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Watcha doing today?

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Good afternoon!
Bo and I walked first.
Put sweet potato slices in the oven to dehydrate for dogs.
Walked both dogs.
Sprayed yard for weeds.
I'm pretty much done for the day, so I will find something else to do.

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I went shopping today. Meijers is having their 7 for 7 sale. Plus a lot of other deals. You have to get 7 items to get it for $7.00. But if you go over 7, then all the rest is $1.00. Some of the things are mix and match. I got 7 small bottles of orange, cranberry and a pina colada. Seven red, yellow and orange peppers and some other mix and match veggies. 10 boxes of the Craft mac and cheese (GS and his friends loves that stuff) and 7 packs of Knorr. They had some other mix and match sales too. I got three 8 pack bottles of Dr. Pepper for $12.00. They had Boston Market and Stoffers on sale for 4 for $10.00. I only got 4 of those. Finally, they had Boost nutrition drink on sale. I only drink one occasionally but they are good for me to have when I'm having an off day. If you buy 3 packs of any amount you got $5.00 off. I got 6. Whew. I made quite a haul. 


They also had asparagus back in stock. Not for $1.00 a pound but I was in the shopping mood and bought enough to make 4 more half pints to round it off to 40. I'll sleep better now.  :grinning-smiley-044:


I exchanged my white potatoes for some yellow ones. I'm kind of surprised they took them back. I decided to can with yellow instead of white. Yukon Gold are no where to be found up here. Google said to 'go for the gold' so....


My final check from State Farm came today. They made it out to both the bank AND me. So now it has to be shipped out to California to be signed and sent back to me so I can deposit it. :banghead:.  I'll get that started tomorrow. 


I'm pooped. 


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Jeepers it sounds like you had a busy day.  


I worked in the house this morning as it is too wet to work outside today after all that rain last night. 


Then for some dumb reason, I decided to see what the rates are now for a home loan. I had taken out money from the equity in the house. I got a much better interest rate and decided to go for it. Saving $680 a month by doing it and that will go back in on the principle plus some. Trying to get the house paid off fast and this was a good way to help do that faster. 

Someone tells me I'm crazy. I hate paperwork. 

Hoping for no rain tonight or tomorrow so I can get some things moved from garage to the shed. Need to get that stuff out of garage. I'm tired of looking at it. 

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Jeepers wish they hadn't done that but at least they sent it and hopefully you can be done with them soon. :hug3: You got some great deals!

Miki you had a productive day!

Littlesister glad you were able to do that. My rate is so low I'll never refinance we bought this house when the rates were below 3%. But I am also working on trying to pay all our loans off as quick as I can. 2 home improvement loans and one credit card (still paying off that trip last summer to see my grandbaby be born). Glad we own our vehicles. Every month chunking any money left over to the debt and the emergency fund. This month I get an extra paycheck so that's all going to the emergency fund.


Today I planted wisteria seeds in cups. I am planning on using them to create a "green fence" along the driveway. I'll put up some kind of support for them to climb. I know they can be invasive if you're not on top of them but I am planning on using them away from the house and keep them pruned so I think it will be nice. My rose I planted last year is blooming, love the color. I'm almost ready to plant out the tomatoes and peppers but have to wait until the next storm comes through tomorrow, then I'll plant them. I think they'll do really well.



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Love the photos @Becca_Anne!

Glad you got your last check @Jeepers but...  Figures they would drag you out.  Sigh

Nice that you will pay your house off sooner than later @Littlesister.


Already walked.
Taking DH to dentist for one filling and partial fitting. He will be happy about that! Finally teeth!
Stop at dispensary and chat about job.
Walk dogs.
Clean and downsize butcher block drawers.
Clean jewelry.

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Becca Anne, those flowers are pretty. Spring is definitely here.  And summer is not far behind.  If my rates were below 3%, I wouldn't do anything either. My DH had 2.5% when he bought the house in 1972. It had been paid off for years till I decided to take out a home equity loan to do the much-needed work on the house. And of course I had to go with what the rates are. One place I checked out wanted me to do an ARM's loan. Nope won't going to happen in these times. 7 years fixed and after that you pay what the going interest rates might be. 7 years is a long time to do that. And I plan to have my house paid back off by that time. So went with someone else. I did some shopping around. The rates have dropped some so I am taking advantage of that. Too big of a monthly savings not to. Then if I don't have the house paid off yet. I will refinance again depending on the rates at that time. I keep hearing they will be dropping after the election. But I think that will depend on who is in office and rather or not this mess of a country can be turned around on the right foot. I really do feel for these young kids trying to buy a house. My GD in Washington said they are looking to buy land with a house or land and build a house. But are just watching right now. They at least were able to buy a house several years ago but is hard for them now with the interest rates. 


