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Everything posted by Midnightmom

  1. Jeepers- If they are Word documents you can open the "Inert" tab and add a header/footer that will number the pages for you. Very easy to do and will definitely help you to keep those pages in order. You can also add a short description/title so you can keep all of the documents together w/o having to worry about which "page 1 of 3" (for example) goes with which document. :D
  2. Midnightmom

    Lose weight

    Awesome BROWNIES.......................made with cauliflower!!! Yep, cauliflower. Link to recipe: https://www.delish.com/cooking/nutrition/a27411387/keto-cauliflower-brownies-recipe/
  3. Midnightmom

    Lose weight

    How important is fiber.............really???
  4. Keep your eye out for "strange/odd" allergic reactions. This drug caused tendonitis in my left leg! My provider tried to dismiss the idea that it was linked to the antibiotic, but I "proved" to her that she was wrong. Anyway, Google the drug and check out the side effects to keep a lookout for. (Yes, the tendonitis resolved itself shortly after stopping the drug.)
  5. ***Pet Peeve Alert*** Would have = Would've ..... NOT "would of"
  6. This article received many many comments, in my FB group, but I was quite surprised by the content of the comments. :O People either LOVED it or they HATED it - there was no middle ground!!! But maybe that's just the "nature" of Facebook. :/
  7. Midnightmom

    Lose weight

    If you absolutely must have one, eat the potatoes and ditch the corn! Or, if you can't decide which one you like best, keep them both, but NOT in the SAME meal.
  8. Sepsis is SCARY! I hope this is true for both of you.......
  9. We need to see a picture of him.....................................IN his uniform!!!
  10. Shared to my traffic safety FB group. I will let you know how it was received/accepted. ;)
  11. Midnightmom

    Lose weight

    Have you heard of the ketogenic diet? Here's a link to my experience/journey. https://www.facebook.com/ketobetic/
  12. Sounds like bar measurements might be your solution. https://drinks.seriouseats.com/2011/06/cocktail-101-measuring-utensils-jiggers-cups.html Follow the link for more info.
  13. 3 tsp = ONE Tbsp Most shot glasses are 1 oz (unless it's a "jigger." I have no idea what the measurement is in a jigger.) The chart above (with the milk bottles in it) says that 2 Tbs = 1 fluid oz
  14. I'm pretty sure that 2T = 1/8 c (discovered by pouring from one measuring device to another) Found some pics I had saved. Hope these help.
  15. Are you talking about the LARGE jars, or regular pint/quart size jars. If they are being used mostly by crafters I would be concerned about using them for pressure canning - UNLESS it says specifically on the packaging that they ARE suitable for that use.
  16. I recently "met" a lady (online through a rock painting group) who is also agoraphobic. I didn't really understand what it was all about until I did some research on it. Correct me if I'm wrong: It's basically not leaving the house to go anywhere in "public" as an attempt to control possible panic attacks (thus the need for plans and backup plans). In YOUR case, your safety zone has been compromised by your MIL living with you! How can you ever relax when you have to be constantly on guard in your own home - which is supposed to be your refuge? It also sounds like your husband doesn't fully understand your agoraphobia, or worse, dismisses it! (or,perhaps he thinks his mother is/should be taking the place of his role in your life.) I don't know HOW you will do it, but you need to reclaim your home as your fortress of solitude. Best of Luck euphrasyne. <3
  17. That makes no sense whatsoever! Pain meds can SUPPRESS your breathing so I would think that having a steady flow of air keeping your airway OPEN would be an advantage, not a problem.
  18. I don't really know - thyroid meds confuse me. But...................my endocrinologist has steadily been decreasing the strength of my dosage of Levothyroxine from 125 MCG to 112 MCG to 100 MCG. Yesterday she said my levels were in the "normal" range but she thought still a little high for my age so she made another adjustment down to 75 MCG.
  19. Whenever you see something like this on FB ALWAYS click on the link that was shared and chase it down until you find the SOURCE. The recall of Levothyroxine and Liothyronine was in 2018 and was due to inconsistent dosing of the active ingredients in the meds. It is NOT a CURRENT re-call. https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls/ucm616601.htm
  20. Found this info concerning storing eggs w/o refrigeration:
  21. Ambergis.......................... I just realized that I didn't add the link to the YouTube gardening channel I was talking about! Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVGVbOl6F5rGF4wSYS6Y5yQ
  22. Midnightmom


    This was definitely ME during the great snowstorm of 2019!
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