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Everything posted by Daylily

  1. I agree with Andrea about the whole foods. I had a yeast rash under my breasts (confirmed by cultures) for about 10 years. I am not overweight nor big busted. I tried all the natural remedies and doctor's remedies for Candida (even going off fruit for a year) and they would almost work. It would all go away except for a bump or two then come back full blown. It was not until I found out that I have pre-diabetes and got that under control that it went away. I used a prescription cream that cleared it up and it has not come back. I think it has everything to do with the blood sugar. The cream was clomotrozol or something like that. It was one of the most miserable things I've ever endured! Itched like you would not believe unless you've experienced it, red, raw, bleeding, got a secondary bacterial infection, etc. I do feel for you!
  2. I've tried the very young seedlings but found them tough and hard to chew. We have tons of it. I should try the stalks. do they mean the leaf stalks or the flower stalks?
  3. On a side note...you can read Dr Thrash's counseling sheets on different illnesses and natural remedies here: http://www.ucheepines.org/category/health-posts/counseling-sheet-post/
  4. I'll bet she was related somehow to Dr Calvin. Seale isn't a very big place!
  5. CGA, how interesting! Dr Calvin passed away a couple of years ago. Dr Agatha has retired. She's in her eighties now. I've gone to several seminars that she held and learned SO much! She is just so down-to-earth and practical. I remember one where she was showing how to make heating compress for sore throat. You dip a soft cloth in cold water and wring it out and put it around the throat, then put plastic wrap over that to keep it dry then pin a wool sock over that to hold heat. She said you could cut open a plastic bread bag for the plastic. I love how they showed you how to use whatever you had on hand.
  6. No burnt food won't work. Charcoal is pure carbohydrate. Burnt foods contain fats and proteins which become carcinogenic when burnt. You can get a great book called The Complete Handbook of Medicinal Charcoal and Its Applications at CharcoalRemedies.com. It explains how and why it works, what it can be used for, how to use it, etc. The author is John Dinsley. Another small book called Rx Charcaol by Drs Calvin and Agatha Thrash is excellent. Very practical and well-explained how-tos.
  7. I meant to say "so it won't take on the smell"!
  8. I've kept it for years. You need to store it away from chemicals, etc. so it won't on the smell.
  9. I put a heaping teaspoon in an 8 oz glass of water. I drink that down and follow it with another full glass of water. It's VERY important to drink lots of water with charcoal so it won't "stop you up".
  10. Session #4 was all about vitamin D and sunlight and the impacts on various diseases. It was SO GOOD! Session #5 streamed live on Monday, April 14 at 6pm PDT and will be available for one week to all who have registered at www.dryoungberg.com. The link is already active and is counting down to the live streaming broadcast. This session will be available for 7 days. If the link does not work you may copy and paste the link into your computer browser. You may also go directly to YouTube and search for "wes youngberg 12 weeks". "Optimizing Digestion for Health & Healing" will review why many gradually get sicker and find it difficult to heal from chronic health conditions. A primary requirement to optimal health and healing is a healthy and functional digestive system. Learn how to naturally address bloating, gas, heart burn/GERD, gas, belching, constipation, diarrhea and the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis. Many allergies and sensitivities are caused by "leaky gut syndrome" due to digestive imbalances. Fixing digestion is the first step in initiating healing from any condition. Most digestive problems do not produce obvious symptoms. Learn the key strategies for anyone to optimize digestion and therefore their overall health. The URL link to view the first seminar that was held on Monday, March 10 at 6pm PDT OR 9pm EDT is: The above link will remain active for the entire 12 week series. You may send the above link to friends and family. If they are interested in the remaining presentations they must register individually.
  11. Someone was just telling me last weekend about someone who was in a car accident and thought he was OK. He had some pain. Finally went to the hospital and had three broken neck vertebrae and several other problems. Please go to the hospital!!
  12. Session 3 will be gone tonight and Session 4 will be showing at 6 pm PDT and 9 pm EDT. Tonight's topic will be Vitamin D and sunlight and the impacts of autoimmune disease, heart disease, metabolism, cancer, etc. Link to Session 4. It's counting down. I think you still have to register. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV4Gl_ejcqM
  13. Hi Lisa, I was just thinking about you this week and wondering how you were. Good to see you back. I hope things are going well for you.