Jeepers, I am so glad this mess with the house is almost over for you.  I don't know what State Farm's issues are but what they did with the money was not necessary with holding it up like they did.  But at least that is a huge relieve off of your shoulders. 


Miki, Glad you are getting everything taken care of for your DH. I am sure he will be glad to have it all behind him for a long while. 


Today, I am cleaning bathrooms, mopping floors, balancing the check book and paying a bill. 

Then when it is a bit cooler later, I will work in garage. No rain but getting hot and I still don't want to turn on the air conditioning till I really have to. So far, the ceiling fans are keeping the house at about 70* so that I can handle. Don't want to pay the higher prices to the piper till I have to. I am enjoying all my low utility bills right now. More money in my pocket and in my emergency account.  I am trying to build that up a bit more than I normally keep in there. Call it inflation.  Need to also make appointment to put the car in shop. Just the normal maintenance that I keep putting off. Need to do it soon. So will do it as soon as the paperwork is done for the refinance. I hate paperwork but this will be well worth it. 

Later this evening I will take a dust mop I bought just for the walls, ceilings, and top of doors and things and dust them down again. Yes, Jeepers the sawdust and mess just keep on giving. Will wipe down all doors again as well. 

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You all seem to get so much done.  I have spent the last several weeks doing my "Swedish death cleaning".  I am trying to make it easier for my executor to wade through my years of pack rattiness.  I have only made a dent in it all. I think the only way to prevent my buildup would have been to move more often!


It is getting close to full blown summer here.  The high is around 88 and it is getting more humid. I haven't turned the a/c on yet.  I noticed a small burn  area where it plugs in so I figured I better have it checked out.  I have been waiting on 2 different people to look at it.  I don't know what it is but nobody wants to work anymore.

No one shows up and most of them don't even call.  Why don't they just say I am too busy or I don't need the money instead of saying they will be out.


BeccaAnne, I love roses too. Yours are so beautiful.  Right now I am innundated with them.  DH loved knock out roses and put in several bushes. I think of him when I look at the flowers.



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I had a great day today. Finally. I took the check to the mortgage company, BofA, and OMG. They endorsed it right there. That has never happened before. Figures the last check they would do it. I'm not going to complain though. I had time to talk to the guy waiting on me and we started talking about State Farm. He left them a couple of years ago. He asked who my agent was. I told him and before I could get my horror story out (telling me to ask senior citizens for help when they were late again paying my hotel bill and I was locked out of my room. I'm never forgetting that.) And he had a horror story to tell me about that same agent too. Small town talk travels fast. Anyway. I ran that check over to my bank and deposited it fast. All I have to do is wait for a new invoice from my construction company and pay them off. :knary:


I love my bank. Everyone in there knows me and they greet me by name. Of course I've been in there a lot with insurance checks and my banker fixing me up with interest bearing accounts etc. But it's still nice. 


I ended up at Meijers again. I was looking for some blinds (no luck) and had to walk by the fruit/veg. Many things are still 7 for $7.00. Mix and match. They had a 2-pack of fresh corn on the cob. I got 3 (6 ears) pack's. 2 pack's of carrots. 2 bags of little new potatoes and one 3 pound bag of onions. All for $8.00. You have to get to 7 items then anything else you get is $1.00. I have caught some pretty good sales up here lately. I'm going to cook the corn, potatoes and carrots up together and eat high on the hog this week. I could have gotten a hunk of beef but I'd rather just have the veggies. I'll cook them in beef broth. I can't believe how much fruit and veggies I have in my fridge right now. Too bad it doesn't stay fresh long. 


I forgot to mention that I'm having a hard time finding strawberries that have any taste to them. They have been horrible this year up here. I took a chance and bought some at Gordon Food Service and they were actually pretty good. Their frozen whole green beans are excellent. Just passing that along. 


Heart monitor comes off today. Will mail it off tomorrow.  :hapydancsmil: My skin was getting raw around the electrodes. If this one didn't take I'm done. 


Doctor's office messaged me wanting me to see a nephrologist. I told him fine but not now. I have enough on my plate dealing with cardiology. The tilt table test people messaged me and said they might have given me the wrong info on what to wear. I should wear two pieces and not a dress because they have to place electrodes on my sides, stomach and chest. I Googled the test on YouTube and they said an IV was involved and if you pass out, they might want to keep you for 24 hours. My luck...  I forgot that my social worker AKA "ride coordinator" hasn't called back yet. I'll start on him tomorrow. 


