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Oregano is an antibiotic


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Got this off another group. The link is at the bottom of the article.



When TSHTF, antibiotics will be difficult, if not impossible, to find.

In days of old, they used sliver and mercury (e.g., Mercurochrome) for

antibiotic treatment. Bugs are said not to build up an immunity to

them and it is purported that silver attacks funguses and viruses as

well. Even today, silver derivatives are used in newborns’ eyes, on

burns and so forth (some band-aids have silver impregnated in the

dressing portion).


Other things can also be highly valuable in the battle against

infection. Things such as sugar, honey, and cayenne can be applied to

open wounds and have antibacterial properties. Cayenne is, repeatedly,

credited for saving the lives, since it both stops bleeding and acts

as an antibacterial. However, herbs and such may not always be

available. DC power sources, on the other hand, are likely to be

available in some form, whether from a battery, a transformer, a solar

panel or other source (grade school science experiments anyone?). If

so, one may be able to create his own antibiotic, if he already has an

ingot of silver available.


I made quantities of colloidal silver and gave it to friends. One had

a foot fungus from the Korean war (remember Bill, Rod?). I gave him a

quart (hundreds of dollars worth, by downtown prices) and he said it

was the first thing that worked. He'd been on regular antibiotics for

years. When the farm cats all came down with kitty pneumonia, or

something similar, I gave then colloidal silver in milk and it cleared

their problem in a couple days. The old tom showed up days after the

others had been treated and he looked especially horrible. It took him

a couple days longer, but he survived too. Experimenting, I added it

to the orchard sprayer and put it on the pear trees to see what effect

it would have on beating down fungus attacks and such. It seemed to

help, but I should have played with it a bit more.


To make my own colloidal silver, I use transformer, picked up at a

garage sale, from toy train set. Mine produces from zero to thirty-six

volts of DC, off AC. I run it wide open. In a pinch, you can also use

a 9 volt battery, it just takes a little longer. Many of these

transformers have reverse capability, so just moving the lever in the

opposite direction reverses polarity. No big deal.


Colloidal silver is available in health food stores and may cost

$28.00 an ounce, or more, dependent upon the hype associated with it.

On the other hand, a single ounce ingot will produce silver until the

cows come home, after a blue moon. I just cut an ingot in half and

connect a piece to each side of the output from the transformer,

submerse it in pure water (you’ll have to contaminate distilled water

to allow conductivity necessary for the [electrolysis] process. This

may mean adding a minute, I mean minute amount of saline, like a flake

of sea salt) I don't get carried away with saturating the water with

silver. For small batches of only a few ounces, I kill power only

moments after I see silver rolling off the negative plate (a few

seconds). Large quantities, which can be as little as a quart, need to

be monitored and may need to be constantly stirred to avoid altering

the end product into something undesirable.



Additional to the foregoing, this is off another site (http://



The power of oregano

Scientists have discovered that the herb, commonly used in cooking,

could eradicate the deadly infection from hospital wards.


A team at the University of the West of England in Bristol, working

with partners in India, found that tiny quantities of carvacrol, a

naturally occurring compound in oregano, is a more effective

antimicrobial agent than 18 pharmaceutical drugs it was compared



The discovery could lead to a new defence in the fight against

hospital infection.


Carvacrol has been found to contain potent anti-fungal and

antibacterial properties with a range of medicinal uses.


It can sterilise septic water, kill giardia, treat fungal infections

such as candida and rivals pharmaceutical antibiotics such as

streptomycin and penicillin in its ability to eliminate microbes.


Research into the medicinal properties of oregano has been led by

Biolaya Organics, a company that specialises in the conservation and

sustainable production of Himalayan medicinal herbs.


Set up by British environmentalist Ben Heron in 2007, the award-

winning company works with villagers to encourage sustainable methods

of farming in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Oregano grows in

abundance in the region's high alpine valleys.


Biolaya is now working to publish its research in a scientific journal

and find partners to develop oregano oil-based soaps and sprays.


Preliminary research into the oil found that tiny doses are capable of

wiping out fungi and bacteria, including MRSA. Researchers found that

the oil still works at boiling temperature, meaning it could be used

for disinfecting hospital sheets. Its vapour is equally effective and

could be turned into an antibacterial spray.


Mr Heron said: "Himalayan oregano oil kills MRSA at dilution's of less

than 1 to 1000 and the antimicrobial properties, unlike most

conventional antibacterial agents, are not affected by heat treatment.


"Once we have completed our research and published a paper, we aim to

find additional partners to work together with to manufacture hand

soaps, multi-purpose antibacterial wipes and other products for use in

hospitals as a preventative against MRSA."


The University of the West of England has integrated research into

oregano oil as part of a pilot MSc project.


It had previously been discovered that oregano had the ability to kill

off bacteria, but researchers have now proved the Himalayan variety

could be slightly more effective than the Mediterranean type used more

commonly in Europe.


Project leader and professor of microbiology, Vyv Salisbury said this

could be a result of the herb growing at high altitude in the



"Preliminary tests show that oregano oil is very effective against

MRSA in really quite low doses," said Professor Salisbury. "A small

amount will kill MRSA and also the vapour will kill the bacteria.


