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Need prayers/Best friends Mom


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Some of you remember my Best friend whom I bamboozled into helping with Darlene's packing. The one Darlene gave a friendship bullet to. smile


Rough times for her: Her Mom who already had survived a heart attack and diabetes is in the hospital. It started last week when she tripped over a box at her work (Yes, at 76 she still works part-time, think fiesty) and sustained a cut to her brow that required a plastic surgeon. Catscans and all were good.

but a week later she somehow fell again and was staying at the brothers house.


This morning she awoke complaining of discomfort and he took no chances and called EMS. She's at a fine Kendall hospital where they found a trace of Pnumonia. Still running tests but poor Barb & her brother are frazzled messes.


I'm running telelphone/email central for them for friends, family & work.


Please Please put her Mom in your prayers for her wellbeing and continued fiestiness. Please include strength, preseverance and stress relief for that whole family. Any Bible verses would be wonderful too.

Thanks so much gang, I appreciate you.

(I already bought her chocolate)

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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...please give Barb a hug for me and let her know I'll be praying...


Heavenly Father,


We are so blessed here on earth to have access to the knowledge and experience that the doctors possess, but I can't help but always feel the need for the Great Physician, who knows all things and Whom is exceedingly able...Who is the creator of life itself...


So Father, I lift up Barb's mother before You tonight and ask that You would give her doctors, and all medical personnel that come in contact with her case, Your wisdom and guidance. Open their eyes so that they might appropriately treat her mother, bringing her back to sound health. We are so fallible as humans, and I always feel more secure asking for Your help in all things, big and small.


Thank You that this family is blessed with loyalty and love for each other. May Your perfect will be done in each and every one of their lives...may the nail scarred hands of Jesus touch their hearts and may their eyes look up in gratitude and thankfulness for Your mercy and grace over each of their lives.


Thank You Lord, that we can even come before You as Your children and You as our Heavenly Father. I know I love and need You so much and You are always there.


Bless Barb's mother, keep her safe, give her family that loves her Your peace by Your Spirit.


In Jesus Name,

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Barb says thank you so much... she cannot express it.


She is exhausted.


So far so good, Mom has fluid in her lungs but it's getting better. They want to be sure to get enough fluid out to check that there is no hidden pneumonia then they'll balance out her meds and go from there. Mom has been giving the nurses lip and demands to go for a walk. This is a GOOD sign!


From me thank you soooo much.

Still more tests but it looks like everything was caught soon enough. Please keep the prayers winging for a bit longer please?



alias telephone central



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Originally Posted By: dogmom4
I just saw this cookie. Praying.... bighug

Thanks Stacy and thank you everyone,
right now things are stabilized but the Doc wants her to go to Rehabilitation till there sure she's over the dizzy spells, etc.

Once we find out whats what, we're thinking of having a cleaning party. You know, all the laundry done, beds changes, fridge emptied and clean. That "come home to no troubles" feeling.

Still in stasis for a bit longer. (sigh)
Barb's Mom has been giving the staff pure havok...I take this as a sign of getting well! grin
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That would be a great idea. I remember when I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks after having my oldest daughter.( I got an infection so had to stay longer.) My ex-husband, who was a real jerk most of the time, hired the neighbor lady to come in and clean up his mess from when I was gone. He didn't do a dish the entire time, just started eating in the mess hall when he didn't have clean plates anymore. It was so nice to come home to a nice clean house. I was able to concentrate on getting better and my dear little bundle of joy.


Glad to hear she is doing okay.

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Unfortunately, yesterday we got some rougher news. It seems Ms. Carmen is worse off than thought. Barb's brother had to literally call the attending Doc's # and say "This is a DR. also" to get anything other than the answering service. When the attending Doc asked if he was really a doctor he said "Yes, A Doctor of Management and another Doctorate in LAW, now I NEED some answers". The Attending was P.O.ed and was brutally blunt. Ms. Carmen has only a 15% chance of surviving a year due to her failing heart/health (she has congestive heart troubles, diabetes and does NOT obey her doctor).

This was harsh news. But we all temper it with the knowledge that Aunt Josepina was "Only given" 6 months when I first moved down here 11 years ago and since no one told her she proceeded to live happily till last year and then she tripped, suffered a fatal blow and passed peacefully. We have no intentions of letting Ms. Carmen know anything like what he said. Really, since only God knows what can happen, we're all working towards the best; meaning, getting her into rehab, then back home with perhaps home health care. That sort of thinking.


Right now, the hospital is arranging with Barbie's family to set up her Rehabilitation place. There's one less than 3 miles from Barb's work which their trying to get her into which would be comforting to her and easy access for family/friends.


Finding a place for her little mighty mutt 'Princess" was a trouble at first. Princess is a teacup Chihuahua with the markings and heart of a Doberman...all 3 pounds of her. She's been staying at the house with daily cleanup/feeding visits by one family member or another. The decision now is to update her shots (she is a puppy! and a happy handful dynamo) and let her stay at a family members along with the 3 kids, two dogs, a Guinea pig and a snake. (Yes, I did ask him when is he building the ARK?

laugh ). If it looks like Ms. Carmen can't keep up with mighty mutt's care, Barb's sister in Texas wants to take her and will pay for the carrier and flight to Texas where she will be spoiled beyond the valley of good taste.


It will all work out but prayers/wellwishes/positive thoughts will be appreciated.


Thanks for being there for us and for me. I appreciate you.


Telephone/laundry central


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