I spent a couple of hours on the phone with different cousins. They all weathered the storm last night. Lots of trees down though.  :pray:


Everyone I met today was so nice and cheerful. Lots of smiles and people holding the door open for me. I think spring is in the air. Wait till summer heat sets in. Grump city.  :grinning-smiley-044:

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Momo, I understand about clutter. Boy do I ever!  And it seems the more I do, the more there is left to do. I don't know what it is with workers either. They don't call back or show up. Why do they advertise their service then? It's a real let down 


Littlesister, I'm either going to get a dust mop or a long handled Swiffer. 


Anyone know if you can use a wet Swiffer on woodwork and painted walls? I'm thinking something damp would trap the dust better? 

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Jeepers, if you use a wet swifter, it might leave streaks on the wall. What I do is spray my duster with end dust, wait a minute and then wipe everything down. That seems to catch all the dust till it starts to settle from the air again later. The end dust is for dusting and does catch the dust in the mop.  And glad that check got signed and ready for final payment. I know that alone is a load off of your mind. 


Today, I went through a lot of paperwork for the new loan. I am supposed to upload everything to them by computer. I don't know how to upload stuff but will get GS to help me with it. They gave me a list of what I need.  So shouldn't be too hard. 


It really got hot and humid today. Weather forced me to turn on the air condition. I was hoping to hold out another week at the most. But I guess since this is May, It's time. But really hoping for more cool weather also. I think we are in for a very hot summer. 


GD texted me a while ago and wants me to babysit tomorrow. So won't get a lot done in house.  They closed on the house today and the baby is not happy about things being packed up. She senses something is going on and she is being very cranky. I hope she sleeps for them tonight. They are going to have a very busy day. 

Seems every time I have things to get done, I get a call asking me to keep the baby. Just wish I would have gotten more warning about it. At least I could plan around it much better. But that is how this family is. Even my daughter. That is a no warning for most of the time. Just a text, hi mom, I'm in the driveway.  I love keeping the baby and I love the visits from my DD but please give me some warning. I don't just sit around all day on my butt doing nothing. I have my stuff to get done.


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6 hours ago, Momo said:

pack rattiness

 :lol:   I LOVE IT!  Ahem....not that I can relate or anything.....  :whistling:  


Well....I got a bottle of Flonase and a box of Clariton (which I can start when I'm done with the prescription version of same).  Breathing is much more clear.  The Flonase is easy...does not drip.  And the smell.....oddly, reminds me of Grma's house long ago.  ?? :shrug:  ??   So it's all good.  Y'know, I could get used to this breathing thing!  :blink:  Don't know what you're missing til you get meds........ Hmm..  


The ear....dunno.  It feels kinda numb.  Not sure I'm hearing well out of it.  But that may just be cuz I'm not wearing the hearing aid in that ear and I am in the other one.  Had DH check it tonite and it's red/inflamed along the ear canal...which the ER doc didn't mention.  Sheeesh, I hope I don't get something infected.   THAT would complicate the airplane .... :wacko:


So glad your ear healed, Jeepers.  Looked so painful! 



I set my alarm for 7am  :0327:  cuz D was going to pick me up for Bible Study so DH could sleep in/rest his back.  She was coming at 8:20am.  :o  I woke up at 8:15!!!!  :runcirclsmiley2: I must not have put the alarm button on.  Dashed around doing two things at once to get ready.  Fortunately, she didn't have to be early cuz someone else was going to help set up our table arrangement.  So she arrived at 8:30 and I was breathless but ready.  :rolleyes:   Good Grief.  Did I ask for more excitement in my life right now??  This was our last one or I'd have just skipped it, but it was good to talk/study with others.  


Haven't made progress with any packing this whole week.  Just don't have it in me - with all the rest of what's going on. 


MtRider  ...bed early.  TIRED! 

