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Everything posted by Annarchy

  1. I had 4 younger brothers.... seemed like eating was all they did... lol.
  2. Depending on how much comes up in my yard this year, I may try dehydrating it to see how that works. All I did was wash it and freeze it. Some of it I blanched for about 2 minutes in boiling water, then froze it. The blanched seemed to come out wilted when defrosted. When I use the frozen, it is either sautéd with other veggies-oriental meals, steamed with other veggies -mixed veggies or chopped into soups. I have seen where they say to puree it and freeze in ice cube trays.
  3. I bury the remains in my garden about 2 foot deep. I do not blend it, not sure if I want to, but it is a thought. We have skunks that frequent our yard, so far they have not messed with it. When I have turned the soil, 99% has deteriorated.
  4. I froze the extra we had last year and it was fine when we used it. Don't know about canning it, Violet? BTW, back.
  5. First thing that popped into my mind... accounting... manual accounting. Manual accounting puts it on paper in 4 - 6 column sheets, easy to see the monthly totals and to 'see' debt balances go down. They are of the age generation, where what they can physically see is real. It puts the finances into a realistic perspective that is easy to assimilate. Bills are this much and you get this much, all you have left over for groceries and gasoline is this.... When asked 'what bills', manual account can show exactly what bills MUST be paid. And, will show alternative costs, such as, ".. we can pay this much to them and they will accept the "payment", but you will have to continue paying them until it is paid off...", if possible, pay their bills in front of them. As for the tithing, I do not want to lay another burden on you, but, pray about it. Do some research into what your parents believe and you believe. Try to look for something that agrees with what you believe and what they do. Maybe, find some literature, tapes, etc. that would encourage them enough, to tithe to someone you can trust, instead of the shysters and their schemes. Well said, Lady.
  6. ((((((Momo)))))) I hope you are able to do a smidgen better this week. Some days it is hard to move, other days seems like we are on the top of the world and can do anything. I dread the good days sometimes, because I never seem to fail to do too much, then, suffering the consequences of hardly being able to take the next step let alone move, the next few days. Then, there are circumstances that happen where I have to sit and wait, and wait, and wait... Those days are quite taxing. They feel like I walk 100 times more, in my thoughts.
  7. Nice to hear you got some rain, Jori. We are in an excessive heat warning today. My porch thermometer says 120. and that is as high as it goes. Even the birds are hardly moving, sitting with their mouths open near the water dishes. Watered the garden this morning hoping the plants survive. Did some cleaning, accounting, and other indoor work. How is your day going?
  8. Good Morning! Beautiful morning here, birds are devouring their food and I am slow watering my spices. While tending the tomatoes I found the first one that is starting to turn red. Weather man says we will be creeping back into the 100's and 110 by the weekend. I was so nice to have the cold front move in and cool us back down into the high 90's the last two days. Went fishing yesterday and brought home another 12 for the freezer. Hoping everyone has a great day.
  9. Thank you Jori for volunteering! Congrats Miki on your new place.
  10. MMmmmmmm, squash & mulberries. DH does not like squash, so I rarely get it. I told him you froze mulberry pies and he said he has never had mulberries. He doesn't know what he's missed. LOL Summer means no more garden harvest here. Most everything has been harvested, planted the peas too late and they are drying out. Waiting on the tomatoes to ripen and we still have some onions, and zucchini-not producing yet, spices seem to be doing OK. Replanted spinach and carrots are slow growing sprouts right now, my experiment to see how it will grows in heat. Already planning the fall garden. We were chatting the other day, about how much our summer is like the north's winter. Staying in doors with hardly any outdoor activity. 110+ degrees is just too hot to be outside doing anything. The freezer is getting the trout we've been catching from the river (stocked). 48 so far.
  11. I have many veterans in my family... one sent me this: It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion. It is the VETERAN, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble. It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the VETERAN, not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote. It is the VETERAN who salutes the Flag, It is the VETERAN who serves under the Flag,
  12. Just finished, The Cooking Manual of Practical Direction for Economical Every-Day Cookery by Juliet Corson, Superintendent of the New York Cooking School, Copyright 1877 A free Kindle book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004TP6U9W/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=selfreliinfo-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B004TP6U9W Fun reading and a few ideas to try out. Love the old terms, 'gill' of liquid, a 'saltspoonful' of salt, and 'smoking hot oil' .
  13. Good Afternoon, We are going to have a fish fry. Hot here, even tho they said it would only get to 93 today, well, my thermometer said 105 degrees. It is cooler than yesterday's 107 and it is windy. I am very close to closing down our garden for the summer. Most of it is shriveling up in the heart. Hope everyone is having a good day, "it's Friday!"
  14. Snowmom, nice seeing you. 7 miles is pretty good, by my standards. Went to Tx last week so I did not do much walking. Saturday was cleaning day, , etc. Then some gardening and pulling weeds I may have gotten 5 miles in last week. Trying to do better this week.
  15. But, but, but..... "It's a dry heat." I would not know what to tell you about humidity, been here 30+ years this time round. You are so lucky to be heading out of here.
  16. The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1-3 by William Barclay The study delves into the original texts and expounds on them.
  17. ((((((((AMBER)))))))) Congratulations Gofish!
  18. Sounds wonderful, SueC. Packing might not be that bad, might give you a chance to inventory your supplies.
  19. I can smell the memories, LOL, and enjoy going out to the fields at harvest time.
  20. Chili Cumin Dill Garlic chives Yarrow Echinacea Borage Lavender Chamomile Ginseng http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_medicinal_herbs http://www.anniesremedy.com/chart.php?gc=bchart
  21. (((((((Cat))))))) Hoping she gets through it OK. I had a tough english teacher my junior year. Today, I am recovering from a slight sun burn, I missed a couple of spots with my sunscreen. Nothing a little aloe could not handle. We went fishing yesterday and caught our limit, 12 more trout. I am going to invite a couple of friends over for a fish fry. Not much on my priority list today, might even get some things done on my secondary ToDo list. Looking forward to seeing how everyones day is going.
  22. We are hurting. The rain we did get, caused the brush and small plants to flourish, then, dry up. Fires are sprouting up and growing. All Ntl forests have no camp fires, no smoking not even propane grills. Our fire danger is "Extreme". Even with irrigation, the farmers fields look scant. Here at the house, it takes slow watering each plant every other day to keep them alive. We have seen an enormous variety and quantity of birds coming in to get water. We have to re-fill their dishes at least 2 times a day. Yesterday, we topped 109 degrees again.
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