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Everything posted by Ambergris

  1. Welcome to the forum. Try wooden clothespins. They seem sturdier than the plastic ones I've seen.
  2. I always thought parboiled and converted were the same things. I store that by preference, since it has more nutrients than plain rice while not going rancid as fast as brown rice.
  3. They're great when cooked with sausage.
  4. I am really looking forward to the answer to this.
  5. Welcome! Look around and make yourself at home.
  6. Oh, no! Maybe they'll remember you when the next seat comes empty, though.
  7. I keep reading this as [anagram of LDS] Starter Kit. We do not want to draw people searching for the other stuff.
  8. The ultrasounds said both my sons were to be girls. #1 wore pink everything until he was six months old. I'm sure the technology has improved over the past two decades, though.
  9. Does part of the language say that if FEMA wants you to go sit on top of that hill for X number of hours, you have to do it even if you'd rather be bunkering down?
  10. This thread gives me the creeps. An old friend who has renovated and converted these for thirty years or more made one stupid mistake. One is all it takes.
  11. Orajel can work wonders for piles, too.
  12. Okay, that's indicating deprivation issues. Research "schema-focused cognitive therapy" or just "schema" with "deprivation" and see how much useful information you can get. It's possible you can change something about your behavior and obtain a better result, but it's way more likely he'll have to agree that something's gotta give--and he might not agree.
  13. See a counselor, Kimberly. He sounds like he might have some heavy-duty control issues (or possibly deprivation issues), and might not realize he has any issues at all. For example, someone who grew up feeling the other kids had things he wasn't allowed might have a deep-seated need to get what he wants, regardless. Someone for whom the rules always seemed to change so that other people got away with things he couldn't get away with might have a deep-seated need to control his own life, on a day by day or hour by hour level. Address the need, and maybe you will obtain a behavior modification.
  14. I like a pinch of allspice and a dash of cayenne in my ketchup.
  15. Thanks! The manual that came with it says nothing about the weights. You're talking about replacing the pressure regulator, right? The one that has 28-700 on it? Okay, I'm at www.gopresto.com and am becoming frustrated. http://www.gopresto.com/products/products.php?stock=0178107 I can't find 50332. I find only this: http://www.gopresto.com/products/products.php?stock=09978&continue_url=%2Fproducts%2Fproducts.php%3Fstock%3D0178107 I'm used to seeing either this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Presto-Part-Number-09914-Pressure-Cooker-Regulator-Pressure-Tru-Indicator-82063-/321048375565?pt=Small_Kitchen_Appliances_US&hash=item4abff9710d or this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/TWO-Mirro-Matic-pressure-cooker-canner-weight-jiggler-TWO-/200885789291?pt=Cookware&hash=item2ec5b9e26b I remember being told when I was a kid that the bucket-shaped one was the old fashioned kind while the round one with three holes was the new one. But when I enter 50332 on the ebay search, I get this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Presto-50332-Pressure-Cooker-Canner-Pressure-Regulator-Weight-/270908676329?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f136a58e9 or this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Replacement-Presto-Pressure-Cooker-Regulator-Weight-50332-/390520691978?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5aecd8dd0a I'm about 15 feet above sea level, if that makes a difference.
  16. I have some beef shins and lamb neck bones in the slow cooker (with celery and onion) to make broth while I'm out at my meeting today.
  17. 23-qt Presto. It came with the dial gauge. I have emailed the lady at the county extension office who is posted as the one in charge of testing such gauges. But the post is quite old; I don't know if it's active or how long I'll have to wait. Can you tell I'm anxious? Meanwhile, the outer box arrived in okay shape, but maybe a quarter of the inner box was wet and soft. The canner itself is shiny, undented, and unscratched, and it dried without spots. I couldn't smell anything in the liquid, so I'd like to assume the wet was just water. (On the other hand, the inside smelled kind of like new sneakers.) I'm kind of wondering if just washing it made it safe, or what I should do. Amazon has not been working well today. I cannot access my account or ask questions. I want to can up some broth!
  18. In normal times, it's not worth your time. But in abnormal times, knowing how to do it could be invaluable. So make it for the practice and buy it for routine eating.
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