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Market yesterday. Decent day after the horrible weather on Tuesday, but it was HOT!! 🥵 

DX’s neighborhood got hit bad Tuesday evening by tornado. Trees on houses and down everywhere. He lives on a lake and his docks are gone... MIA. DSIL went and cleaned up the trees across his driveway so there’s access to the house. 
DS2’s surgery was moved from yesterday to today. Tornado went threw that area, but I’m not sure that has anything to do with it. He said they either ordered or received the wrong plates. And he told me the 3rd *thing-I-can’t-remember*... cables. So he has to have plates, pins, and cables. Although I’m not sure what *cables* are or what they do. Maybe I’ll understand better after his surgery. I plan to be there... even if just to sit and wait with DDIL. She’s been an absolute rockstar through this. They’ve only been going out for a couple years and living together for about 6 months. She’s a keeper and he better make sure he does!! He told DD that they were up for over 2 hrs Tuesday night trying to get his position comfortable enough for him to sleep. And he’s in too much pain to get up just to pee... so she empties a urinal (jar 😂) for him and waits on him hand and foot— doing all the *farm* chores and even *taking care* of DGD(13). 

pics of flowers I took yesterday (beautiful, sunny, 83*). Today is raining, windy, high 50-52*. 😔








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@Necie  Yep, I think DIL is a keeper. She'll probably need to decompress when this is all over too. Your flowers are lovely. Praying for a successful surgery for your son!  :pray:


Got my heart monitor mailed off today. And that's about it. We keep getting rain over here. Beats the heat though. Supposed to be a hot one this year with an active hurricane season. Do they say that every year?  :shrug:


Since I reached out to a couple of cousins over the tornado that ripped through southern Indiana, I've been getting a lot of calls from some other ones too. I had forgotten that one lives in Ft. Wayne. We have all gone in different directions and most of them want to reconnect. I love em all but I run out of things to say...if you can believe that. :D

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Mt. Rider, I hope your ears clear up and all is well for the trip to Hawaii. You will get there. One step at a time. 


Necie, those flowers are so pretty.  We had a hot day yesterday of 90 degrees and today 83

degrees. They do say we are going to have a rough hurricane season, but I have heard that before and it didn't happen. So, hoping that we don't have anything to bad.  And yes, DIL is a keeper. You son needs make it permeant and not let her get away. 

That cable you are talking about might be a coracoid. It is a medal plate to hold the bones together. 


Jeepers, it's good that you are reconnecting with your cousins. And I am glad that no one or family and friends hurt in those tornadoes. They were bad. 


I had a busy day today.  Sat down and balanced check book before the baby came and GS and I had a talk about girls. Yes, he has a long-distance girlfriend and was questioning things this girl was doing. Guess he needed GM advice. He can be funny sometimes. He's off tomorrow and going to help his sister with moving and I am keeping the baby again. Baby and I went to my next-door neighbor's house for a bit and that child was the life of the party. She was laughing at everything. But at least she was having a good time. Neighbor wants me to bring her over again tomorrow. So, we will go back for a bit tomorrow to visit again. She still can't walk well with 3 blood clots in her leg. She's on meds to get them to dissolve by themselves. I hope they do, or she could be heading to surgery. 

GSIL picked the baby up and then I went out to wash down the tarp that was covering the wood pile so I can get it dried and put away. Then rinsed down the car that was still green from pollen. I really need to give the car a good cleaning inside and out. Just need the time. Hopefully next week will be clear all week and I can get a lot done. Need to get the house baby proof soon. She is trying to crawl. Not there yet though. I need those plastic things that you put into the outlets. So, a shopping trip is in order or an online trip. 

Yard work is on hold till the flower beds dry out a bit more, but we are supposed to be having more rain. She just turned 7 months yesterday. Seems like she was just born. 

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Posted (edited)

Lonnnng day. 

DS2’s surgery was supposed to be at 2:00. Didn’t get him in til 3:30. They had said that a *regular* surgery would take about an hour, but to expect 2-2.5 hrs due to the amount of damage. It took just under 2 hrs and the surgeon said it went great. Funny thing... the surgeon was the same one that did the surgery on his arm years ago. Recovery was short— DS couldn’t wait to get out of there. Major difference for the good just from before surgery to after. The wrong plate that was shipped was the *normal* one, and the nurse explained that they had to wait to get a thicker, stronger plate to bridge the damage. The cable is wire. So he got a plate, 7 screws and wired where the free bone fragment spans the middle. Said 2 wks of no lifting, then light lifting, then he should be back to normal use in 8-10 wks. 
Rainy, chilly day. Tomorrow is supposed to be better. Hoping to go help DDIL start planting their garden if DS is feeling well enough to not need her in the house. 

pic after surgery. 





Edited by Necie
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Necie, I am so glad it all went well, and the recovery won't take so long. Glad they could get him in to do it today instead of tomorrow.  Now all he needs to do is behave himself.  Will he need Phy. therapy later?


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Necie those flowers are lovely! So glad the surgery was successful hopefully he will take it nice and slow in his recovery and let his body heal without pushing himself too much.

Jeepers so glad for you that's you're done with the heart monitor hopefully they got what they needed.