"It could be that in hospitals there are places which are difficult to

reach and perhaps the oregano could be used to get rid of MRSA where

there are nooks and crannies.


"When we heat it up to boiling point it is still effective, which is

quite useful because some agents are destroyed when they are heated



"If you wanted to put something through the wash an oregano oil-based

product would continue to be effective against MRSA. This is exciting

as it also means that we could consider using the oil to develop

disinfectant washing powders."



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  • 1 month later...

I used colliodal silver to save our kittens that had distemper and all but one survived. I have used silver since 1999 and wouldn't live without it. Also I just discovered oregano and bought capsules in olive oil....it works right away on a bad tooth if you dissolve the capsule or puncture it and hold it in your mouth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For a toothache, I have found that a few drops of "Oil of Cloves" (most food stores) on a ball of cotton works better than "Orajel or Ambusol".


Put the cotton ball on the bad tooth and GENTLY bite down. The oil of cloves kills the pain almost instantly.


Two things with the oil of cloves:


1. You go around smelling like a baked ham.




If you do swallow it, it will give new meaning to the term acid indigestion/heart burn.

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Originally Posted By: Campy
For a toothache, I have found that a few drops of "Oil of Cloves" (most food stores) on a ball of cotton works better than "Orajel or Ambusol".

Put the cotton ball on the bad tooth and GENTLY bite down. The oil of cloves kills the pain almost instantly.

Two things with the oil of cloves:

1. You go around smelling like a baked ham.


If you do swallow it, it will give new meaning to the term acid indigestion/heart burn.

This is what my dentist used when he does a temporary filling. A wad of clove oil on cotton and some spackle, more or less.
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  • 2 years later...

I'm not feeling really sharp today. Exactly how much oregano essential oil should be added to a load of laundry to combat a really entrenched skin infection?

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Properties and Usage


Oil of Oregano will kill any kind of "germ". Proof of this statement can be found in the Quarterly Review of Biology, March 1998 and the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, June 1977, among other authoritative publications.


Immune system stimulant

Oregano oil has been proven in European studies to be a potent immune booster. Compared to plants such as echinacea and goldenseal, Wild Oil of Oregano is by far the most effective in boosting the body's natural immunity. Use 1-3 drops 3x a day to supercharge your immune system and maintain good health.


Anti-inflammatory and analgesic/anesthetic (Pain reliever)


Oil of Oregano is an athlete's best friend due to its anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action. Applied externally, the oil deeply penetrates tissues and in so doing, brings relief and speeds healing and reduces the pain of bruises, sprains, torn and sore muscles, tendonitis, cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome and other similar injuries. Arthritis responds well to this treatment. For topical use you may use it straight from the bottle. For people with sensitive skin you may dilute it by adding 3-5 drops of olive oil or carrier oil to 1 drop of Wild Oil of Oregano. Avoid eyes, mucous membrames and sensitive skin areas. Pain relief and added relief from arthritis, bursitis and other inflammatory conditions may be improved by also taking Oregano oil internally.




Candida is a fungus that infects millions of people. Wild Oil of Oregano contains powerful antifungal agents that eliminate Candida effectively and safely. Take 1-3 drops under the tongue or with juice 3 times daily. Some cases may need more aggressive treatment by filling a gel or vegi cap with 5-8 drops of the Oregano oil and taking that once a day with a meal. Continue the treatment for as long as necessary. Avoid foods that contain sugar and refined flour as these feed the Candida. Be sure to drink 8-12 glasses of pure spring water daily to help flush toxins from the blood. These toxins are generated when the Candida dies from coming in contact with the Oregano oil. Prolonged treatment and more aggressive dosages may be required.


Nail fungus, which is particularly stubborn and hard to get rid of has a powerful enemy in Oregano oil. Wash and dry the nails. Soak them with the Wild Oil of Oregano twice daily. Take 1-3 drops of the Oil of Oregano 3 times daily. Some cases may need more aggressive treatment by adding 5-8 drops of Oregano oil to a gel or vegi cap cap taking that once a day with a meal. Continue treatment for 6 months.Nail fungus is usually a result of Candida infection in the blood. See above. Drink 8-12 glasses of pure spring water daily to flush toxins from the blood.


Athlete's foot: Oregano oil's effectiveness in fighting fungal infections such as athlete's foot make it a must in the locker room. Apply the oil topically to the feet after showering and before bed..



Among the natural antioxidants, oregano oil is one of the most powerful. It protects cells from free radical damage in the same way it prolongs the shelf life of foods. Take a few drops daily under the tongue to slow the effects of aging and maintain healthy cell structure.




Head lice and scabies.: Parasites such as head lice and scabies are no match for Oregano oil's powerful antiparasitic properties. Add a few drops to a tablespoon of shampoo to wash hair and scalp. Add a couple of drops to a tablespoon of vegetable oil to apply to hair after shampoo or to other affected areas. Add a dropperfull to laundry soap to disinfect clothes.


