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2020 Flu Care Data

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There are other threads about flu .....right at the top.  Might take a look at those too.  Most are to slowly build up your supplies at $25/wk.  But.....we might have to hurry that a bit, eh?  HOPEFULLY NOT! 


Anyway, share here what might be needed.....  to purchase or substitute with home-made....  


I'll look up my recipe for hydration fluid....


MtRider  :pc_coffee:


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Mt. Rider, I just pinned a link to most of my PDF files down in the Are You Ready? forum. Its titled Being Prepared With PDF's. Lots of good medical stuff and prepping in general. We can move some of them to this thread if you want. I'm not sure how to move a PDF though. I just moved the whole post down there from the Library section.

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I'm looking for data regarding reuse of N95 masks.......  :o   and have found some horror stories from folks working at hospitals, etc.    Read the COMMENTS section.....









I had no idea that hospitals were reusing the N95 masks.   :scratchhead:    As soon as the CDC stated how to reuse them, the $$$ folks jumped on it....I'm thinking.    :behindsofa:  


MtRider   ....any thots? 

Edited by Mt_Rider
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Well, that was a frightening read. I didn't think health care workers would use the same mask over and over again. Sheesh. And up to a year?! One person asked about those disinfecting lights. I asked the same question last week. No one answered him so I still don't know if they work. 


I'm not sure how I'd handle reusing a mask. I'm still thinking about those light wands. I suppose as a last resort I'd hang them outside in the sun light. I wouldn't place them in a plastic bag. No fresh air and sitting in a stew of... who knows what, can't be healthy. Can it?


Now I'm thinking about the elastic on my older ones.  Sigh.

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Yeah, y'all.  My reaction too......  horror!  AND YET....did you read the CDC's pdf?  One line in there...."but if resources aren't available..."  Can't you just see that every FOR PROFIT hospital board decided resources are not available for disposing of disposable masks and other PPE equipment.  :banghead:      THAT's how I interpreted these two articles. 


But our goal is to figure out HOW we really can reuse SAFELY ......cuz......we might really NOT have resources available since we've got a global shortage going on already......  :unsure: 


Jeepers, this morning after reading these, I also asked DH if a light could do it.  This, for example but smaller like the ones for making water potable, right?



Anyway, I don't think DH knew off the top of his head.  I'll see if he can do research.  HOWEVER.....I think you might have the more simple idea.....sunshine has a very powerful bleaching affect.   Remember they'd put white sheets/clothes out in the sun?  The sun....if strong enough...can pasteurize water!  It can degrade rubber [ask me about snorkel equipment, duct tape, or tent stakes under Maui's hearty sunshine..]  :busted:     I'm thinking that might be the solution for anyone with reliable access to sunshine.  But we need to KNOW.  Pretty sure it's better than a plastic bag.....yuk, "stew of ..." indeed! 


You know the saying: KISS [keep it simple, stupid]  ;) ..... soap and water, FREQUENT hand washing, sunshine....  I think we're onto something that is doable and yet increase chances for good outcome with common sense!!   :grouphug: 


MtRider ...... now if y'all can tell me how to keep this danged COUGH from coming back....  :sigh:  

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I don't recommend reusing disposable mask. But if it comes to that, the best source would be if you can wash them. do so in a weak bleach solution depending on what they are made of.. Using a heat source that would be hot enough to kill germs but not catch the mask on fire would be the best method. Back in the old days when I was in nursing, we sterilized the instruments using an autoclave. The items were wrapped in a paper material that had strips showing If they were sterilized after coming out of autoclave. It does take a lot of heat to sterilize something. Think of your dishwasher having a sterilize button on it and sterilizing canning jars. Have you noticed how hot they are ?  It takes that kind of heat. Be it a dry heat or damp heat.  Will check further on this for a disposable mask. I myself would not do it if possible. But in hard times, we don't really know what we might have to do. 

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I thought about autoclave too. When I looked it up it said paper could catch on fire. There is a container you can use to help prevent that. I didn't really delve into it because I could never afford one. But I'd think hospitals would be using something like that.


I thought about a microwave but the metal nose clip would prevent that. I wonder if it would be useful for the surgical masks though? I don't even know if the microwave kills any germs.


