require boiling water for a specified period for their spores and toxins to be killed...i.e, Boiling Water Canning.


For other foods, such as meats and vegetables, is a great place to grow botulism toxin, but boiling water (212°F) will not kill the spore. Temperature must get up to 240°F to kill it. A Pressure Canner is needed to achieve that kind of high temperature. Unfortunately such high pressure and temperature can also turn your food into mush, so can't just put any food into a Pressure Canner and expect it to be okay. There's a science to it on several levels.


I hope this helps a little.

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