Cryptosporidium, giardia etc.: Add a drop to water that may be unsafe to protect yourself from parasites such as cryptosporidium and giardia as well as bacterial infection. Take 1-3 drops up to 3 times a day to clear yourself of parasites.




Wild Oil of Oregano has been laboratory tested and proven to be as strong as pharmaceutical antibiotics with none of the associated hazards. Use it topically and internally for any kind of infection.


Bedsores: Apply topically to affected area to speed healing and reduce discomfort.


Burns, Cuts and Scrapes: Apply the oil topically immediately to clean and reduce pain in the wound. Quick application may prevent blistering and scarring from light burns and will prevent infection and speed rapid skin recovery in all wounds.


Teeth and Gums: Oregano oil gives effective relief to toothaches by killing the bacteria causing the pain. Apply the oil directly to the infected tooth. Gum disease can be halted by using Wild Oil of Oregano in the mouth. The oil may be applied to infected gums with a clean finger, Q-tip or a drop can be placed on your toothbrush before brushing the teeth. Regular treatment will vastly improve oral health and hygiene.


Food poisoning: In a recent study about 20% of meat samples obtained from grocery stores contained antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Vegetarians can be affected by food poisoning as well. Salmonella and E. coli have been found on such vegetables as iceberg lettuce and alfalfa sprouts, resulting in food poisoning. Restaurant foods may often be contaminated due to poor hygiene of employees or lack of proper washing of the produce After dining, take 3-5 drops of Oregano oil as a preventative. If symptoms occur, take 3 drops hourly for up to 10 hours or until symptoms disappear. By using Hedd Wyn Essentials Oil of Oregano daily, you severely reduce your chances of becoming one of the 84 million cases of food poisoning that occur annually in North America.


Natural antibiotics like Oil of Oregano do not induce antibiotic resistance as do the patented antibiotic drugs. Use Oil of Oregano to boost your immune system and to kill off unfriendly bacteria. This natural remedy provides defense against biological toxins.




Colds, flu, shingles and herpes: Use daily to maintain a strong immune system and to weaken the virus. At the first sign of a viral infection such as colds, flu, herpes, shingles etc., take 3-6 drops immediately and continue at a maximum of 3 drops per hour for a maximum of 10 hours. In the case of herpes or shingles, in addition, it is best to apply the oil directly to the spot where tingling may be felt before an outbreak. This will often prevent the outbreak. Due to the heat sensation, oil of oregano should not be used on sensitive skin areas or mucous membranes. Do not use in vagina or anus unless it is very well diluted by adding a drop or two of wild Oil of Oregano to a tablespoon of olive oil. Then test with a small amount first.


When treated at the first sign of symptoms, most viral conditions will be rendered harmless.


Warts can be treated by applying the Oil of Oregano directly to the wart with cotton wool. It is best to leave the soaked cotton on the wart as long as possibleby taping with adhesive. Repeat this 2 or 3 times a day and take 3 drops under the tongue three times a day for a few months. Planter's warts can be successfully removed in a few days by applying the oil directly to the wart several times daily. It may help to break the surface of the skin to allow the oil to penetrate to the root of the wart.




Oregano oil is capable of neutralizing venomous bites, making it invaluable in the wilderness or when traveling abroad. It's an effective first aid treatment for venomous bites of all varieties including bees, snakes and spiders. Oregano oil is also useful for preventing infection from animal bites and other puncture wounds. It reduces inflammation and stops the pain associated with bites and stings. Apply directly to stings or bites. The oil will penetrate into the wound and neutralize toxins and pathogens. Take a few drops internally to amplify the effect.






Wild Oil of Oregano is a potent antibiotic and antifungal. When you kill these pathogens, they release toxins into the bloodstream. These toxins can make you feel fatigued or create flu-like or cold-like symtoms and in rare cases skin rashes. This is a sign that your body is trying to detoxify. It is known as a healing crisis or a Herxheimer reaction. You may avoid this kind of discomfort by drinking 8-12 glasses of pure spring water daily. This will flush the toxins from your blood.


Most people feel better quickly when they first take Oregano oil. However, if you get any of the above symptoms, reduce your consumption of Oregano oil and drink lots of pure, spring water. Once the symptoms have passed you may again increase your dosage of Oregano oil.


All of us are completely unique in our body make up. There is no one set dosage that will work for everyone. A certain amount of trial and error may be necessary to determine the optimum dosage level for your particular condition. Listen to your body. It is the best judge. Some people will require less than recommended dosages. Other people will require up to 2 or 3x the recommended dosage. In these cases spread the extra doses over the period of the day rather than taking them all at once. For instance, you would take 3 drops 10x daily rather than 10 drops 3x daily.


We wish you a drug-free, healthy life.





Disclaimer: Any information related to matters affecting human health on this web site is provided for informational purposes and is the result of research into the medical literature as well as practical experience. No information should be considered as a "substitute for advice provided by your own trusted medical professional", nor is any information intended to "promote diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease". You should not use any information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Consult your most trusted health care professional in regard to the personal use, or non-use, of any health-related products or medically related regimens on the Internet or otherwise, especially if you have any existing medical condition or unusual symptoms.

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