I remember the sterilizing light wands from decades ago. I must have seen them on TV. I do remember someone sterilizing water. But mostly I remember them being used by people staying in hotels. Also kitchen counter tops and cell phones etc. They may not kill coronavirus but could be useful on other germs. That is if they work. I wouldn't rely on them, but use in conjunction with other methods like bleach or lysol. 

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:scratchhead:  Somewhere we were discussing the .....oh, the question of when to use ELDERBERRY for immune-boosting.   Anyway, I'll put this here:




Quoting..... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

He died five days later with lung damage reminiscent of SARS and MERS, another coronavirus-related outbreak, doctors at the Fifth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital in Beijing said in a Feb. 16 study in the Lancet medical journal. Blood tests showed an over-activation of a type of infection-fighting cell that accounted for part of the “severe immune injury” he sustained, the authors said.

Controversially, he had been given 80 milligrams twice daily of methylprednisolone, an immune-suppressing corticosteroid drug that’s in common use in China for severe cases,.....

End Quoting=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


They are talking about a 50 yr old man in China.  But the part that caught my attention is an APPARENT case similar to what was killing the folks during the 1918 flu.  Over-activation of immune system.  THIS ONE ARTICLE IS NOT PROOF OF THAT.   Cuz....he died.... so what does this really tell us????    :scratchhead:   But we need to keep watching for data.  


IF THIS TURNS OUT TO BE CORRECT DATA, we all need to quit taking any elderberry or other immune-system-stimulants if this hits in your region of the world.  Right?  


And I have NO IDEA when that would become necessary.  I take immune stimulants right now as I'm trying to get rid of the last of the bronchitis/etc.  I'm trying to get my body strong enough to ward off any OTHER flu or common cold, as well. 


Anyone have any comments or ideas? 


MtRider  No doctors here.....do your own research!!! 

Edited by Mt_Rider
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Silver...colloidal silver to be exact. Fine mist spray them.


I like Optivida's silver the best.


Their silver gel lasts for 4 hours on the hand. Their silver liquid sprayed on hard surfaces lasts indefinitely.


I plan on using a fine mist spray over the mask and perhaps even on the inside, haven't figured it out yet.  BTW, 3M's N95 masks that people use for woodworking, etc are no different than the surgical masks: https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/1798135O/possible-alternatives-to-surgical-n95-respirators-in-the-us-healthcare-technical-bulletin.pdf


For now though, I'm focusing on doing the colloidal silver as much as I can.

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Hello Darlene. Nice to meet you here.  The Optivida's  silver looks promising. The fine mist spray might not be a bad idea on the mask. I pulled one of mine out and it is a heavy paper. N95 mask. I am in process now of reading up on them. From what I am reading, there is no reusing them. 

These are the limitations from the instructions: Time use limitations.  If the respirator becomes damaged, soiled, or breathing becomes difficult, leave the contaminated area immediately and replace the respirator. 

This comes from Niosh 

Mine are OSHA approved. OSHA is the company that I was certified with when I took my nurses lic.  I had to be recertified every 5 years and take test through out that 5 years. They are strict. Or at least they were way back then. 


So with that said, I think doing a light spray on the mask and let air dry before you use them with the Optivida silver might help give just a bit more security as the mask are not a guarantee that you still would not get sick. As viruses can enter by other means. eyes for one. Skin not so sure of that one. Unless you have a cut maybe. Big question with no clear answer. 

But as a retired nurse. NO I would not reuse a disposable mask. Not worth the risk. 

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"no clear answer"  .....that is the big frustration with this situation.  Too much no one knows.....or they ain't tellin'..... 


I've been dealing with ice...it's melting and needs to be roughed up each evening.  And putting away things.  And figure out WHERE to put things away....tripping over things in tiny living room..... 


MtRider  ...oh well, rather trip over it than wish for it... :amen: 

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Mt Rider, I know what you mean about trying to find places to put things away. I would not have bought as much as I did otherwise. but I know my kids are not preparing and I am also trying to build up enough for them as well. There is nothing I can do for the granddaughter that is in route to Washington state. She can't prepare but the Navy gave them mask, etc. for the trip. They haven't had to use them yet but are being very careful as they are staying in hotels at night and then back on road in mornings. DH and I gave them emergency money for the trip, so hoping they will be fine. 

I don't think I can do much more as we had things in place for emergencies but never expected coronavirus. Have had my mask for over 6 years. And have always kept a large supply of canned goods that I have canned and some store bought as well. 

