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Knock, Knock -I'm new


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Knock, knock. Hi, I'm MtRider. Can I join you up on the porch? Oh thanks for the iced tea. Cookies? Sure, I'm celebrating getting past the gate, up the walk and I can't believe I'm finally sitting on the Sunporch with you all. Y'see, I'd have come up earlier -really- but I'm rather hopelessly inept at this aspect of computers. Dh laughs and shakes his head when my Internet attempts constantly go awry. I'm not accustomed to being inept, so I suppose that's why I hesitated so long. :-) But this group seems unusually able to refrain from the hostility I've observed elsewhere (what's up with that?). You're kind and friendly. So here I am and pardon any blunders.


For intro, I'll say first that I am verbose. I like details and accuracy, I suppose. I like to talk and listen. Second, I was born rural - an Iowa farm gal. Lived city for too long in MN and Maui. Now I'm back on 12 acres in CO's Rocky Mts. I've been 'preparedness obsessed' (is that a gift or a burden?) since I was a little girl packing to stay overnite with my GrAunt. Insisted on bringing everything 'I might need'. I'm still doing it and catching flak for it. (:-) Sound familiar? Have 2 horses, ducks/geese, a beloved indoor cat, and a new rescue-adopted hulk named Rosie. Reportedly, she's Anatolian mix. (Can I pick your brain, Westbrook?) She's proving to be extraordinary!


I am also a veteran of a wildfire evacuation lasting 3 wks. I had animals in 3 counties. A nightmare but instructive as all our tough experiences are. God is prepping us to be strong. Another angle He chose to use in my personal instruction was adult onset of disability. I have MS. I am quite open to share how 'loosing my legs' (& occasionally :-) my brain) affects my prepping. I'm still self-sufficient but have to realistically work within my limits. Don't we all? My MtRider label? Regular riding resets my damaged system in ways we don't fully understand yet. It keeps me (mostly) out of the wheelchair I'd previously been needing more and more. Don't misread me. Riding does not 'cure' MS. But *in my case*, it's made a huge difference in daily symptom management. And hey, I like hanging out with horses. Forced dh and I back to a rural lifestyle we might not have otherwise thot to afford. God does some creative things to position us for His service.


I'll just close with a huge 'thankyou' to all for the info and entertainment you've provided while I 'looked in from the sidewalk'. Guess it's time to contribute some back. You're a fun group.


And somebody tell me how to use those cute yellow guys...puleese?


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Well hey there Mt Rider...we're so glad that you've decided to join us. Thank you for taking the time to share a few things about yourself...it really means alot to get to know our new friends.


Feel free to jump right in wherever you want, and always remember one thing...


*I* am the innocent one.



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I am at your disposal.


Let's get you connected with some service dog people and see if you can get rosie to help you. She will be able to help lift you by calling her over and putting yourself on her and having her get up. She will be able to pick things up that have fallen on the floor and so many other things ... one step at a time.


To PM me, click on my name in the box in the upper left corner.


I will PM oh.. Private Message you first. You will see an American flag in the upper left corner of the main page when you log in. Click on it. (My Home is at the top left of any page and you can access your mail there)

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Welcome, Mt. Rider. I've always thought that gals that like/use horses and dogs are ok. Glad you have joined us..prepare to be amazed by what you find here...slipping halo's and all.!!!

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0001.gif Mt_Rider! Glad to have you here, and you are so right about this being a kind and friendly group. 0002.gif I lurked here for many months before making my way up the front steps to the porch, and have always been impressed at the calmness and gentleness of this group (occasional mischievousness notwithstanding, lol). Sorry to hear about the MS...I've been dealing with breast cancer myself since January of last year, so I know about having to work around a sudden and unexpected disability. Not fun, but there are good lessons to be learned from it, and I'm always a willing learner. 0022.gif


Have fun here!

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OK, I'm home from fishing (or rather, throwing bait into the stream) and the farrier is finished and the thunderstorm is past. So I can get back online.


Thanks you so much for the advice Amish Homesteaders. Now let me see if I can get this straight: Darlene is *always* innocent; Micheal is suspect but Lori isn't; advice to check under Darlene's name...; CookieJar is *pure* but Westie, Cat and D are in the shade; slipping haloes; Hmmmm? You all sound so *complex*! (I just HAD to use that yellow guy. He's my favorite!)



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Thanks so much, MtRider, for your kind words. 0002.gif It's ironic that, after I first posted to you in reference to MS, I thought perhaps you might think, "Well, at least you can have treatments that can make the cancer go away, even if you have to keep having them, to make it stay away." Thanks for your understanding. These days, even breast cancer is often treated as a chronic disease that we just have to keep fighting, and many, if not most, women will not die from the disease itself. Since my own diagnosis, I've met many women who have had recurrences over & over through the years, but still live full and active lives. I pray that you and I both will win the ultimate victory over these debilitating diseases!


It's nice to meet you, too--I look forward to posting with you again. 0022.gif

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