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What are you canning today? Part 6


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Well I pulled my first all-nighter of the year last night canning stock and apricots. I just have to say....if I hear one more person say "I would never want to work that hard" just because they see 14 quarts of something cooling on the counter I may blow my gasket and flip my lid. Truly, I am the only person who knows how hard I work...and I thank God for that every day. It beats the whole world knowing what is in my basement. :whistling:


The thing that makes me feel sad/pround/downright reverent is I know for a fact I'm not working nearly as hard as my grandmother did. I have never canned an entire cow in three days because I have no refrigeration or ability to freeze anything. :bow:


I guess it is hard for some to understand dedication to HARD WORK when its so easy, not to mention socially acceptable, to stand in line for a hand-out when we could be working, being productive. Working and being productive are about a LOT more than having a job with a paycheck. They are a state of mind and an internal structure. I bless the memory of hard-working, honorable grandmothers and all that they taught us.


I am rich in meaningful work!!!!! I am grateful, not looking for pity!!! :motz_6: Sorry for that rant, but it felt so good and I can't say it to the neighbors or they'll want to see my basement! I'm quite sure I'm not the only one here who has ever felt this way, too.





All of us here completely understand how you feel. You've worked hard and now you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Now, 'fess up, how many times a day do you sneak down to the basement to admire your handiwork? I bet it's beautiful! Of course, it's a beauty only us canning nerds here on Mrs S would appreciate! Keep up the wonderful work!

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Okay--so with my canner--things went well. We almost ran out of water the first go round, but thank goodness I wasn't doing something that needed to be in for over an hour, so we made it. That stupid weight though! Geez! It scared the bejesus out of me when it popped up and started "hissing and spitting" at me! I think my poor Presto even jumped! But you're right--it's much easier to "keep an ear out for". I ran upstairs for something and could still hear the thing going.


Alright then--my total for the weekend--9 pint jars of pickled sweet peppers, 20 quarts and 9 pints of green beans, and 22 quarts of potatoes.


Now I've got a break for Cub Scout camp, then I'm sure there will be peaches to can next weekend. *is exhausted already*


Night all!

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We all understand the work behind it all. Some days I wonder why I do this !! Then, I see prices at the store, think of the lousy taste, not to mention the "allowed rat droppings, bugs parts, etc. " in the store foods. Then I remember EXACTLY why I do this.


Proud of each of you, too !!!!! You all get some rest and then you will be ready to tackle more.

Still after 35 years of preserving foods, I am always looking at my jars of foods. Makes me so happy !


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Good morning!


Violet - I think you need to put a warning on your posts. The monitor nearly had its own coffee this morning when I red the part on canning. LOL!! With that and my 2 year old DD asking me to come help her in the bathroom only to find out that the help she needed was to find out what the HUGE thing in there was and why the potty chair was moved, I think it's going to be a fun day! The huge thing was a standing cabinet - not sure about it, except I can put some of the everyday first aid supplies in it and free up for more stocks. :rolleyes:


We have put up 73 pints of green beans and I think I have frozen 20+ pounds. We picked up 2 bushel boxes and the garden is going gangbusters.


I shelled & froze a bushel box of sugar snap peas. I have a new respect for anyone that does that & hope it's going to be enough for the winter. :mellow: Ours are slowing down so I've been putting them in the freezer whole as we get some.


I started apricot jam yesterday 8 half-pints and 2 pints. I have one more small batch to do but want to pick up a few more pounds (we can't get cases unless I order in advance) so I can can halves and try apricot butter. The necter sounds good so I might try that.


Zucchini sliced and grated and in the freezer. Bread in the freezer, too. Squash is sliced in the freezer. Has anyone ever made squash bread before? I have a recipe and would like to try it but am a little nervous on flavor.


I was able to put up 5 qts of chicken soup. I had a thought yesterday while doing apricots though and want to see if you think it is workable. I only have one stock pot so I can only do 1 chicken at a time. Would it be possible to make the one batch, cool it and put it in the fridge while making a second one (do the same) and then put all of it in a large crock pot to get it hot again (or put in stock pot to boil and then in the crock)? It makes sense but I'm not sure if a crock pot can get maintain that heat and how much liquid would be lost.





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I FINALLY got the new cast iron propane cooker set up and have 7 qts of goat meat going right now. More in the fridge to do tomorrow.


I grow all our meat because I know what it ate and I know it didn't have any chemicals or hormones pumped in it. I also know it was not dragged thru a vat of manure and chlorine before being pumped full of "broth" of unknown composition, flash frozen and sent to the supermarket!


I am sure glad to have a fridge and a freezer to hold the meat till I get it canned. Two big wethers is more than enough to do over a span of days. I can just imagine doing a cow.

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LOL, it tastes like goat. Unless it is a buck, it doesn't taste like a buck smells. Some people say it tastes like deer, but I don't agree. I like it best in a strongly seasoned dish like chili or BBQ. I've heard it makes good curry, but I've never cared much for curry. It stands up well to strong seasoning that would overwhelm most meats.

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LOL, it tastes like goat.


:P I figgered you'd say that.


When I was small we went to Mexico and at some point we ate some kind of meat chunks cooked with green chiles. I heard someone say it was goat. The adults didn't eat much of it, I loved it. But I'm not positive it really was goat though.

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After years of pressure canning with a dial gauge canner, I finally found the nerve to use a weighted gauge canner. I canned 17 jars of beef stew meat and was worried that my jiggler wasn't jiggling correctly, went ahead with the processing time and decompression period. Called the manufacturer this afternoon and described that my jiggly weight didn't rock but rather hissed the entire time after initially rocking when it came up to pressure. The service rep assured me I was doing it right and that I wasn't going to poison my family. So, look out meat and veggies, here I come! With this canner I can do 20 pints at a crack which beats the 8 I can get into my dial gauge canner. There is enough room on my stove to run both canners at the same time. Dial gauge is short and stout and jiggly one is tall and thin. They look good side by side!


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There are a couple of recipies in the BBB. One I remember was for watermelon rind pickles. You can take the juice from just about anything and make jelly.


I've never had watermelon jelly, but I do have a thing for watermelon..I adore it!


If you make some let us know it works out! :)

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Tomatoes in right now, and then green beans. They keep putting on and I am so thankful.


Our tomato crop here in Ohio is very disappointing, we've had an abnormally cool summer which is great for sleeping (over night lows around 65 degrees) but bad for tomatoes. However, I put up 42 quarts of green beans last weekend, 26 pints of pickled corn relish this week and I just bought some peaches fromthe farmers market ( S. Carolina peaches) for the weekend BUT! I'm not sure what to do with them. Any recipes? My Ball book says before canning to "use a commercial mix of asorbic and citric acids to prevent darkening"

What ARE they talking about? Any brand names guys?

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