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I thought that it might be time to introduce myself


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I have been reading these forums for a little while and joined about a week ago. I have even responded to other posts, but haven't gotten around to introducing myself.

I am a single mom with an 18 year old daughter still living at home. My older daughter is married with 6 kids and another coming next Febuary. I think she is nuts, but not because of having so many kids, but because her health is not good enough to be pregnant. Each time she gets pregant she risks her life and her heatlh gets worse. So as much as I love my grandkids, I would love to see her stop having them. I can wait for my other duaghter to start having hers for more grandkids. I currently live in a small town. I have lived in town my whole life. I called myself a city girl and my daughter corrected me. She said a city girl is someone from a big city like LA, NY, Chicargo or even Akron. She pointed out I am a town girl which isn't quite the same as a city girl. I suppose I can see her point. Anyway, I am hoping to move out of town soon. My neice has offered me a piece of her land. I have some mixed feelings about living there, but I am really looking forward to it.


I am a registered nurse and that means one of my focuses for being prepared is to take care of the health needs of my family. I am always looking up natural or herbal methods of healing. I believe in a mixture of modern and alternative medicines. I have been interested in preparing for a few years now. At first I didn't think of it as being prepared though. I just thought of it as being smart keeping extra food on hand, because you never knew when you might need it. Now I am trying to be more active, but I have dug into too many of my supplies, so I am not as prepared as I would like even for a short term problem. I need to get to work on building things up. I will get my supplies build up. I am also looking to build up a good reference library. I am open to any suggestions for a basic library to be prepared for things I currently don't know how to do.


I currently live in Ohio, but I have lived on both coasts. I grew up in Massachusetts and after the army, I moved to California. I missed the change of seasons and so I ended up in Ohio. I am hoping this next move I make will be the last one. I can't wait. My neice and I are already planning on sharing a garden. She also has chickens. I asked tonight. she says she has blackberries, blueberries and rasberries. I can't wait to be able to go out and pick my own berries. It will nice living in the country, but still having someone close enough for us to work together. She may not be an expert, but she has lived there for a while and knows what to expect in the area. It will also have me living close to my grandkids again so I will get to see them more often. Now our visits are too far in between.


I love to do all sorts of crafts and also work on my families geneaology. I also love to read. Now all I have to do is relearn how to cook, and I mean real cooking. I have lived out of cans and prepackaged food for so long, that I have forgotten how to cook anything from scratch. I want to remember all that I have forgotten.

I also should mention that I talk alot...that means I might end up with long posts such as this one.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you better. This seems like such a great site.

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Deb2of9, we are so happy you've joined us and I really appreciate you taking the time to share a little about yourself. It's always so wonderful to get to know our friends here better.


Like I was telling you in another post, I've recently taken that step that you are about to take and if you're anything like me, you won't regret one minute of it. I have and continue to hit many bumps on the road, but I just hold on to my hat, and like I was telling my oldest daughter earlier today, there's just something inside of me that won't let me give up or fail. I've had friends who are absolutely amazed at this step I've taken and a huge part of me doesn't understand their surprise...what's so surprising about following the leading of not only ones heart, but of ones Lord.


Anyway, from what I've read that you've posted, you will be very happy with the friends we have here. If there's anything you need that we can help with, please don't hesitate to let us know.

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Hi! I make long posts too with lots of links!


In your searching for health info... chocolate has many uses right?



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of course. I just did a paper for school on how dark chocolate can lower blood pressure. Okay, it doesn't lower it much, but it is a good health reason to eat chocolate.

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wavewelcome5 Deb. Always nice to see another nurse around here. This is a great place to learn and share, with tons of good info and lots of friendly people to help you on the way.



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Welcome to the family! smile I'm in Ohio also! Up by Coshocton.


If you want a couple of really informative books try Storey Basic Country Skills and The Encyclopedia of Country Living. Putting Food By is excellent also for canning and such. Emergency Preparedness and Survival Guide from Backwoods Homeis basic but good. I'm currently reading Crisis Preparedness Handbook and it is excellent. But I'm not done yet.


Take care!



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mistylady. I used to live near Coshocton myself, in West Lafayette. Moved up closer to Canton about 13 years ago because there were more nursing jobs up this way. We don't live far from each other at all...In fact my oldest grandson was born in Coshocton although we had moved up here by then. She had started her maternity care with a doctor there and wanted him to deliver him.


Where I plan on moving to soon is close to Tappan Lake...practically right down 36 from your area.


Thanks for the suggestions on books. I need to get one and get started reading it. I have been looking on line, but I am definately a book person. There is something about a book that you can hold in your hand and even underline or highlight when you want to.

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