  14. I don't know how many of you are watching these but if you're not you are missing something awesome! I am watching Session 3 this week. Session 2 is no longer available. You need to register to watch Session 1, 3 and the coming ones. Session 3, he talks about heart attack risk factors and some that surprised me!! I'll bet you'll be surprised too! I know you all want to be healthy. You owe it to yourself to watch this series.
  15. Tonight Session #3 "Optimizing Circulation and Heart Health" will be shown live at 6pm PDT or 9pm EDT. I wish I could convey how important and how good this is! Everyone wants better health, right? He explains things so well. DH is pretty excited about watching these and has been inspired!
  16. I've seen two now. Really good!!! I wish I didn't have to wait until next Monday to see the next one! Has anyone else registered? It's well worth the time and effort. They are leaving the first one up for the entire 12 weeks and then each of the following ones for one week. That way, those of us on the East Coast can watch them without having to stay up so late. I like to be in bed by 9:30 pm. I really appreciate the opportunity to watch the video the next morning.
  17. I wondered where you went! Glad you are back!
  18. Andrea, I think you'll like this! I learned a lot from the first one. I'm looking forward to this because I think DH has adrenal fatigue and I see that Dr. Youngberg is going to address that.
  19. Here is a description of the seminar which I should have posted before! Sorry! Twelve Weeks to Wellness and Optimal Health Seminar Join Dr. Youngberg online or onsite for this free, 12-week metabolic tune up as he covers new topics and lab tests each session. If you have fatigue, headaches, heart disease, diabetes or pre-diabetes, adrenal problems, cancer risk, anxiety, depression, weight gain, digestive problems, hypertension, memory concerns, dementia, or you just want to optimize your health now, this program is for you! March 10 – June 2, 2014 – Mondays from 6:00PM PST / 9:00PM EST Fallbrook SDA Church, Fallbrook California. Open to the local audiences. Available nationally and internationally via live streaming webcast. You only need to register once. Those who register will receive login information for the webcast as well as handouts and ongoing communications regarding the seminar. Join Dr. Youngberg for this free, 12-week metabolic tune up. This program is for you if you have: Fatigue, headaches, heart disease, diabetes or pre-diabetes, adrenal problems, cancer risk, anxiety, depression, weight gain, digestive problems, hypertension, memory concerns, dementia, OR you just want to optimize your health now. This program will not be offered again free, so take advantage and share this information with your friends and contacts. Begins March 10, 2014 and continues until June 2, 2014 All presentations will be on Monday evenings from 6:00pm to 7:30pm PST Format is 60-minute lecture followed by a live 30-minute Q&A taking questions from both the local and webcast audience. The Program will be hosted by and located at the Fallbrook SDA Church. Dr. Youngberg had conducted these programs for large medical groups for many years where the fee was over $700. There will be no charge for attendance or the live webcast. No catch – all 12 weeks are free.
  20. I see that there have only been 7 views of this. This is a wonderful opportunity. I am not benefiting from posting this in any way. so many on this forum talk of health issues and Dr. Youngberg is an amazing doctor. The seminar is truly free, no strings attached.
  21. I just registered for this. It is free, no strings attached. They are not having one tonight but you can watch last weeks seminar here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/twelve-weeks-to-wellness-and-optimal-health-registration-10813002983?ref=ebtnebregn It will be every Monday night at 9 pm EDT (6 pm PDT). When you register for one, you are registered for all of them. Choose the date of the first one you can attend and for quantity, just choose 1.
  22. Bless your heart! I hope it all goes well and you can relax and enjoy the parade with your son.
  23. This book was written by a lady on another forum I belong to. She was posting her memories as a journal on the forum and a publisher picked up on it and asked her not to post any more entries. It was so interesting, I could hardly wait for her to post another one. I know the book will be great! This is the Kindle version: http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=masonmarshall-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00IZNV3IC" You can get the print version here: https://www.createspace.com/4685265
  24. Welcome! I love this forum too for just the reasons you mentioned. I look forward to getting to know you and reading your posts.
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