Mt Rider glad the nasal spray is working for you and I hope all the fluid build up resolves before your flight. When do you fly out?

I was rewarded for all my work in the garden today with a big bowl of ripe strawberries! I was amazed the other day no red in sight and the birds didn't get to them before I did :wub: I have bird netting on my list to pick up when I go buy straw this weekend. Looking forward to enjoying them all summer.



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Those strawberries look wonderful @Becca_Anne!  Hopefully taste great too!

Your flowers a so pretty @Necie!  I'm very glad the surgery went well!

I'm happy that BOA finally is cooperating with you @Jeepers!

@Momo, I've been decluttering for about a year.  Still have so much to do.  


Hard to get on here right now.
Had to go 70 miles away yesterday for audiologist to do temp fix on DH's hearing aid, since Bo ate the ear piece. Went to Walmart while over there. Found a clearanced microwave/ air fryer combo for $70. That is less than the microwave we have now- but I'm keeping it for now. Wanted one appliance/ dual use! Also hit a salvage store on the way back. Orkin came to inspect and refill bait trays.


Today, already walked.
Walked dogs.
Going to clean up jewelry in a few minutes.
Not sure what else.


DH loves his partials!  Wears them all day with no problems!

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@snapshotmiki glad your husband is doing so well with his new chompers! That has to be a spirit lifter for him.  Mr. Miki =>:happy0203:


Not a good Blood Pressure day. I spent some time on the floor preventing faints. For someone with high blood pressure mine sure bottoms out a lot. :rolleyes:


I did play Cinderella for awhile. I got almost all of the fireplace insert cleaned. Both inside and out. I could have finished it but it got dark on me. I forgot that I don't have any lamps left in the house. There are two little spot lights in there but they don't give out much light. It'll give me something to look forward to tomorrow. :D

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Glad everything is working out for everyone. Surgeries, hearing aids, and so much more. Now to get Jeepers straight with her Blood pressure. That was a smart thing to do staying on the floor just in case. Falls can be bad at our age no matter how it happens. 


Baby sat from early this morning till just before 7pm when DGD picked the baby up. The baby does not like her uncle's voice (my GS) she cries every time she sees him. Seems she's that way with her dad's father also. She cries when she sees him also. Can't figure it out. But any way GS was with GD all day helping them move. The baby was a blast. Laughing and playing. She loves her cartoons. Baby nursery rhymes.  I fed her real food not just a bottle of breast milk. Mom still doesn't give her a lot of food. Like for breakfast, lunch and dinner but only dinner. Well, my DD and I have this thing. We plead the 5th. The baby loves peas, carrots and potatoes and went back for seconds. By feeding her throughout the day, 3 meals instead of just dinner, she was happier and playing more. Naps were still in the short range as she hates it when she gets tired and fusses but was easier to put down for a nap as she had a full belly. 


So, house had nothing done in it today, so catching up tomorrow.  The kids got everything moved into the new house. They just need to go back and clean up the one they were renting. They had one guy that took him over 2 hours to get to the house they moved into because of 2 wrecks. Someone got killed in one of them. Seems a semi-truck was trying to make a U turn and another truck and car was involved and not sure about the other one, but things were bottled necked for a few hours around here. Something needs to be done but doubt it will happen. I really hate to see what will happen if we ever have to evacuate. I have a couple of ways to get out of dodge and GS thinks he may have found a 3ed way. He is looking into it and will let me know. Then we will both go check it out to see if it is a good one or not. 

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Went to DS2/DDIL’s this morning to help plant garden. DDIL had it all rotatilled and ready. They want to do one side all potatoes, so that has to wait til I go to the farm and get the planter and DS1 can help. 
We started in on the other side with everything else. DGD(13) marked out rows with string and hoe while DDIL and I started planting. Then DDIL and DGD worked on putting chicken wire around garden... the chickens are a PITA... while I kept planting. Then DDIL had to go pick up the littles and DS2’s pain med prescription... the local was wearing off and he was feeling it... so DGD and I finished planting. When we got done, I took DGD to town to get her mom’s Mother’s Day present. DS2 got about an hour of quiet time with no kids between me/DGD leaving and DDIL/littles getting home. Dropped DGD off, gave everyone hugs and smooches and headed home. Got home at about 7:00. DH made noodles for dinner. 😂 Done for the day. 

Farmer’s market tomorrow. Also gotta stop and get Mother’s Day gifts. And will probably run to the farm for awhile... we’ll see. It’s also my yard/garage saling day. We’ll see how far I get. 🥴


:hug3:and :kissy:


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