It was crazy last night looking on some of the long term food sights and seeing sold out all over the place. So people are preparing but I have not been out to see what is happening in stores today. And next week is first of month so don't think you can make a determination on rather it is normal shopping or panic shopping as some would call it. Food stamps and snap people are always out in herds the first week of every month around here. 

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The corona virus is very susceptible to cleaning products, so antibacterial cleaners is a plus. Optivida's Silver Sol, when sprayed on hard surfaces, lasts indefinitely. Their gel, when used on the hands, will last 4 hours. These facts have been proven through testing around the world.


As you said, a fine mist spray of the Silver Sol is what I plan to do on the masks.  I would re-use the masks under certain conditions, but that's just me.

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Hello Darlene,  Nice to meet you here.

I would only  reuse those mask in a last resort situation. I do plan on spraying any we have used, Letting them dry and then placing them in a plastic bag for reuse if we really need to do that. Though I hope it won't come to that.  We have loads of antibacterial cleaners. So hoping we will be good to go. I have been given the house a good deep cleaning and airing out the house when I can on the warmer days. Still fighting some of that cement dust from replacing driveway and porch. What a mess. But we have most of it cleaned up from places we never thought it could get to. Hope we never have to do that again.

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DH read somewhere about spraying hydrogen peroxide on used masks....then washing that off later after it's killed the virus.  So we picked up a spray bottle but .....I have to get more data from him.  At less than $3, I just grabbed as we hurried thru store. 


MtRider  :shrug:   YMMV? 

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Just in Case someone is wearing the "surgical masks"  ...which side goes on the outside?  Color side outward.  I've worn them when I was broadcasting harsh coughing during bronchitis recently.  It protects others from your germs, mostly.  Somewhat protects the wearer...but not nearly like the N95.





A surgical mask, also known as a procedure mask or medical mask[1], is intended to be worn by health professionals during surgery and during nursing to catch the bacteria shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer's mouth and nose. They are not designed to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne bacteria or virus particles and are less effective than respirators, such as N95 or FFP masks, which provide better protection due to their material, shape and tight seal.



:lol:  And just in case anyone needs this data......from the same site as above:


Surgical masks are popularly worn by the general public in East Asian countries to reduce the chance of spreading airborne diseases; in Japan, it is common to wear a face mask in flu season to avoid infecting others or being infected in public settings. [20] In Japan and Taiwan, it is common to see these masks worn during the flu season, as a show of consideration for others and social responsibility.[21] However, it may also be worn for allergies, to avoid talking to strangers, or be used to avoid the need of putting on make up when going out. It could be used for fashion, especially black cloth masks which KPop idols often wear.

Surgical masks may also be worn to conceal identity. In the United States banks, convenience stores, etc. have banned their use as a result of criminals repeatedly doing so. In the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests, some protestors wore surgical masks (amongst other types of mask) to avoid recognition, and the government tried (but failed) to ban such use.




How Should You Wear a Surgical Mask?

While masks can give you protection, it can only do so when you’re wearing them properly. Follow these steps in making sure you’re using them right:

  1. Place the colored side of the mask (blue or green) in front, away from your face, and the white portion inside, touching your face. The blue side is waterproof, preventing droplets of germs from sticking to it. The white part, on the other hand, is an absorbent material, soaking up droplets from your coughs or sneezes. 
  2. Put the side of the mask that has a stiff, bendable thread on top, aligned to the bridge of your nose. Squeeze it there, molding your nose’s shape, so you can keep that area covered.
  3. Stretch the mask until below the chin area.
  4. Place the string loops around each ear.

Make sure that you have clean hands when doing these steps. As for removing the mask, it’s important not to touch its blue or white portion, as these may be filled with germs. Instead, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the string loops and lift the mask gently off your face.
  2. Wrap the mask in paper before throwing it out.
  3. Wash your hands with soap and water.


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Mt. Rider, you have got that nailed. That is the way to do it.  Though I don't have the surgical mask, I have the N95 mask and is about the same concept.  Also when removing the rubber gloves. Carefully gab the end of glove at the wrist and pull down to turn glove inside out. That will put the outside of glove to the inside and thus keeping the germs inside the glove. Hope I explained that good. Not easy to explain. 

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